Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okey no more mention of...wait what are we not, I don't even sad...all I can think of is Catnip joy...and how Nick is going to comfort Cath after this horrid ordeal.

Oh and Lynny **reaches into her pocket and grabs a $5....** you won our bet, well done! ;) :lol:

Yeah as sad as it is, Nicky had to leave Cath to have this storyline for her...and apparently I have a touch (just a touch mind you Lynn don't I told you so on me too much here!) of angsty in me...cuz the drama is good...only...ONLY in that it leads to fluffy comfort! :lol: So hopefully we'll get the fluffy comfort from Nick for Cath after this horrid ordeal for her. Because like you said hon, our Catnip really does deserve the fluff! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Moriel - Thankies, I shall be a rant goddess one day. *nods* *is nosey* What bet?

iilovecsii - Well, thanks for welcoming me back. And I welcome you to the loverly CatNip-y shipping thread! Woo! That's true, though, everybody dating each other would totally screw up my canon plans...
And yep, my name is Alexx, though, you and whoever else feels like it may call me 'Ally', because some weird arse people around here gave me that nickname...*looks at Lynn, Amanda, and Lynnie* And, you guessed right, I have the ultra-awesome TV Guide with Grissom and Sara on the front, because I'm that great.

Lynn - Aww...Yeah, I totally pwn the weirdness. ^^ Love you too...v_v;;

But, anyway, to CatNip! ...I have nothing to say anymore...*continues munching on food*

- Alexx
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Knowing Ally, if its got GSR on it, she's got it. But anyways, not those threads. I'm the only one allowed to do that.. well not even me, Kimmy kick my ass, CSIM whack me. So, I play nice.

For now.

Don't bring that hoe talk in here. Don't wanna hear it anymore, please and thank you. I'm sticking to Mo's story. She's just a friend. *nods* Lets think and talk about how hot our ship was on that dance floor!

oooooooh. I won't do the told you so, if you won't, deal?

CatNip deserves the fluff, we didn't get that much in season 6, till the end. Season 7 should be catnip's year, baby!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Thankies, I shall be a rant goddess one day. *nods* *is nosey* What bet?
Lol, Alexx I love that...rant goddess...I might just have to call you that from now on! :lol: As for the bet... Lynn and I had a bet going on who would ask the other to dance at the club, I said Cath would ask Nick and she said Nick would ask Cath...either way really we both won, cuz Catnip danced! But since she called it right, she technically won! ;) :lol:
Don't wanna hear it anymore, please and thank you. I'm sticking to Mo's story. She's just a friend. *nods*
**nods back!** That's the story and I'm sticking to it! Besides weren't we not speaking of that anymore! ;)
oooooooh. I won't do the told you so, if you won't, deal?
I think I can handle that! :D I know how about we tease eachother nicely about it every once in a while?! :lol: Heehee! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip was very hot on the dancefloor, the looks they gave each other were cute.

I like the way they got to the dancefloor, they both wanted it, if Nick hadn't said that then Cath definately would have.

I really hope Season 7 is our season, I've got a good feeling about it anyway.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Technically, i so won. but we both won cause our beloved ship danced. :D

Nope, we're onto, could cath and Nick look any HOTTER on that floor?

Don't we always, Mo. ;) It's what we do.. we're both hurting if Auda comes in here, though! :lol:

ETA: Kels, season 7 is ours baby! oh and *takes $$ from Mo, and splits it with her*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

o_o;; The rant goddess is my new name? Hehehe...Fear me! *gets pelted with bricks* Or, don't, whatever.
Mo...I don't even have a comment for that bet...But, I would have done the same thing, had it been GSR, so I can understand...I think.

Woo for dancing! Oh, and Lynn, I'm pretty sure I can think of a way that they'd be hotter, but I'd better keep it to myself...>.>

Can we...share season seven? Pplleeaassee? You so know that you want two hot ships to kick ass this season. Come'on.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I like the way they got to the dancefloor, they both wanted it, if Nick hadn't said that then Cath definately would have.
Yeah that was really cute, I loved how excited both of them got at the mention of John Mayer...they're smiles got so big, it was great! :D
I really hope Season 7 is our season, I've got a good feeling about it anyway.
I know me too Kels totally! I've just got this lovely anticipation of great things for our ship! :D
Technically, i so won. but we both won cause our beloved ship danced.
Lol, yeah you did Lynn but I'm okay with that! ;) Cuz it was too dang hot for me to care! :devil: And uh yeah the only way it could have been hotter...would be if...well... **ducks the meter** I can't say cuz I'll get whacked! :devil:
Don't we always, Mo. It's what we do.. we're both hurting if Auda comes in here, though!
Lol, yup Lynn it's so what we do! :D And yeah if Aud came in here, she'd be laughing (or something! ;)) at both of us! :lol:

Alexx as long as we get our Catnip, then I'm all for having GSR too...I loves both...I think I loves Catnip more ;) But GSR is good too..."veggie burger" anyone? ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*snatches veggie burger from Mo* Oh, yeah...You can have CatNip too. *nods* Totally. Because, if you didn't, you guys would steal GSR from me, and that isn't good, so I just go, "Oh, yeah...CatNip!" when the show is on in hopes of getting a scene worthy of you people...Just so I can have my "veggie burger"...Because seriously, Lynn would steal it from me...She'd probably take my fries too, but that isn't the point...

How 'bout we talk about what we'd like to see in this upcoming season, just so we aren't having pointless rambling?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ally said:
Fear me! *gets pelted with bricks* Or, don't, whatever.

You read my mind.

Lynn, I'm pretty sure I can think of a way that they'd be hotter, but I'd better keep it to myself...>.>

Does it involve smex?

Can we...share season seven? Pplleeaassee? You so know that you want two hot ships to kick ass this season. Come'on.

Mo said:
Alexx as long as we get our Catnip, then I'm all for having GSR too...

I might support her answer. I'm almost all for anything as long as I get my CatNip.. and I don't mean the kind Cats eat, Squishy (I know she's there.)

Yeah that was really cute, I loved how excited both of them got at the mention of John Mayer...they're smiles got so big, it was great

I did too, they looked so incredibly cute at that moment. :D They looked cute with their smiles and looks earlier at the lab too. ;)

I've just got this lovely anticipation of great things for our ship!

I really did too. it really got hyped up after the dance scene. and the smiles from the lab.

yeah, really, Auda will totally be laughing at us, she probably already is by teh DL thread, lol.

Ally said:
Because seriously, Lynn would steal it from me...She'd probably take my fries too, but that isn't the point...

How 'bout we talk about what we'd like to see in this upcoming season, just so we aren't having pointless rambling?

Eh, You can have your burger... I want a bedroom scene, dangit! ... Can I have your fries?

Pointless rambling, she says... *whacks her on the back of the head*.. yeah, I learned from Gibbs.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

hahaha! now i have my YoBling friend shipping CatNip. it's all Nick's fault now you guys. he wasn't watching his Kitty Cat. now she's broken and he get's to pick up the peices.

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lynn said:
You read my mind.
Does it involve smex?
I might support her answer. I'm almost all for anything as long as I get my CatNip.. and I don't mean the kind Cats eat, Squishy (I know she's there.)

I'm good like that...
It...slightly does, I suppose.
Dude, really? *dies*

Lynn said:
Eh, You can have your burger... I want a bedroom scene, dangit! ... Can I have your fries?
Pointless rambling, she says... *whacks her on the back of the head*.. yeah, I learned from Gibbs.

*clings to burger* Yay! Oooh, bedroom scenes totally pwn everything. o_o;;...erm...sorry. But yeah, you can have the fries. Here. *hands Lynn fries*

*gets whacked* Well...Tell the mods that I tried...*dies*

FrostBite said:
hahaha! now i have my YoBling friend shipping CatNip. it's all Nick's fault now you guys. he wasn't watching his Kitty Cat. now she's broken and he get's to pick up the peices.

Oooh, Liv, I am really fond of that one right there. "Picking up the pieces"? Brilliant. But seriously though, Nicky really should have been watching her. I was re-watching the episode with my mum, and I was wondering how Cath could have possibly been dragged, or carried, or whatever without Nicky noticing...But, I suppose he was too preoccupied with his...erm...'friend'. *hits Nicky on the back of the head*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Liv said:
hahaha! now i have my YoBling friend shipping CatNip. it's all Nick's fault now you guys. he wasn't watching his Kitty Cat. now she's broken and he get's to pick up the peices.


*gives Liv box of cookies* ... Liv, I think your more angsty then me at times, and thats shocking, but I agree. ;)

Ally said:
I'm good like that...
It...slightly does, I suppose.
Dude, really? *dies*

I'm sure you are.
It better include smex or your getting whacked again.
..*thinks of burrying you, but brings you back* Yes, dude, really.

ally said:
*clings to burger* Yay! Oooh, bedroom scenes totally pwn everything. o_o;;...erm...sorry. But yeah, you can have the fries. Here. *hands Lynn fries*

*gets whacked* Well...Tell the mods that I tried...*dies*

*takes fries* Thank you... Bedroom scene would be nice for us, really.

Alright, so you wanted to talk about? things we want to happen this season?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I was going to say dancing naked, but whatever...Yes, it can be smex, if you really wish.
Well, Lynn, at least you brought me back. I could have missed all the CatNip/GSR-y action! o_o;; Because, I still maintain that Catherine and Nicky will find out about Grissom and Sara, and then the four will strike a deal.

*munches on burger* You are welcome...But yes, a bedroom scene would be really nice for CatNip. Not to mention totally sexy, but that is beside the point...Or, is it the actual point? Either way, it'd be nice. *nods*

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That is the point, really, But I like hearing about it :D

I think they'll strike a deal, because their both are gonna have to have each other backs, and at least Griss can't lecture Cath for doing the same thing.

Dancing Naked and Smex, please?

Okay, so.. first of all, I want the ransom to come out, I want Nicky to find out Cath paid for it.. secondly, I want more scenes this season. and I want CatNip to admit their doing it!...yeah, thirdly, *eats a couple of fries* I want to see Nicky be the one that saves her through all of this.
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