Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

when will the CSI writers listen to us here and give us all what we want!

THE SHOWER SCENE! is that like to much to ask for????

Oh and i got my fix of Danny last night although call me greedy i would have liked more!

Hi to anyone new who has joined! i am not here long myself but i love it!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

It's not greedy! I have a few episodes taped, and the other night, I had myself a little CSI:NY-athon. It was complete and total bliss. *swoons*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

ahhh so someone else tapes them too !!! lol

I have taped all the eps that have aired so far in the UK! So all eight of them! i think i will have to do that! have a little Danny-thon! lol

The accent and the smile and the body oh and the eyes! i think i will have a Danny-a-Thon!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

he is the most hunky looking guy i have seen on the tv in a while. the shower scene is needed. just think of danny in the shower, naked, soap suds runing down his back, oh yes!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah. I definetly have a few taped. I say it's so my sister can watch it the next day, but it's really to get me through till the next week. :lol: I just might be borderline obsession.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

*Warning*: Catch up post here since I was away all weekend.

Posted by lookaboomerang:
Yeah. I definetly have a few taped. I say it's so my sister can watch it the next day, but it's really to get me through till the next week. :lol: I just might be borderline obsession.

Borderline? You mean there is a border? I didn't see no stinking border! :p :lol:

I have all the episodes taped. Do it every week. It's to keep me going from week to week and until the DVDs come out this summer. :devil:

Happy Late Birthday Khrissy_25!

Welcome to: Lessien_Tinuviel, chrissy0, and Wiggles. Plus welcome to anyone I may have missed.

Wiggles: Mind you posting? What? Of course not! We love new people! :D

Bitten: His eyes are so incredible. :devil:

And his lips! Oh yum! I have this problem though. Everytime I see him lick his lips I find myself unconsiously licking mine. The boy is going to give me chapped lips and I don't even get to have the fun of kissing him to get them. :mad: :p :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

thank you for the welcome! that's very nice of you. =]

does anyone when new episodes of CSI:NY return? i think i'm suffering from withdrawal sypmtoms...of not being able to see Danny. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

There was just a new one on last Wednesday. But I know that for the next two weeks, it's going to be repeats. Tanglewood is this Wednesday and I believe Blood, Sweat and Tears is next Wednesday.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^There should be new eps after that, so about 2 and a half weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing "Tanglewood" again. "Blood, Sweat & Tears" was okay--not bad, but not as interesting as the episodes that came before and after it. I can't even remember the B-case from the episode.

Posted by DannyLovesMe:
hhahaha i see everyone enjoyed the pic i found :devil:... i got the pic from getty images, they have about 10-15 more Here

Thanks for posting those pics! They're fun. But that one outfit with the hat and the brown coat and the black pants and shirt...paging the Fashion Police! :lol: Seriously, that's awful. The hat is bad enough, but the turtleneck/jacket black/brown combo is just...bad. Looks like Carmine could use some fashion tips from Danny. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I think the "b-case" was the one where that girl disappeared. Then, they found that girl all wrapped up in the shower curtain, in the garbage chute. I'm pretty sure it was that one, but I can't be sure. I'm so excited for Tanglewood. It was on for the first time way back when I first started watching and it was one of those things where I was half heartedly watching. I was getting into it and then a commercial came on, so I flipped to another station for like 15-20 mins., realized "Oh crap. I was watching that other show" and missed a bunch of what happened. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Oh, yeah, when Flack and Danny worked together. What was Aiden working on in that episode?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I have no clue. I think she might have worked with Mac and Stella, but I just can't remember. That whole girl in the shower curtain was a stretch for me. lol
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^In the laundry chute? Yeah, that's definitely a stretch. Someone would have smelled her in a small building like that. :lol:

Danny and Flack working together was fun, though. Two hot guys for the price of one. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Oh, yeah, when Flack and Danny worked together. What was Aiden working on in that episode?

Funny, I just happened to rewatch that episode last night because I was too lazy to turn the VCR off after I rewatched The Dove Commission. Aiden was just doing lab stuff, really. And she totally checked Mac out when he walked away. It was near the end when he had his "ah-ha!" moment. :D

Anyways, my real purpose for posting this message...


Sorry, I just couldn't resist! I know ya'll will be having the same dirty thoughts that I am and I hope it's not pushing the PG-13-o-Meter towards it's final death, but...ya gotta admit, it's kinda funny. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I know what's happening in that picture. :lol:

OK, so I don't actually know what's happening in the picture. But I do know what's happening in that picture in my head... :lol: :lol: :lol:


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