Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

It makes sense that some intern with nothing better to do is writing the bios. It would just be so much easier if they at least tried to make them mesh and PROOFREAD them!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

thanks for the information on the mob history!

Why oh why haven't the writers come to The Locker Room to get their information for the scripts?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome to the group JDonne!! You'll love to be here :D

I..umm...don't post here so often because people post like crazy when it's night where I live and then I have troubles to read so much and even to follow their thoughts :p

But. This is the best place to be!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Now..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill this thread.
People. Post about total hotness.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome JDonne and congrats on finding an agent! :D That's every writer's dream (well, along with publication), so congrats!

Posted by JDonne:
The Tanglewood Boys are members of the Lucchese crime family and they get their name from the mall in Yonkers where they would "recruit" new members. But, quite a few of the Lucchese members live in Staten Island, a few were even indicted a few years back. Vice versa quite a few Gambino and Genovese members hold ground in Westchester. Even knowing that I'm still not sure how the writers are going to make Danny's history mesh. Because if he is the son of a Lucchese memeber who lives in Staten Island the Tanglewood boys wouldn't need to recruit him. If he is the son of one of the other 4 major crime families then the Tanglewood Boys wouldn't dare try to recruit him, that just isn't done. So even though I know the geography and a little mob history, I'm still totally confused on this one.


Very interesting...thanks for the mob background. I wonder if they won't have Danny end up being part of some fictional family. Which of course won't mesh with reality, but that might be better than having him be part of a real family. Of course, the Tanglewood Gang is real, so maybe they will put Danny in a real family. Either way...very interesting stuff.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by DaWacko:
Now..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill this thread.
People. Post about total hotness.

:lol: *hug* DaWacko, there is no killing this thread! :lol: Trust me...this is the thread that won't's the longest running thread in the NY forum by far. And will be for some time to come, I expect. ;)

Gotta have somewhere to lobby for that shower scene, right? :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Now..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill this thread.
People. Post about total hotness.

Kill this thread? Not going to happen! :lol: We've just been laying low and plotting ways to get Danny into the shower!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

The Locker Room thread will never die! Carmine/Danny is just too sexy to not continue this thread. I know that one of these days the writers will see the light and look to the threads to finally see that Danny needs to shower!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Kill this thread? Impossible. I think it was just one of those weekends.

Anyways, Danny in the shower. Methinks the writers are toying with us. They probably read this thread, find out all the *cough* positions we'd like to see Danny in, and then have weekly meetings on how to just barely give enough to keep us salivating. Hello, the hip/gun shot in ReCycling? Hot as hell but certainly not enough to satisfy. I, for one, will not be completely satiated until...well...*grumble*PG-13*grumble*
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
all the *cough* positions we'd like to see Danny in

How am I supposed to do my work after that? :p There won't be a clean thought in my head for hours. :lol:

I'm trying to think of a clean one...c'mon, brain, PG-13, PG-13...

Oh, I got one! When he was leaning over those books in "Tri-Borough" when he was doing research. He was sitting on that stool...we even got a nice shot from behind. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

we even got a nice shot from behind

And that's about as clean as its going to get in here :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Yep, my brain is officially R rated now. It was that hip/gun action that Danny does. The way he moved his hips doing that, just makes me think of other ways that Danny,*ahh* moves his hips. Those writers are evil to mess with our R rated minds like that!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Yes, that, um, came to my mind, too. I think we left 'R' behind around page 6 or so, my friend. We're thoroughly in X territory. :lol:

Posted by GOTHICcheerNERD:
And that's about as clean as its going to get in here :lol:

:lol: Pretty much. :lol: ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

There won't be a clean thought in my head for hours.

:lol: You say it like it's a bad thing!

Hell, even without the back view, it's a hella sexy scene. He's all bent over the books, his beautiful lips moving as he reads...*sigh*




And just because I adore him in this position...

Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Bitten, I love you. That's just what this thread was missing--hot pictures of Danny! :lol: Though, there goes any hope of me concentrating on...on...whatever the heck I was doing before. :lol:
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