Carmine-What is Cessau?

OH MY GOD! I'm squealing! He's so adorable. I wanna pinch his cheeks!
It was issue 588, May 22 2006 (with Britney and her baby on the front) page 66, line 1-

"When csi star Carmine Giovinazzo needed to organise his L.A pad, mom Nancy flew in - all the way from New York, where the former travel agent is VP of his corporation, Ceesau - to take care of business."

The pic is cute, but as mentioned in another thread at another time, he looks a bit dorky. However, he does look like his mum and did ya notice how big his eyes were
:eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Guess that's why we all love his eyes now. Deep, smouldering pools of blue to drown in. *sighhhhhhh*
That man so has me wrapped around his ........ :devil:

Can you tell I've been tracking down magazines on ebay u.s all the way from Australia just to get him :lol: :lol:
kissmesweet said:

Hate to break it to you guys, but the trailer on bella-dorka is dead. Does anyone know an alternative link?

just to let y'all carmines site is up and running again...which means the trailer is up and running :) (which also means the link on bella-dorka is working too) :D
Yeah, I noticed that last night. Not sure what they did since everything looks exactly like it was and the site still needs an update but it's cool to see it back up. :)
I also can't see any changes on his side beside of the fact that I can't watch any of the photos. :confused: Is it just me / my computer? I can click the explanations like "Candid shot 2" (which should show "the Mook"), but I can't see any picture on the right side.
^ Just went to check that out. I'm able to load the videos without a problem, but the pictures don't load. Perhaps it's still a work in progress.
Lonia said:
I also can't see any changes on his side beside of the fact that I can't watch any of the photos. :confused: Is it just me / my computer? I can click the explanations like "Candid shot 2" (which should show "the Mook"), but I can't see any picture on the right side.

I've the same problem. And like MrsG I can watch the videos but the pictures are not possible...
So I'm glad it's not only me or my computer. So maybe they're still working on that part of the site.
Edit: Woops, sorry, you were talking about the photos not the artwork. I see that now. Sorry.

Here's the thing ... I noticed someone on this board has previously posted a picture of his cat on this board. That means they must have nicked the photo from his site. That's not cool. They are his personal photos and you're breaching copyright by doing that. Just because they are up on the web, doesn't mean they are public property.

I've also noticed the photos taken by Emilia Sparagna are totally gone ... that whole gallery is empty entirely of even words. They are, again, copyrighted. (I'm admit to being as guilty as everyone else with those ones)... they are all OVER the place.

I may be being my typically cynical self, but maybe he had them taken down because of that reason. :( Just a thought ;)
Well, I'd say that's entirely possible, Jules. Not that anyone meant anything bad by it, but I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry. *shrug* I guess we won't know for sure, though.

Back to the 'Cessau' part of this thread, though, I don't suppose anyone has heard anything new about his album? He mentioned it in People, but after that?...
I kinda doubt the pics were taken down for that reason. People save pics to their photobuckets all the time (that is how it works, right? I'm kind of clueless about this stuff as I don't collect/save/post pics on the internet. A lot of the reason that's done is to avoid hotlinking to sites (posting images from a site you don't own), which is a big no-no. Giving credit to the site where you found a pic is always a good thing, though.