Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

theatresporter said:
Did Nick kiss Cath on the cheek after the dance, after he dipped her? I thought I saw that, but I could be wrong. I figure you guys would know ;) Anyway, the whole thing between them was super cute! I love that these two have so much fun together - really adorable :)

I thought I saw that, too!! But who wouldn't want to kiss Cath? ;)

Tonight's dancing bit was real cute, but I was actually really mad that Nick didn't stay with Cath. Attractive woman->streets of Vegas->drunk perverted men = ? But she did encourage him to go flirt with the other woman, so it's not his fault. But I do wonder how she was able to be taken from the bar, drugged, and not seen by anyone, especially Nick. And wouldn't he have noticed that something was wrong because she kept rubbing her head like she had a headache? I think TPTB made Nicky too stupid :(
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Did Nick kiss Cath on the cheek after the dance, after he dipped her? I thought I saw that, but I could be wrong. I figure you guys would know
Gah now is when I really really wish I had been able to tape this ep...I could go and check on this! Lol...from what I remember it's entirely likely he did...and I would LOVE that! :lol: (Anyone tape it so we can know for sure?!)

But I do wonder how she was able to be taken from the bar, drugged, and not seen by anyone, especially Nick.
Yeah quoth I don't know how that happened either...I don't see Nick ignoring her that completely that he didn't notice something like that happening. :p
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okay yes the scene together was hot. until that other hot blonde showed up.=[ I kinda not likin nick right now though.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Awww no hon, don't let that one little moment make you hate Nicky :( Bad choice on his part yes, but Cath did tell him to go...twice. (Not sure how he missed her being taken out of the bar...unless she was taken by a stealthy ninja, hmmm...) And since Nick "knew" the blonde, I'm still sticking with my he was dancing with her to be polite theory! :p But yeah...I think Nick will do his best to make it up to Cath...and I have a good feeling he's gonna be feeling pretty guilty right about now.

Okay so here's my question for do you think our part 2 is gonna start? You think it will pick right up where it left off or not? (I actually had a Catnip dream last, well kinda...I dreamed that Cath went back to work and processed everything herself and didn't tell anyone what happened to her...and I tried to tell her that she couldn't bottle it all up inside her, that it wasn't good for her but she wouldn't I knew I had to go find Nick and get her to talk to him...but my dream ended before I could find him...grrrr!)

Kels have you seen the ep yet??! And where are you & Lynny? :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I really wish that the dancing with Cath had ended with Nick and Cath in bed!!!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Mmmmm, really? I gotta say...I'm not sure I'd actually want to see that. Now if they eluded to it...without actually showing it to us, then heck yeah I'm all over that! I'd LOVE it if they gave us a kiss like at Cath's front door and then her pulling him inside and then them shutting the front that'd be HOT! But I don't think it'd be necessary to show the actual bed scene...or that's my thought anyway... :lol: I tend to like to use my imagination for the more smutty stuff :D But that may just be me! :lol:

Found some pics! YAY!!! These are all at csiscreencaps...
My fav dance move...start dancing holding hands out to the side, then the guy folds your hand in and holds it over his's SO sweet and intimate...:

We got another Catnip hug...and look how happy Nicky is!

And I LOVE this one...the hoe is trying to get his attention...but he's clearly all about Cath, watching her leave and wanting her back!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'm not anti Nicky, but I am pissed at him. Him of all people should've noticed something was wrong with Cath. I mean come on, according to our theory he's sleeping with her, he works with her. He would've and should've noticed something was wrong. She wasn't acting like herself, he should've picked up on that. But I know that I wouldn't want to be that guy when Nicky finds out.

And Mo, I'm with you on that baby! He was being polite. at least it wasn't like we thought, that Nick was dancing with some random ho. Its his friend, besides at least our theory was right. Cath told him to go she wanted a drink.

Hiya TS and Ann == It really looked like he kissed her cheek too on my end.

We have Caps already???

And yes I won! Suckers!

Anyways, Mo, I agree, that first picture is perfect, him holding her hand like that. so loving.

second picture -- he does look really happy, he's dancing with his girl, and we got a hug outta it!

third picture -- He's like, my girl! come back! I need you!

Cath will get evidence to Wendy, since some of it will probably either register unknown female or Catherine (since she is on their thing anyways) and the guy of course. I'm hoping Nick's the one that catches it. and as for if they'll talk -- I think Nicky will ask her what happened.

All I know is, I don't want to be that guy when Nicky finds out... ooh

What if Kfed's involved? Maybe Nicky kicks his ass?..but I don't think Nicky fights Kfed for that reason..he fights with him and Greg at the scene I believe, but haha, KFED's getting his ass kicked!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ok, so the innertube thing on CBS is only for people who live in the US, should have known that. Not long finished watching the epi, I loved it.

We got a great scene in the lab. Nicky getting embarassed talking about Cath dancing. Then her putting her hand on his shoulder, she left it there for ages, and then the look she gave him, yeah I loved that scene. :D

The dancing scene seemed shorter than I thought it would be, but still loved every minute of it. I still say that Nick kissed her cheek at the end.

I know they had to get rid of Nick but didn't really like the way they did it. You see him waving bye to Catherine, I really believe that he couldn't see her properly, there's no way he'd have left her there if he'd seen what she was like.

I almost cried when Catherine was processing herself, then when she was crying in the shower, so heartbreaking to watch. Can't wait for the second part, poor Cath.

Nick's going to feel so guilty when he finds out, but we know they'll get through it.

Lynn you won. :lol: Did you notice that when Catherine was in front of him and they were walking to the dance floor, he was totally checking her ass. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hi! I can't believe last night! It was adorable! I totally fell in love with them all over again. And those pictures are amazing!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

hehe, hiya pet! :D I agree, except I fell more in love with them :D

I think him asking that, was his way of saying, "Cath, you me dancing tonight!"

I loved our dancing, They looked incredible. and hot. such a hot pairing we've got :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Moriel21 said:
Awww no hon, don't let that one little moment make you hate Nicky :( Bad choice on his part yes, but Cath did tell him to go...twice. (Not sure how he missed her being taken out of the bar...unless she was taken by a stealthy ninja, hmmm...) And since Nick "knew" the blonde, I'm still sticking with my he was dancing with her to be polite theory! :p But yeah...I think Nick will do his best to make it up to Cath...and I have a good feeling he's gonna be feeling pretty guilty right about now.

Okay maybe your right.. but I didn't notice that they both said bye. but now I'm am curious to see what happens between nick and cath.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You and me both. I think my theory could happen!..after all, i was right about the dance... yeah, I'm gonna brag about that for at least two weeks.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

hahaha, yeah its okay I'll probally be bragging too..My theory was that from the youtube promo vid.. Catherine was naked on a bed.. and that nick was dancing with another blonde. so we both get to brag. But yeah your theory COULD happen. =]
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