Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It's okay I do too.. for some reason I thought that crows feet was in like s2?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Crow's Feet

season 5. Mo's right, its about the surgery. Unless she's talking about Rick and Sara (wasn't it them??) I only remember CatNip really. Cath got Nicky to make a muscle in it. ;)

Wow, Ally saved CBS.. Even though Jericho done that!.. but, this isn't the time or thread for that... :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

"Make a Muscle Nicky..." Awww... **sigh, swoon!** Greatest Catnip moment...right up until..."Now you gotta dance!" :lol: LOVE IT!! Yay for "Crow's Feet"...yay for Catnip dancing...I just LOVES our ship! :D

Talk about matching up to Grey's Anatomy, snogging wise. Hey...That could get our ratings back! *has saved CBS* Who wants to come with me and tell TPTB?!
Lol! **raises hand!** Me, me...oh pick me! I'll go with ya Alexx! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

OOO I remember that one now.. I also remember only coming in when nick was making a muscle. <3
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

ally totally saved CBS. i can picture it now. rought case. emotions every where. no where to put them....*:devil:* then just when Warrick is giving them all a lectur about acting like a team we have a shot of Sofia and Greg in the locker room doing *whispers*unspeakable things, Cath and Nick sitting in the garage in the blue jumpsuits holding hands and leaning on eachother,and Grissom and Sara... umm ...talking very close.

then BOOOM! fantastic episode, rating up, buhby Grey's Anatomy...wich is more like a soap oprea anyways.

next delima?!

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I miss the make the muscle thread. :( but I'm loving this thread. CatNip forever, baby!

I just loves our ship too. CatNip's very hot together, been shippin it since day one, and has recruited several people :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*claps* Yes, Mo, you and I can go and tell them!
Woo, Liv! Now I want that episode to air. We shall call it, "Pillow Talk", and the whole world will be forced to worship us for our amazing little episode that involved wwaayy too much smex for the TV to take, and it blows up. That 'Boom' you here is the sound of 29 million TV's across the nation exploding.

And, as much as I like Grey's Anatomy, all I have to say is: SEE YA LATER!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Heck Yes we should call it Pillow Talk! and that boom was not only people exploding, but if you listen very closely you can hear the high pictched swuee of shippers EVERYWHERE

there's never to much room for smex!

-x-lic...not right...but it fits!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Sweet Alexx let's go right now, I'm all for that! :D And "Pillow Talk" I love that, awesome title! :lol:

Catnip forever indeed! Yay for the Original ship...we SO rock! :D
and has recruited several people :D
**raises hand and waves!** Yup that'd be me...and may I say, yet eternally grateful I am that you did that! :D Otherwise I would have missed out on all the hotness that is Catnip! I don't think I could have to summerize, Lynn honey, you saved my life! :lol: :lol:

Hey so here's a you think Nick will be the first to find out about what happened to Cath? Cuz I could see her not telling anyone and then like Wendy processing her stuff and going to Griss and giving him the results and then Griss goes to Nick and tells him to go talk to her...for some reason I see it playing out like that...anyone else?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Mo - Right-O! Let's go!
You, me, and Liv should write a joint-fanfic like that...Just because we can.

And then, after a bit of time has passed, and the "Early Show" is replaying those scenes over again, everybody's head blows up! Seriously, I can see them doing something along the lines of, "Well, apparently, Grissom and Sara aren't the only one's doing it. In fact, in last night's epic CSI episode, we find out that nearly all the CSI's are getting some action." And then, BOOM!

Mo - Yeah, I can see that...*inserts Sara somewhere in there* What? I can't help it if I worship the ground that she walks on...
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

i like it Mo. Nick can be all sensitive and Cath can be a bitch about it (because i can see her being really touchy about the issue) until Nick tells her he has questions then Cath tells him and Nick crys and she huggs him and cries with him and they comfort eachother because that's what happens when you love somebody even if they don't love you back but we know they love eachother, but what if nick doesn't know that cath loves him and he's just goingaround flirting with other girls because he doens't think cath likes him and then when he think's it's too late she tells him how she really feels causing him to be happy and sad and frustrated. happy becsause she loves him, angrey because he didn't have the courage to tell her himself, and frustrated because he could have told her all those years ago how he felt. but now he think's it could be too late to be with her because she doesn't think he can handle her baggage and she's afraid to let him love her because she doesn't want to get hurt and oh my gods i need to stop.

i'm a minon!...delayed reaction

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You know, i hate to disappoint you, but Jericho done got rid of Grey's didn't any of you watch Letterman the other night?

I love being the original ship, Got something over ya ass, Ally!

See, I knew you would be a huge CatNipper when I first meet you in the DL thread.

The Mods are gonna kick our asses for all of that above. You all know that right?.... *whacks Ally* You told me I was doing randomless posting and you do the same thing!

I see Wendy wondering why it all comes back to Cath too, and Nicky walks in and hears her say it to herself and asks whats up, and she tells him, thinking that he either knows or just cause she can't figure it out or something. So Nicky goes to find Cath. All I gotta say is, Nick's gonna kick someones ass.

Ally, btw. Got the new TV Guide, You already know I'm not a big fan of Sara, but she looks really cute on it.

That was all for my random, I promise, no whacks!

Lets bring this thread back to CatNip stuff, shall we? Answer Mo's question, Gorram It!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Right on Lexx (can I call you that?!), here we go! :D

Liv ummmmm wow that was, wow! :lol: I gotta say I prefer Lynn's "They've been together since day 1" theory...must less drama and angst...which we all know I adore! :D (the less angst the better, although I acknowledge the need for some to make the fluff all the sweeter! :D )
I see Wendy wondering why it all comes back to Cath too, and Nicky walks in and hears her say it to herself and asks whats up, and she tells him, thinking that he either knows or just cause she can't figure it out or something. So Nicky goes to find Cath.
Ohhh, yeah that's a good one hon...okay I go with that...that's a very good possiblity. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Sure, Mo, bring on the new nicknames!

I watched Letterman when Marg was on it, which was Wednesday, but that was it...Maybe the combined powers of Jericho and Shark have saved CBS...But, you have to admit, "Pillow Talk" would be the best friggin' episode in CSI history. And, coming from me, that is saying a load.

*gasp!* Lynn has something over my ass?! Dear God, no!

*whistles* I don't know what you mean, Lynn. What with randomness, and such. *gets whacked* Not my fault that I can't control myself.

Yay for Nicky kicking someone's ass! Seriously sorry that I don't have much to say for CatNip though. You people know that I ship it, but you also know that I ship GSR...Which means that all my thoughts go that way, and then I get on this thread, and have nothing at all to say. It's quite frusterating, actually, because I don't think about the future of CatNip as much as you guys do, so I cling to my loverly ship.

Oh, did you really? Yes, she certainly does, doesn't she?

CatNip stuff? *looks above* Um...right.
Well, I think that, as Liv and Lynn said, Wendy or someone will be doing the tests, and then...poof, Nicky will find out. And, for my own enjoyment, run smack into Sara, who falls backward {*cough*intoherboyfriend'sarms*cough*}.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It was when Marg was on. It happened like before they showed her.

See, you can't lecture me for random postage, when you do the same thing, suckers!

If you don't start shipping CatNip like I do. I'm gonna to whack you on a more daily basis, and I mean like Gibbs whacks Tony and McGee. You get me?

Now, I'll be nice, and skip around my thread. Thats right, MY thread. Gorram it, its mine.
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