Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Haha, nice one Lynn :lol:

It does all belong in the gutter. It's Cath and Nick's fault, not ours :rolleyes:

It's about another 6 weeks until Season 7 :(
:lol: Lynn, I think even that person wouldn't believe that.

*weakly* Too long, might not survive *falls over from the lack of catnip*
6 Weeks??? Moriel, lets send threat emails to the writers!

Thanks, Guys! {smooch}

Yeah, its all CatNip's fault!!.. Its nice to blame them. haha.
I can't wait that long *slowly starts to waste aways*

CatNip puts us in the gutter, but they never take us out, is that fair?

*faints from lack of catnip*
Writer1: Should we give them their catnip this year?
Me: Duh!
Writer1: Who are you?
Me: Um... Your leader?
Writer2: Okay.
me: :D
Writer1: What do you want?
Me: Um, CatNip?
Writer2: Why?
Me: Because we're like the shizzle!
Come on Meimei, think of the spoiler. Nice CatNip in there. Think of how nice that spoiler will be when it happens!
*perks up* Spoiler *smiles*


^ I need something to look at.
^You know what I love about that episode. During almost all of C/N scenes during that part, they were close together. Close enough to touch, if they weren't. She didn't push him away, and he didn't pull away.
iheartnickcath said:

Nicky always thinks about the ______ .. in the closet. :devil:

lol about the window cleaner

Gris: What's going on?
Nick: We ere just...looking for window cleaner
Sara: Come on, it's our turn, you had your already
Cath: Nuh-uh, we're still busy *resumse kissing Nick*
6 Weeks??? Moriel, lets send threat emails to the writers!
Threats Lynn? Lol, rock on! I'm all about threatening TPTB! Lead the way my friend... :D
And you mean I have to wait 6 freakin' weeks for new Catnip?
**Moriel gasps in pain!** Oh we're SO threatening them now...ohhh, or better yet... Lynn let's go storm the offices and write the Catnip scenes ourselves! Ohh...I so like that plan! Kels....Manda... you with Lynn and I?! :D Anyone else? Come on catnippers...we're writing Catnip scenes for ourselves! :devil:

**Moriel grins and giggles....Bring on the gutter baby!**
*is slowly being brought back to life*

Yeah, CatNip gets the closet, gsr can have other places.

I want to come along. Cath and Nick enter broom closet, making sure no one else is around. Amanda ducks from the quickly approaching meter. Nick and Cath get the window cleaner
Ohhhh are we sneaking into the closet to spy Manda? Lol, I'm with ya :D

**Moriel tiptoes up to the closet...and peaks in...Catnip's doing it :devil:! Again! :devil:**
Count me in Moriel :D

Catherine and Nick are always doing it.

I like Cool Change, I like this scene:

As for the icon, ass grab? I think it's something else that's going on there :devil:
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