Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, well I think you're lucky Kels but you know what they say...the grass is always greener! ;) So there ya go Kels! :D And no worries Lynn, Kels I'll give ya all the details I can need to bust out the angsty fics! ;) :lol:

Yeah we need another poll soon... :D

am really really afraid they will insinuate, that she was raped, and that would be the most horrible thing if they make that happen...that would go beyond whumping to me, that is cruel, downright cruel. I really hope they do not take it that far.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Mo doesn't like my angsty fics.
She's a fluffy.

Kels, I actually have a movie cab, that I haven't used.

Who should we put the winner against? *is to lazy to look*

Yeah, those were the best two that we gotten in the last season. and it sucks that they were close to the end too, but I guess it all connects to the beginning of this one. we'll see, I suppose.

For Cath to go through in a two ep short of time. They'll have that woman committed before the season even starts. I'm hoping that the guy doesn't hurt Cath.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'm a fluffy too, but you can't beat some angst.

Lynn thats perfect.

Who was the winner of that last one?

It makes sense that they were near the end, they got back together, and that's going to continue into this season.
I feel sorry for Cath being put through so much, and they don't even let Nick be there for her, not yet anyway, or not that we'll get to see.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

The polls on hold. I need someone who hasn't voted to vote. Its dead even. Grr, Arg.

I can be fluffy at times, but I love my angst!

Yeah, thats what I was thinking too, they broke up and got back together towards the end of that one.

Yeah, I mean they didn't tell us/show us anything abotu Nick being there for her, So its a huge possibility that he will be
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I agree that it'll be hard between the possible rape and the kidnapping. I hope Nick is there for her even though we may not have seen it for sure in spoilers. She needs some loving from him :)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**huggles Lynn!** Lynny you know I like your fics, but as a fluffy I have to put up a token protest at least! ;) :lol: But even if I love your fics...fluff will always's just too dang good not to! :D :lol:

I think that is alot to have happen to poor Cath so very soon, and I think it's unrealistic of them to do all that to her without giving her some kind of support (aka Nick ;)) to be with her as she goes thru it. I know it's tv (so reality is suspended anyway :p) but still to make it believable I'd say Nick should be there...and reality aside, I just really hope he's there for her cuz that'd be very nice for her! :D

I'll try to get the TV Guide tomorrow and we'll see if they give us anymore clues!

5 days y'all! Wohoo!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You can do the poll now ;)

Even if they don't show us it we know that Nick will be there for her, he cares about her too much to let her go through it all alone.

Is it really that soon, yay, can't wait.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ohhhh yeah, do another poll! :D

Getting the TV Guide today...wohoo! :lol:

yeah even if they don't show Nicky comforting and being there for her (which they should!!) we know he is...he loves his Cath too much to leave her scared and hurting!

Okay, okay, okay....guess what I got!!!! :D Finally got the new TV Guide and there's lots of fun stuff in it... :D
Open it up and the title of the page is " TV Guide's MOMENT OF THE WEEK "....and there is Catnip's dancing pic! And in the little caption box it says..."Two More CSI's Get Close! When a clue brings Catherine and Nick to a nightclub, the duo take a break to boogie down to the tunes of John Mayer..."

there is a really cute pic of Cath between Nick and Warrick...their all wearing their outfits from last season's promo pic I think...Cath in the black dress, Nick in black jacket and dark jeans....both look VERY yummy! Then by the "details" for the premiere all it says for us is... "Meanwhile Catherine becomes a crime victim."

So yeah little fun things for us! Oh and so we know...Marg is going to be on David Letterman, Wednesday night to..."offer some clues to the 7th season of CSI." So that's CBS at 11:35 check that out too! Okay so there ya go... Lynn, Kels there are the details I could find! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick would never desert her when she's so vulnerable, they should show us, but they probably won't.

They have it as moment of the week, that's so cool for us, and they're definately getting close.

Marg's on Regis and Kelly one day next week too. Hope she mentions the dancing scene on one of the shows.

Thanks Moriel for buying it and letting us know what it says. *hugs*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Thanks Moriel for buying it and letting us know what it says. *hugs*
No problem at all Kels! Anything for my Catnip buddies! :D **hugs right back!**

Moment of the week is a good sign I think...that means it's on the radar and that's always good! And yeah I wish they'd show Nicky being there for her...I hope they do...I think they should!

I hope she mentions it on one of the shows'd think she's been a big deal lately! (To us especially I know...but still it's news! :D )
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It's still very good news. and thanks Mo for letting us know. You rock! :D

I agree, they should show it. You know he's going to be there for her, no matter what!

Us being mentioned is nice. and showing the picture in the TV Guide is even better, especially the, "two more csi's get close" thats completely great for us
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, no problem Lynny! **hugs!** You should buy it if you can find it, it's fun :D
make it seem like something is going on! The showcase of the pic, the total hint..."Get Close"...they're totally hinting at something and now they need to show us it already, dang it! :D And yeah we know Nick is there...he's not gonna let Cath out of his of course he's gonna be there!

Lovelies...where are you all this morning? :confused: Hey so here's something fun... **Looks at watch...** we have...83 hours and 4 minutes until our premiere!!! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Dudes, we were featured, 2 clips from Kels banner, and 1 when they first started dancin'. Yay baby, we were FEATURED!... Did anyone else see Brass getting a tat? Weird..

I still need to get that, but I haven't been anywhere yet. *pouts* ... I'm here!

The TV Guide one. I'm sure that their hinting at something, why would they use that pic and why would they mention close?.. and we're getting our spoiler in the first ep baby! Dancing!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

They showed the dancing, yay, that's great, and they showed a clip we haven't seen before, I'd love to have seen that, damn living here.

I'm here too. :D

It's a pretty big hint, getting close, we know what that means, but it shows in the pics anyway.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yay, hi my lovelies! :D **hugs!**
We were featured? Really? Sweet deal! When was that...last night or when? Bummer I missed it, that would have been totally fun to see!
yeah I totally think it means something...I mean it's a major hint...cuz the way I took it was...Sara and Gris got close (aka we see them in what the TV Guide called "post smex bliss") so if that's TV Guide's definition of "getting close" then Catnip getting close is fabulous for us! :devil:

Our premiere is so close...I can't believe we can actually count in hours...and it's not even a hugely high number of hours! :lol: :lol: Yay!!
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