Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That's right.. It really easier to agree with me really. :D Ask Kels and Mo, they know.

Nick - Woah, Baby. You looking Hot there!
Cath - Nicky baby, *hand on shoulder* I know I am.
Cath - Alright, I admit it. You look hot.
Nick - I get to bed you tomorrow! Cath - Quit being cocky!
Nick - Nice ass, Cat!
Cath - You like that. Nick - Oh yes, thats the spot baby!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Aw they were so cute dancing together. I loved their conversation when Nick asked Cath if she still dances! Nick: *cough* "I dont mean the way you used to." :lol: Thats priceless.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

maybe they know but I don't...ok maybe on CatNip but not on Mac. He's mine I tell you :)

I like your captions...darn Imageshack won't show all of them but the ones it did....*drool* *thud* It's just too bad they couldn't do *censored* after the dance...:(
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

sandersidle said:
Aw they were so cute dancing together. I loved their conversation when Nick asked Cath if she still dances! Nick: *cough* "I dont mean the way you used to." :lol: Thats priceless.

lmao, that was priceless, Kels, we gotta add that one to the list for the heck of it!.. I love our scenes last night. CatNip completely rocked the house. ;)

Melly said:
maybe they know but I don't...ok maybe on CatNip but not on Mac. He's mine I tell you

You wish he was!

I like your captions...darn Imageshack won't show all of them but the ones it did....*drool* *thud* It's just too bad they couldn't do *censored* after the dance...:(

My caps rule, and you know this. and yes, you know to agree with me on CatNip. .. dangit, they will!. Just give em time *nods*


I'm gonna whack some ppl. Next one that says they liked Nick dancing with that other girl or glad that he did or says something anti-catnip or something about they wished it was another ship. I'm gonna whack you. So if your thinking that, consider yourself whacked. *hits Melly* Thats for thinking it.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It is easier to agree with Lynn :D

Nice caps. :lol:

Ok, we'll add that. :D

I loved the conversation about the dancing, she still does that kind of dancing for Nick. :devil:

I loved those two scenes we got last night, great start to the season for us.

I'm with you Lynn, this is my happy place and it's not nice when people are trying to take that away. :(
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Dangit. Nobody's taking our happy place. Ok? This is all about CatNip, the good, and the only bad will be me bitching about not getting scenes...which I won't, because I'm gonna be to busy bragging about our dance to do anything!

Oh, I put CatNip on the back of the durango, haha. and also on Timmy's truck, I wrote wash me, love CatNip.

Its a really great start for a season, especially with them dancing. I hope we got more and I can't wait for more C/N.

I'm really glad the dancing was Marg's idea. She picked George/Nick to dance with, How sweet! and he thinks she's beautiful and that he'd dance with her anytime so it all works out. ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

We're going to be bragging about the dancing for a long time.

Haha, nice one Lynn :lol:

I hope we get lots more scenes.

I'm glad it was her idea too, she knew how hot Catherine and Nick would be together. George was so sweet when he said that.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I just adore our banners. :D .. I still love the fact that he cuddles her hand into his and near his heart. Awww. I'm not a fluffy!

The dipping is hot, the twirlings are hot. :D CatNip's hot, baby!

She really did, I think thats why she picked Nick to be Cath's dance partner. wasn't it the other interview she mentioned that she's glad her and George got to have some fun?

I think we might get a possible scene outta that one. You know he's gonna ask her about something about last night.. or get teased over it, or something. I dunno. They have to have a scene next week

If Cath's working by herself, think we'll get anything here?

Whatever that dangit thing is, Ali said they interview a suspect together.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lmao Lynn saying stuff like that won't help your case. :lol: But that was cute.

I loved it all, and I still say he kissed her cheek.

I think she said something like that.

I hope we at least get something next week, not read about anything, but doesn't mean to say we won't.

Catherine's been mentioned in scenes with Brass, but I think it's only one case, not 100% sure, if it is then we have a chance for something.

At least we know we're getting something in that one, hope we get another seen as well as that one.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I loved it all, and I still say he kissed her cheek.

They all kiss each others cheek.. I say that they all just date each other... be one BIG couple.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

iilovecsii - Hehehe, that is a great theory right there. Not to mention very funny. ^^

Oh, no! I'm behind in posting again. Seriously, you people post too fast, because I'm a page behind, and that isn't funny. But, at least I have TV Guide Magazine now, and that's good. *nods* Because I've got door action and -- nevermind.

So, because I'm behind, I'm going to continue talking about dancing, because I'm cool...Yay for dancing. Catherine didn't look overly happy about giving Nicky away to that blonde [edited for adult content], and frankly, as said before, Nick didn't look to fond of it either. Though, Cat did pay for it, didn't she? I mean, if she continued dancing with Texas Toast...erm...I mean, Nicky, then she wouldn't have been screwed over so badly. *sigh* The dramatic stupid decisions. It's like watching one big Vonage add. "One good decision among many, many stupid ones."

[/end rant]
- Alexx
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip, Lynn, Kels I stop stalking our thread here for just an hour or so and y'all take off! Wowza...okay I don't think I can even try to catch up :lol:

But I will say I'm totally with you on people hating on Catnip and Nick...I mean yeah I'm pissed at him for not catching whoever stole Cath...but you know he's gonna be beating himself up for it. (TVGuide says he feels really guilty about it! :( ) You whack the haters and then let me have a go at them... :D

And I love all our caps...those are fabulous! And I totally think Nick was just dancing with a TOTALLY PLATONIC friend, cuz Cath is his question! :D

Alexx nice rant hon, I liked that ;) And Kels yeah wasn't that horribly sad when Cath was processing herself, I did cry at that...and I don't cry at t.v.!

I still love the fact that he cuddles her hand into his and near his heart. Awww. I'm not a fluffy!
Lol, oh my dear Lynny you are so not doing a good job convincing us of that! :lol: **hugs!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Told ya they support the ship, ha!. i rule, I win yet again.

Okay so I have fluffy moments when it comes to CatNip..

Ally, its not our fault, your never here. :p But you know I love you. Even though you're weird, and all.

Neither did look fond of Nicky dancing with the other chick, dangit. I don't wanna talk about that hoe anymore.

I was gonna be nice, and add GSR in my post just for you, but ha! I ain't now.

If Nicky would've stayed near Cath, dancing or other wise, they wouldn't have gotten that dramatic part for Cath. And that brings us to why I'm an angsty person. ;) But My catnip deserves the fluff.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I think there's been quite enough mention of the hoe in here, please no more.

Having fluffy mmoments where CatNip's concerned is fine. ;)

There wasn't really anything else they could have done to get Catherine alone, no matter what happened, he was going to have to leave her there alone for them to have the next part of the storyline.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

BurnedToast said:
iilovecsii - Hehehe, that is a great theory right there. Not to mention very funny. ^^

Oh, no! I'm behind in posting again. Seriously, you people post too fast, because I'm a page behind, and that isn't funny. But, at least I have TV Guide Magazine now, and that's good. *nods* Because I've got door action and -- nevermind.

So, because I'm behind, I'm going to continue talking about dancing, because I'm cool...Yay for dancing. Catherine didn't look overly happy about giving Nicky away to that blonde [edited for adult content], and frankly, as said before, Nick didn't look to fond of it either. Though, Cat did pay for it, didn't she? I mean, if she continued dancing with Texas Toast...erm...I mean, Nicky, then she wouldn't have been screwed over so badly. *sigh* The dramatic stupid decisions. It's like watching one big Vonage add. "One good decision among many, many stupid ones."

[/end rant]
- Alexx

Well common .. you gotta admitt.. everyone on this show loves each other.. so I think that they should all just have equal pieces of each other.. it makes sense... ITS SOO DRAMATIC!!!!

I know what you mean about being behind on posting.. I found that over the summer there really wasn't anything to talk about I've already said what I had to say.. but now that there is a new season it all changes.. well besides the fact that I have to use proxies to get on here..cause of my ddad. ( =[ ) I gave up reading it all . But even though I don't know you and I just started coming to this ship.. I'll still say it any way Welcome back Alex..I'm guessing is your name. Yeah do you have the tv guide with the interview with grissom and sara? Just wondering.
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