Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Don't run too far, far away Smi honey! :D You gotta stick around here to celebrate when we get our fabulous shippy scene tonight! YAY! I love what Marg and George said about it in the Talk CSI article...y'all should check it out...or read my little spoiler box above :lol: Good stuff! ;)

Can't wait y''s so close and I can't stop smiling! :D
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'm not sure if this is spoilery or not, so I'm putting it in spoilers!

How cute is it that the dancing was Ms. Helgenberger's idea? I really hope it was her idea to dance with Warrick! I must admit, I'm a multi-shipper, but I do think Cat and Nick can be super adorable, and this is a great opportunity for them! Mr. Eads seemed pleased to be dancing with Ms. Helgenberger, too. So, I'm pleased! Squee!
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

dude I would be pleased to dance with marg. lol. but yeah I gotta admitt that they do look cute together but not when Nick tries new things with his apperances.. like mustache.. common super mario! and his hair now I'm not to fond of. But I guess that I am a little more attracted to yobling.. but I like CatNip alot too. I don't know what to do!!!**runs to corner to cry**
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

iilovecsii honey, here's what you watch our Catnip ep tonight (pay special attention to our HOT Catnip scene :devil: ) and then go watch "Crow's Feet" and "Revenge is Best Served Cold" and a few of our other Catnip eps (see 1st page for the complete list by Lynn & Kels ) and then you free your inner Catnipper and embrace our lovely ship! :lol: Trust me, you'll love it! :D

2 hours and 6 minutes for me y'all....YAYYYYY!!!!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Trying to take my design away!. I brought it back, dangit!

Pet -- Normally, I'd tell you to run, but your my pet, so... I'm making ya ass stay, even if you do like a little Yobling... *pushes Melly out of the way* *scoffs* My bad.

Aww, my pet realizes we have chemistry. See thats why she's my pet, she listens to me. :D

I think ep list is on page 2.. dangit, I need to do a poll. and dangit, why'd I have to use Crows Feet earlier on, up against the ep that would've been NICE!

So has everyone seen it, so I can brag about it?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I haven't seen it yet Lynny don't brag quite yet!!! I've still got 48 minutes to go here... **pouts and stamps her foot...I want it NOW!!!** :lol:
I'm taking that as a good sign though...unless you're bragging about winning... :p But still that wouldn't be that bad...! :D

**Mo looks at her watch...hurry up and get here, dang it!!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

How the hell did that happen, nice to see it back.

It's hard not to notice that these two have chemistry and lots of it.

Still have to wait ages to see it. :( But I like what you told me so far, can't wait to see it.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okay y'all...not entirely sure why I'm gonna do this lol :lol:...but an effort to enjoy the show without any spoilers, well anymore spoilers ;) I'm gonna go distract myself with something for the next 32 minutes (YAY for only a half hour to go!! :lol: ) but you can be sure that as soon as our ep is over...I will back...jumping for joy I'm sure! :D Yay! :lol:
Okay here I go...see y'all in an hour and a half...after our premiere...wohoo!! :lol:

**hugs to my Catnip buddies...our ship is fabulous!!!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I won, bitches!.. :D ... We got two scenes, unless we got one at the main beginning, Mo your gonna have to tell me on that one.

These two got TONS of chemistry.

Can we add, "You gotta dance" to the thread names, lmao!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Argh, I can't wait, I need more now! I hate cliffhangers in fic and on the show. And he better be there to comfort her, that's all I gotta say.
It's okay, Smiliee and ilovecsi and all you others...I'm also part YoBlinger. *ducks and runs* I just can't decide, so I hang out with both ships :)

But tonight, I was in pure CatNip mode :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You do realise that I can't not read the spoiler tags even though I haven't seen it.

Haha, I knew it would be Nick. And I'm glad we got another scene.

We have to add that, can't wait to see that scene.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*sees Melly trying to sneak off with Mac* Hey! Mine!

I'm glad you agree on the chemistry and that you were in pure catnip mode.

Yeah it was cute,.. and Cath's the one that tells him to dance with that girl. and I love Cath touchin' his shoulder, and their cute little smiles and such.

Ppl trying to take my fairy dust away.

Yup, we gotta add it. I can't wait for you to see it
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

No, mine!

I just hope he finds out what happened and finds the idiot that did it. My one question is, why didn't he try to stop the guy? Did he not see what was going on before she left or whatever? Too crowded to see? Or did he leave with the chick? Anyway, I hope he finds the dirtbag and kicks his butt for us <g>
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

OH MY GAWD!!!! Okay y'all I have finally seen it...and Kels since you're reading the spoilers anyway hon, I'm just gonna write it all out and save ya the hassle of having to mess with the spoiler boxes! ;)

Again...may I just say OH MY GAWD...Okay so I couldn't tape the ep (which I am already hugely regretting! :p ) But because of that I took notes, yes I am an obsessed dork I know...but here in all it's glory is what is pretty much my running commentary on this ep!

**it starts...** Hella cool way to start a premiere! Very nice, gorgeous shots, big, dramatic, and awesome music! I LOVE Vegas! :lol:

**first see Cath** Gorgeous! Holy Cow that woman is!

**new credits** loved them...I always love it when they update the credits :D

**more proof I'm a dork...** I saw Nick and Cath were working the same scene, they weren't even within 20 feet of each other though and still I swear I started grinning like a huge dork!

**Nicky up close...** I gotta say, I LOVE his new hair...seriously y'all...the boy is Stinking HOT! :devil: Yes, please! :D

**our first 'scene'** This was way too cute! "Still like to dance?" And then Nick got totally embarrassed and Cath looks at him totally cute and then pats his shoulder...yay!

**Lynn you win!!** Lol, now that dance scene was SO hot y'all...wowza, I was beyond pleased with it! HOT, HOT, HOT! They were so touchy feely and danced close was just so dang fabulous!

**then came the hoe...** grrrr to her...but at least Nick "knew" her, which I took as a good sign, she wasn't a hot girl he wanted to pick up, but rather someone he knew so he was dancing with her to be polite (that's what I'm sticking with! ;) )

**and then came then...** She made me cry y'all...seriously, normally an ep can move me...but I think this might be the first time one made me cry and she did, Cath made me cry...those last 7 or so minutes...I'll let you see them without me spoiling it Kels but be forewarned!

Okay so there ya go...that's my kinda blow by blow! This was an awesome premiere, I loved it!
And I want our part 2 NOW...seriously I have lost all patience...after the last minutes of the ep...patience is gone...doesn't exist, I want it NOW!!! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Did Nick kiss Cath on the cheek after the dance, after he dipped her? I thought I saw that, but I could be wrong. I figure you guys would know ;) Anyway, the whole thing between them was super cute! I love that these two have so much fun together - really adorable :) It made me sad, seeing him leave her at the bar when he went off with that other woman :( I hope he tries to make up for it next week - that was awful, what happened to Cath. There's little worse that can happen to a woman.
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