Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, Lexx you totally crack me up hon! :lol: In a good way though totally, so no worries! :D :D
I'd love to join the "Where'd the smut come from?" club, but I think Lynn & Kels won't let me; cuz I have this funny habit of saying or reading the most normal things and then taking them straight to the gutter while dragging both Lynn & Kels with I'm not sure I'd be good at that club :lol:

Mmmm, a ship with Cath that doesn't involve Nic.... **GASP! Rapidly puts her fingers in her ears....and sings loudly...lalalalalalala!!** I don't want to know, I'm in denial about the existence of any other ship with Cath that doesn't involve Nicky! :lol: But I am very curious to hear about the AWE spoilers....I'd love it if you'd PM me those! Pretty please! :D )

Lexx I TOTALLY agree... To Be Continued's are just cruel and unusual punishment! The writers should take a page from Lexx & Mo's shipper script and give us the dang endings that we want! The world will love them and ratings will everyone wins! Problem solved, Case Closed, we all go home happy! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I go to bed early and I miss a whole page, and I miss talking about Crow's Feet :(

I thought we weren't talking about the hoe anymore. Her having anything to do with what happened to Catherine would just make me hate her even more than I already do.

Nice caps I missed, they always go to the gutter. :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, Hi Kels! Yeah Our thread exploded with fun-ness last night! :lol: I thought I'd go to bed and find out that we were on page 10 when I woke up this morning... :D

Yeah I agree...we should not talk about her anymore...although if she had something to do with what happened to Cath...well let's just say talking isn't what I'd be doing to her anyway... :mad: **pitchforks anyone?!** But since we're not talking about her...wait who are we not talking about?... :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

nobody, Alexx and i killed her. :D

To Be Continued... is the worst thing you could do to any show. they hate us and want to make us suffer.

Al, I'm not even going to say anything about the other ships that invold Catherine. Just not gonna, for fear of getting wacked. Cath needs to be saved. What is Nick going to do about that? Who would she call first? Nick? Grissom? Greg? *gasps* Warrick?! *Nick, obviously as this is the CatNip thread but still.*

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

nobody, Alexx and i killed her.
Nice, Liv! Thank you for that, you have just made many Catnippers very happy! :lol:

I think if she did call someone, she'd call Nick first...but for some reason I see her not calling anyone and just taking the evidence to Wendy herself and trying to go on with her life (which won't work, but I see her trying...) and then I see Nick finding out second hand thru Wendy or someone else and then him going to her and asking what happened and her finally breaking down with him and him comforting her and then killing the ******* who hurt her.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I don't see her calling any of the guys, I don't even see her calling Sara. But I do think the first person will be Nicky she officially tells and breaksdown to.

And I'm with Mo, I'm in denial for all other Cath and Nick seperate ships, and if any of you mention any of those, you will get whacked, and I don't mean that easy whacks either.

*sighs* ... Kels missed Crows Feet talk, i say we bring it back just for her..
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

OMG, I had this horribly long post, and then the thing deleted on me...Damnit...I'll do my best to re-type everything, though, I doubt that it'll be as good as the original one was....

You know, Mo, time was that I used to be able to crack dear Lynn up as well. But, apparently, I've lost that power. So, it's good to know that I do, in fact, continue to crack someone up. ^^ And yeah, 'To Be Continued' shows suck huge eggs.
(I'll look around and see if I can't find those spoilers/rumors, and then send them to you, buddy. ;))

Yo, Kels. Yep, you missed the awesome-cool stuff last night. But, you'll be glad to know that the CatNip thread has single-handedly saved CBS.

Liv said:
Nobody, Alexx and I killed her.

*gasp!* Liv! You weren't supposed to tell anybody about that! But you know, we have saved the sanity of CatNippers everywhere...Or, what was left of it, anyway.

And now, because I'm so totally awesome and stuff, I shall answer Liv's question by narrowing them down and finding the actual answer.
My mother said to pick the very best one, and you are it. *points to Nick* ...I'm kidding.

Choice Number One - Warrick Brown :
Catherine Willows wouldn't call Warrick, simply because this is the CatNip thread, and we do not tolerate such things as this. So there.

Choice Number Two - Gil Grissom :
Though she could, very well call Grissom first, she wouldn't. You see, she knows that he wouldn't answer, due to the fact that he and Sara Sidle would be doing *clears throat* 'un-speakable things'. Ssshhh.

Choice Number Three - Greg Sanders :
Yes, she could, in fact, call Greggo first. But, thing is, she had forgotten his phone number, and was forced to call someone else. Though, Catherine also knows that, had she remembered his number, Greg's rock music would have been playing to loud for him to hear the phone anyway.

Choice Number Four - Nick Stokes :
Quite obviously, Catherine would phone Nicky first. If not only because this is the CatNip thread, and she is required to phone him, but...just because...Nick would also answer the phone, seeing as he would be sitting next to it, awaiting her call for hours. :D

And see? There you go. All worked out, and everybody is happy...I think. Yeah, happy. Uh... :p

ETA: Lynn posted, so now I change things...
If Catherine were to call someone and not one of the boys, and this is just because I say so, she'd call Sara...And then, Alexx could get all giddy and skip around like a happy little shipper girl. But...Seeing as this is the CatNip thread, I shall take my giddy skipping somewhere else. :eek:

- Alexx/Ally/Lexx/Al
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

The spoiler initially said that she calls Sara, but that could have changed.

There'll be no talking about Cath and Nick in seperate ships, there's been too much of that over the past couple of days.

Ooh I'm for that, you know I can always talk about Crow's Feet.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It could been changed, she could be calling Nicky boy. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

Yeah, really. I agree with you Kels, there really has.

haha. Kels loves Crows Feet. Kels, why don't you tell the thread your fav part, while I figure what to run one of those poll winners against.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

The spoilers aren't always right. There's nothing to say it can't be Nick, I hope it is too.

Favourite part of Crow's Feet, yeah like you have to ask, this one:

I do also love the scene when they go to question the doctor and Nick says that Catherine doesn't need it. The look she gives him is sweet.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Cath will call Nicky. (we already know he has to find out, the tv guide says he feels guilty.. so he finds out somehow) He'll come find her, and she'll tell him.

Those are my two fav scenes in Crows Feet.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Just a reminder guys. If you want to talk about the negative/positive things of other ships you can do so in The Great Ship Debate . Just remember not to flame or bash any of the ships, the actors, or the posters. ;)

There are multi-shippers and any negativity for other ships should be taken to the link above. :)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

He has to find out from somewhere, so why not from Catherine.

I also like that scene near the beginning, when they first talk to the doctor and he's flirting with Catherine, the looks Nick gives her are funny.

I could never choose between the muscle scene or the racing scene as my favourite scene, but I definately have to add the dancing scene to those. I now have three I can't decide between. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Him finding out from Catherine would be completely better. Cause she'll need someone to talk to, and she trusts Nick, and plus, he did tell her what happened to him.. maybe she'll do the same?

haha, Nick looks more like he could rip that doctors head off!

You know, i should be just plain mean and put all of them up against each other. *nods* I think I will.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I didn't think of that, it would seem appropriate.

Nick wasn't happy with the doctor, he was flirting with his woman.

Lynn! That's just mean, how can you do that to me. :(
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