Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It could go either way, but I'm so winning

Yes, yes I did have to take you to the gutter. Its in my nature. ;)

Cath won't blame him for that, but I think she will a little bit anyways, its normally what one does at first.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ahhh yeah that's true Kels, thank goodness for CBS doing that! A day wait is WAY better than several months, lol! :D
t really is too easy, but then it is me we're talking about.
Lol, so true hon! ;) But then again, it's Catnip and really let's be honest, how hard is it to take these two to the! :devil:
yeah no matter who suggests it, the other is gonna agree in a heartbeat...but I'm still goin with Cath...I'm tellin' ya Lynn, I'm gonna win! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Shall We Dance? Took that to the gutter anyways. hehe. :devil: Its hard not to take anything between the two of these.

ooh we can add, "He can't himself" too, to the list, what do you think?

No way its gonna be Nicky that asks her to dance!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yeah I've pretty much resigned myself, that pretty much anything with these two is gonna send me to the gutter...straight, straight down to the gutter! :devil: Lol! :lol:

was it who askes who to dance, or who askes who to the club? Or is that the same thing? :lol:

Less than 24 hours now y'all....YAY!!! :D

is SOOO cute on David Letterman! She's totally hyper, I love it...and so cute, and sweet and nice! :lol: But no info or spoilers or even a clip for our premiere, bummer!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You can take almost anything Cath/Nick to the gutter, it's so easy. :D

Not long until we find out who's won, I still think it's going to be Nick's idea.

Did they even talk about the premier? I wonder if George was asked about it in his interview.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yay, yay, yay, yay, YAY!!! **bounces in...full of shippy joy and excitement!!** I cannot wait for our premiere tonight, it is finally tonight!! I'm so glad we get our scene tonight, I've been so excited for my ships premiere's this season and so far they've been a bit less than what I hoped the fact that I know we get our scene tonight, is totally making my day!! :D :D

Lol, Kels...Lynn got ya on her side huh...heehee! Okay so does that mean you'll both owe me money when Cath askes Nicky? :lol:
I think the only thing they mentioned about the premiere was when it details, nothing! I was thinking they might at least show a clip, but nope. I mean it was still a cute interview...and Marg is totally adorable...very un-Cath like but in a good way...softer, and more open and funny if that makes sense!

11 hours exactly from where I am now...WOHOOO!!! :D :D :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Haha, I'm staying out of it. I watched a clip of Marg being interviewed and they showed Catherine and Nick standing at the bar when they announce that John Mayer is performing, but damn, it cut off just before you would have seen who's idea the dancing was, need to wait until tonight to find out.

I loved Marg on David Letterman, even though they didn't talk much about the premier. I wish she'd wore that dress when she was dancing with Nick.

I don't know how many hours I've got left, but at least I'll hear all about it here. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol Kels way to stay out of it! ;) But since either way we all win's all good! :D Heehee! :lol:
But for the record I'm SO winning! :lol: :lol:

Kels you get to watch the ep once CBS posts it correct? I was hoping Itunes would have the new season too, just in case I couldn't tape it some night...but as far as I can tell Itunes isn't going to put the new season up. Or not yet at least...guess we'll see :D

8 hours 48 minutes here, yay! :lol:

(Pssst... Lynn where are you?!)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip


I'm really excited for the premiere tonight!!! I only have *counts* five hours and fifty three minutes!
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Okay I am a yobling fan.. so those who are CatNip fans know why cath and nick belong together.. so can someone help me out and tell me what's the connection? lol. I feel mean but oh well... gotta have a back up ship. =]
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Woo me for coming back to the thread...Yeah, alright, nobody cares.

iilovecsii - Mmm, I might not be the best person to answer your question, but I'm going to try anyway...For me, it's simply the level of cuteness and gut-feeling. I don't really know why I'm a shipper, I just am, and I haven't put much thought into why the heck I ship them. I think the CatNip scenes in Crow's Feet just got me hooked, and that was it. Actually, CatNip is more of my back-up ship, but whatever...

One of the other girls will have an answer for you, I'm sure...>.>
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

okay thank you.. I guess thats how I was with Yobling when I first started liking them.. IDK Catherine and Nick kinda look cute in my mind...but I still don't really see it...I feel phscotic. <---sry Cant spell. I really want to understand..(I feel like a little girl again.)
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey guys!! :D

Is the episode when they dance together on tonight!! If it is im gonna be SO SO SO SO excited!! :D :D
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Woo me for coming back to the thread...Yeah, alright, nobody cares.
Alexx YAY! Woo you're back indeed! I care, glad to see ya hon! :D :D

Yay for our premiere tonight...I'm so excited, wohoo, wohoo, WOHOO! :lol:

4 hours, 11 minutes for me!!!

iilovecsii I used to be a little bit of a YoBlinger...but my lovely Catnipper friends Lynn & Kels showed me "Crow's Feet" and ever since I have been a solid Catnip fan! :D As for what it is about's all the little things, the little touches, glances, teasing...well that and the fact that at the very beginning of the whole series Catnip was the Original ship! Cuz when the show started the writers had Nick and Cath together and had even filmed a kiss but the test audience didn't like it so much, so it was cut! (Dumb lame test audience! :mad: ) So's a million little things that added up make for a FABULOUS ship! :D So yeah...that's what I fellow lovelies may have more to add I'm sure! ;)

(Psssttt... Lynn, Kels how'd I do^?!)

This is from our Talk CSI about the ep tonight...."The premiere also features a performance by John Mayer that provides the backdrop for a seductive dance between Catherine and Nick. The idea was Helgenberger’s. “In six years, we never just have fun, you know? And of course, it doesn’t last long,” she says. Eads claims their dance “wasn’t ‘Saturday Night Fever.’ “We weren’t sliding on our knees or anything. It was just a little sexy kind of dancing , and I will dance with Marg anytime.” Sexy and seductive :devil:...our ship is SOOOO sailing!!! :lol:
Re: Cat <3 Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

iilovecsii, I still am a bit of a YoBlinger, I have to admit. (but I swear only a bit!!!!) *Runs far, far, far away and hides in the farthest corner of the room* But I love Catnip!!! They're really cute and have really cute moments. And in Grave Danger she seemed genuinely worried about him, which is what convinced me to be a Catnip shipper. And hopefully tonight's episode will convince you why we all love them. They have awesome chemistry and are totally adorable together!
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