Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**Moriel dances a little jig!** Lol, YAY, I SO knew it! :lol: Sorry I can't resist just a little happiness over that hon! ;) Lol, I guess your secret can be safe with me for the moment! :D **whispers...."but still....YAY!" ** :lol:
Yeah! Can you imagine...I just finished watching "Gum Drops" and seeing how emotionally involved he got in that case and he didn't even know the little girl....I can just imagine how he'd get when it's HIS Cath that's involved. I certainly would not want to get in his way...not that I mind, whoever does anything to Cath, totally deserves whatever Nick does to him.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yeah yeah yeah. So I like a little bit, CatNip deserves it.

I already know I don't like pissedoff!Cath. and by that,I don't wanna see Pissedoff!Nicky either. I'm sure he would kick that guys ass for hurting Cat!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Agreed. Didn't he get kinda ticked in Gum Drops? It's definately going to be a lot worse when it's Cath involved. And agreed about the afterward. I'd love to see them cuddled up drifting off to sleep together....*sigh* and Cath is safe in his arms...
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**winks and huggles Lynn!** Catnip does indeed deserve it, but then...I think every ship deserves it! ;) Lol! :lol:
along the lines of Nick insisting that he gets to interrogate the guy, he plays it cool so he won't get refused...and then he gets in there and at first he's totally composed, Mr. Cool...but then the guy says some dumb ass crude comment about Cath and Nick loses it and grabs the guy and just starts beating the crap out of him, and he has to literally be pulled off the I know that wouldn't be exactly professional but I could totally see the other CSI's covering for him and saying they didn't see anything...
yay that would make a really nice ending...Nicky wrapping Cath in his arms as she drifts to sleep, him protecting her. That'd be sweet! :D

Cannot wait for Thursday! I'm totally excited for our spoiler...yay! I'm dreading the end of the ep though :p...I know that's a little premature, but still...I'm gonna die waiting another whole week to see what happens!! :(
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That would be really nice to see....Grrrrr, go Nicky lol. If they didn't have cameras in the room....then he could really be in trouble :( But if they don't, I can defiantely see everyone else covering. And *sigh* that would be a lovely visual, Moriel :)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It's great the amount of notice that CatNip has got before the season's even begun. The spoiler has been talked about loads and not just by us.

I think the vid might be the same, it looked like Catherine laying on the bed when it first got released. I really don't want her to have been raped, I know Catherine's tough but that's just too much for anyone to have to deal with. I know Nick would be there for her and he wouldn't treat her any differently if she had been. I still prefer everyone else's scenarios.

awwwww. .. You didn't just hear that.
Haha, I heard that, I knew you had a fluffy side, you just try and hide it. :lol:

We saw a side of Nick of in Gum Drops we've never seen before. If he did get to interview the guy I could see him being a lot worse than he was with the guy in Gum Drops, he really lost it. He'd be far worse if it involved Catherine. I think the others would definately have his back.

I really hope we get lots of CatNip through season 7, I know we're getting an amazing start, but I can't have another Season 6 where I hope for just one CatNip scene then get disappointed. At least they gave us a good ending last season.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey Mel :D Kels Hi hon! :D We're hours away y'all...what like 60 hours and 1 minute! Heehee, YAY! :D **does a little dance for joy!**
Yeah Catnip is really getting noticed, I love that! I'm hoping that because it's getting talked about more, that means we'll be getting more scenes with them this season! They're focusing on it more, so maybe they'll give us more to be focused on! (make sense? :D )

Haha, I heard that, I knew you had a fluffy side, you just try and hide it.
Lol, yeah fabulous huh Kels! Lol, sorry Lynn hon but it got out! ;) :lol:
I think they'll hint at her possibly having been raped, but I'm really hoping that they just hint at it and then it turns out she's not (obviously!). Cuz yeah I agree, I don't think she'll come back from that easily...and I don't want it to be the main focus of Cath's story lines for the next season or so ya know...and as far as Nicky...yeah he'd be there for her and it would definitely draw them closer together, and I think her being in danger could be what makes them reveal they're together! :D Something about your girl being in danger makes secrecy not so important! ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I agree with Mo. Maybe this means we'll get more scenes this season. :D One can hope.

IF the girl does interfere and Cath tells him to go or Nick goes, just remember its not because of why we think. Its only because whatever happens to Cath, that they had to get Nicky outta the way, and they knew he wouldn't unless they had to do something with him. So thats where him dancing with that girl comes from. Don't let anyone try to change that in your mind. Thats the ONLY reason why Nick's dancing with her. Ok? Just remember how hot the scene that we're going to get is.. and remember that they might not wanna reveal us just yet, we still got a whole season to go and part 2 of that ep to go. So we're not letting anyone tell us any differently...yes, I'm tired of ppl saying BS.

*not a fluffy, not a fluffy*

Yeah, i agree with you guys. I don't think Cath could bring herself back from something like that, not in two episodes anyways, its going to be bad enough for her for Sam. and then tryin' to find Linds in the meantime. Yeah, Mo. Those kinds of things is gonna be hard for them not to reveal their together. But I think the team, who'll be upset as well, will cover for Nick when he kicks the guys ass!.... Speaking of Nick kicking a guys ass, how great is that Nick gets to kick KFeds ass?!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Of course you agree with me Lynny! :D **winks!** :lol:
that's totally what I'm keeping in mind. I've been lurking in the spoiler thread and a bunch of people there have been saying, "Well Cath tells Nick to go dance with some other girl so obviously that means there's nothing there!" And I just want to yell! :mad: It doesn't mean that at all, so Nick dances with some girl, he's not making out with her in the middle of the dance floor...they're just dancing...Catnip can and does exist, Nick dancing with some other girl does not erase our ship, AT ALL! :D
**keep telling yourself that just keep telling yourself that...just remember, I know the truth hon! ;)**
things like that take a long time to get over, and I don't think they have the realistic time to devote to I don't want them to! Yeah Lynn I agree, have her deal with Sam and Linds...don't add that on top of it. And yeah I'm so Stoked (no pun intended!) that Nick gets to kick KFed's ass...that cracked me up big time! :lol: I LOVE it! Go Nick!!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Please Read Me

Just thought I'd pop in and remind everyone that once a new episode has aired in the US (all four times zones) that you don't need to use the spoiler code anymore.

I'm sure everyone will be happy about that. ;) :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yup, I will be. I can't wait to not use spoiler tags!

That's exactly whats keeping me from kicking and screaming at people. It doesn't matter what they say and what Nicky does. I don't even know why their acting like that, they haven't even seen the ep yet, how they even know what Nicky does?.. We do exist, and so what if Nicky dances with that other girl, we know the truth, thats all that matters, and they know it too or they wouldn't be freaking out :D

Oh its so not true...

Yeah, all of that is to much for her in one ep. Sam, Linds, and then a possible rape. And your right, they don't have the time to sit around and go into it like someone would. She's strong, but I don't think she's strong enough to go through that and bounce back the next day, I know she's not in my fic.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I know won't that be exciting! Yay...for being able to speak freely...heehee! :lol:
I think those other people are freaking out because they know we're right and they're just trying to rain on our parade! And yeah since they haven't seen the ep yet they don't know what happens. And as far as Nicky dancing with the other girl, like I said so's just a dance he's not proposing or even kissing ;)
sure, just keep telling yourself! :lol:
strong yeah, but even she isn't that strong I don't think...and that just seems like too many bad things happening all at once, even for t.v. ...ya know! So my fingers are really crossed, that that won't happen to her.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Wow, I feel really late, but because of stupid school I have to say this now, yay, new thread.

Cath is strong. I'm not sure I would be able to go through all of that. Plus, she has Nicky to help her so that is a bonus. Everything that is going on with her in two episodes, that puts a bright spot on the rest of the season, because she won't have much more drama.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Freedom Speech!

Wow, that was a good one, Lynn. Great job!.. Anyways, I got emailed a vid of just C/N dancing. He twirls her twice, and when he dips her he brings her back up, and that would be a perfect time to kiss cause he brings her up really close, but.. I loved to be a fly on that wall!

I will. *nods

Yeah, I agree w/You guys. Maybe Cath won't have so much drama to deal with through the rest of the season, and yeah she's got Nicky to help her and pull her through it. And yeah, even for tv that is alot for her to go through at one time..I'm hoping with you that they don't do that to her.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Manda hi hon! :D No worries...better late than never, right! Just glad to see ya back around here! ;)

need to email me that vid!! :D Oh please, oh please!! Seriously it's a vid of them dancing and twirling and dipping? Oh please, is there any way you can email me that? PM me and I'll give ya my email...that'd be awesome! Lucky you! ;)
**You do that...but ya know hon, you can run ;)....but ya can't hide! :lol:**
I think about it...the more I think that they will just scare us with the possibility but then eventually make it not have happened. Ya know, cuz shows like that are all about building drama, and the possibility of that would make for huge drama. So I think they will hold the threat of that for a while, but finally prove that it didn't happen. Cuz not that I'd mind all the focus on Cath (and or Catnip!), but since it's an ensemble show I don't see the writers putting that much drama and focus solely on Cath ya know....
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