Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I don't care what other people are saying. NIck dancing with the girl means absolutely nothing. From the sounds of the spoilers it's Cath's idea, not Nick's, she probably convinces him to do it because she wants to go sit down. Nick would have been more than happy to continue dancing with Cath.

OMG, Lynn you made me so happy this morning before I left for work, that clip is the best one yet, I love when he brings her back up. They could have kissed but their cheeks are touching, that's still good. They look so happy in that clip.

It'll be great when we don't have to talk about this behind a spoiler.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Mornin' my lovelies! :D Hiya Kels! ;)
they've been dancing for awhile and the crowd starts to get to Cath a bit and she wants a drink, so they go to the bar and she sits down and just as she sits down the hoe comes up to Nicky and asks him to dance and Nick says "No thanks..." and then Cath say's "Awww go ahead hon...I'm just gonna sit here for a bit anyway..." she convinces him that she doesn't mind, so finally he makes sure she's okay, and then reluctantly he goes off with the hoe and she gets slipped the drug.

Oh please, can I have the clip too....wait...I think I just found it on youtube! It's TOTALLY cute, I love it! They're SO totally cute, yay! Yay, yay!

Yeah Kels won't it be fabulous that TOMORROW we can finally talk about this without spoiler boxes! Oh did I mention it's... TOMORROW!!!! YAY!!!! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey Moriel

I love them in that. I think that blonde dancing behing them is the hoe, and she really is a hoe, imagine asking Nick to dance after seeing how hot Cath and Nick are dancing together, can she not see that they're in love. She's no match for Catherine though, Nick knows that.

Marg said that the dancing scene was her idea.

It is going to be great without having to use them.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

It really is. *nods*

Yeah, I'm sure thats the ho. I got my pitchforks all ready. Bring it on. She tries to make eye contact with Nicky. I think she does once, but Nick's eyes go right back onto Catherine. He even checks out her ass in the twirl. ;) She's no match for Catherine, and Nicky knows this.

Ha! I told you Suckers Nicky would feel guilty. The spoiler I read last night, said Nick feels responsible for all of Cath's troubles. Mo, is our bet still on for who asks who first??

I'm so glad it was Marg's idea, and of course George has no complaints :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick's eyes go straight back to Catherine, and it really looks like he kisses her cheek wheh he brings her back up.

Are you serious? Where did you read that?

And George said he would dance with Marg anytime. That's cute, and he said she was beautiful.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hiya Kels, Lynny!! :D
SOOOOO cannot wait to bust out of the spoiler boxes, lol! :lol: Anyway...since we can't quite yet...
the hoe...grrr. But then again, you're right...she totally can't measure up to Cath, and we KNOW Nicky knows that! He's a loyal boy, Cath doesn't have anything to worry about! ;) And yeah I saw him glance over in the hoe's direction, but then he was right back to lookin' at Cath...hmmm have to look for the ass check :devil:...bummer I'll have to watch it yet! :lol:

Dancing was Marg's idea! I LOVE that...she's a Catnipper, yay!! Lol, and when it comes to her, I don't think George ever has complaints! That's so cute that he said she's beautiful, yeah she totally is!

And finally... :lol:
we had to know Nicky'd feel guilty, poor guy! And heck yeah, Lynny we're totally on! But which of us had which, I think I said Cath would ask him, right?! :D

Mere hours y'all...mere hours! Wohoo! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I really haven't seen that one yet, waiting to find out if their kicking me off or not, but I'm excited to see that one!

TV guide site has it. I believe it was either them or the CBS guide

He'd dance with her anytime and beautiful. aww.. We should add that to the list of thread possibilites for later one :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick know's how good a thing he has with Cath, he'd never do anything to get in the way of that. They had to bring the hoe in to get Catherine on her own, they knew there was no way Nick would let anything happen to her. He only glances at the girl, I know he dances with her but that's Cath's idea, not his.

Needs to try and find that, but we knew that he would feel guilty if he found out what had happened.

We should definately have that as a possibility next time, it was really cute when he said it.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Cannot wait til tomorrow...cuz we get our spoiler AND we get to talk about it in the open! :lol: Double sweetness! :D
Until then...:
he would never do anything to hurt Cath, and I think he only dances with the hoe at Cath's insistence...and as for Nick feeling guilty, I think that was inevitable, he's her man, he's gonna feel guilty no matter what...there or not you know he'd feel like he should have been there, like he could have done something to prevent this happening to her.

Okay that'd be too cute! Cath & Nicky #6: "He thinks she's Beautiful!" or Cath & Nicky #6: He'd dance with her Anytime! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Can we talk about it in the open after a day?.. cause Kels still haven't seen it yet. I know we can't that night...

We're so on! And yes, You called Cath and I called Nicky :D I'm gonna win!

She thinks his tractors sexy!

Yeah I think its Cath who tells him to dance iwth her, thats the only way they can get Nicky out of the way to do slip Cath the drug. Nick's not gonna let them get to her with him around.

Kels! :D .. But even though he is her man, he's still gonna be upset that he shouldn't have danced with that hoe.

We gotta add those to the list, for sure. George said them! hahaha. We should start using MG's words and CatNip stuff. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Oh that's true, Lynn I didn't think about that... Kels when do you get to see the ep? Cuz didn't CSIM say we could go without spoiler boxes as soon as the ep had aired everywhere in the US? Which isn't necessarily fair to those not in the US I guess...hmmm, dunno! :confused: :D
Lol, we are SO on! Yay! And I think I'm winning hon! :lol:
Yeah they knew they had to get him out of the picture somehow, I'd have rather had him use the bathroom or something, but oh well, we know it doesn't mean anything...and yeah you know he'll beat himself up for agreeing to dance with the hoe. Cath will have to help him get over that.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

The spoiler thing only counts after the episode has been shown in America.

I think either of you could win, but I'm leaning more towards Nick.

She thinks his tractors sexy!
Had to send me to the gutter didn't you. :devil:

There's no other way they could get Catherine on her own. They had to come up with something and that was it.

Yeah, he will be upset, but I don't think Cath will blame him for dancing with her, Cath knows is was her idea.

I love that George said it.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Moriel21 said:
Oh that's true, Lynn I didn't think about that... Kels when do you get to see the ep? Cuz didn't CSIM say we could go without spoiler boxes as soon as the ep had aired everywhere in the US? Which isn't necessarily fair to those not in the US I guess...hmmm, dunno! :confused: :D

Yes, you can go without spoiler boxes after the episode airs in the US (1am EST).

It's a board rule that once it has aired in the US, it's not considered a spoiler anymore. ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ahhh okay Kels...wait but when do you get to see it?

Hey CSIM thanks for clarifying, 'ppreciate it! :D
**passes her m&m's and frosting just cuz!** ;)
we win really...but I'm still gonna go with Cath...just seems like her to do the asking! ;)
Had to send me to the gutter didn't you. :devil:
Lol, it's just too easy Kels! :lol: No worries though, I'm right down there with ya! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I shouldn't be getting to see it until February, that's when it's on here. But CBS is putting it on their site the following day, so I should get to see it there.

Whoever suggests it, the other won't hesitate to say yes.

It really is too easy, but then it is me we're talking about. :lol:
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