Carmine Giovinazzo

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When Carmine mentioned the morgue, Ananda got this grossed out look on her face and he said that that was how his face looked too- that was the morgue face. She asked if it was one of the grossest things he's done because it's all so new and he said yeah, that it was pretty hardcore.
^Yeah, I can imagine that would be pretty hard to take...a lot of the actors have made similar comments about the morgue being a tough experience. From what I hear it's the smell that's the worst!
He is pretty cute. Kinda baby faced...that plus the glasses definitely makes him drool-worthy. And the accent. Mmmm, the accent.

Call me crazy but I always thought a morgue would be a neat place to visit (although maybe a little bit scary to be there by yourself!) When I was younger I used to think it'd be interesting to be an "autopsiologist" (I didn't know the correct name for it...actually, it still seems to have slipped my mind...oh wait, pathologist) Of course, my dad has a degree in zoology and he's a science teacher so I grew up around animal dissection specimens, it didn't phase me much and often made me wonder what it would be like to look inside a human. Of course, I could never be a surgeon because what if I screwed up and killed the person? Nope, better that they already be dead, so a pathologist it would have to be (of course, now I'm actually majoring in the benign subject of Literature :D )
^Gotta love literature (my major as well)--nobody's life or case depends on it, but it is both important and enjoyable. :D

Yeah, I don't know if I could deal with the smells of the morgue. I'm weird about smells.

And yes, Carmine is drool-worthy, though now I'm a little worried the writers are telling him about this thread and boosting his ego even as I type this. :lol: :lol: :lol: We don't want him to get arrogant and think he's too good for CSI: NY. ;)
Posted by Top41:
And yes, Carmine is drool-worthy, though now I'm a little worried the writers are telling him about this thread and boosting his ego even as I type this. :lol: :lol: :lol: We don't want him to get arrogant and think he's too good for CSI: NY. ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Everyone wave to the writers: Hello! :D [wave] hmm...we need a little waving icon...
Posted by ThisIsMe:
Posted by Top41:
And yes, Carmine is drool-worthy, though now I'm a little worried the writers are telling him about this thread and boosting his ego even as I type this. :lol: :lol: :lol: We don't want him to get arrogant and think he's too good for CSI: NY. ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Everyone wave to the writers: Hello! :D [wave] hmm...we need a little waving icon...

*waves* :D Hell-o mr. and mrs. writers :D

psst. I think we need drooling smiley as well
^Gotta love literature (my major as well)--nobody's life or case depends on it, but it is both important and enjoyable.

Yes! Literature! My life-long love! The way I look at it, by being a writer (or even just being a reader) you get to experience anything and everything. Say my urge to be a pathologist gets the better of me someday? Rather than enrolling in medical school, I can just go to the library, do a little research and write a story where the main character is a pathologist. Voila!

*Looks around* Do you think Carmine is reading this?
yes i agree def. drool worth, and the accent...mmmmm. i actually dont like the show all that much but watching him makes me stick around and i will probbly eventually start to lke the show, i just hope they dont kill him off like speed. the hot ones always die... :rolleyes:
^That's precisely why we shouldn't inflate his ego too much. Don't want him thinking he's too good for the show. ;) (Not that that's what happened with Rory--actually, I don't think he realized how much the fans liked his character!)

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Yes! Literature! My life-long love! The way I look at it, by being a writer (or even just being a reader) you get to experience anything and everything. Say my urge to be a pathologist gets the better of me someday? Rather than enrolling in medical school, I can just go to the library, do a little research and write a story where the main character is a pathologist. Voila!

Exactly! The imagination is a beautiful thing. What kind of literature are you studying? I had a concentration in Victorian British literature. I loved me some Dickens, Hardy, Trollope and Collins (among others). :D

*Looks around* Do you think Carmine is reading this?

You never know who might be reading. :eek: I have heard that writers do come to fan sites on occasion, which is pretty cool. *wave*
Exactly! The imagination is a beautiful thing. What kind of literature are you studying? I had a concentration in Victorian British literature. I loved me some Dickens, Hardy, Trollope and Collins (among others).

I used to think I wanted to concentrate on early English lit (Beowulf is a personal fave) but this semester I took a lit class that focused on modern American lit and I loved it so... :D

So what do you do for a living? I'd like to think I'll be a writer with my lit degree but the practical side of me assumes I'll be a teacher (although I wouldn't mind getting into publishing.)

Dude, if was famous or had anything to do with something that has the popularity of CSI, I would totally be cruising message boards to see what's being said...*waves at writers*
^Modern American lit as in the modernist era (early 1900s) or contemporary American lit? I'm a big fan of contemporary literature though I didn't get into until after college.

I work for a book review magazine. So if anyone tells you that literature majors don't work in their field, you can tell them this: :p . :D At our graduation ceremony, the speaker did a joking Letterman-style top 10 list and $5 was: English majors, be prepared to ask, 'would you like fries with that?' I'm happy to say that's not true. :D

I'd do the same if I wrote for a television show. I've heard in the past about writers cruising boards to see what fan reaction is to the show they're working on/their specific episodes. Over at the, we've had Enterprise writers actually come into the forum and respond to posters after the episodes they've written have aired.

It would be awesome in the CSI writers would do that. :cool:
^The course started with late 1800s pieces like Huckleberry Finn and we're ending on the beat generation with writers like Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, to name a couple.

Haha, I've already had experience asking "would you like fries with that?" I work at McDonald's to help pay what my scholarship doesn't.

That would be so awesome to have the writers come in here and respond to some of the things we discuss. I mean, obviously they have all this background on the characters and situations that don't come across in the episodes, it might be interesting to have a look inside. But then again, maybe not. Half the fun of being on a message board is the speculation of what you don't know.
Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
^The course started with late 1800s pieces like Huckleberry Finn and we're ending on the beat generation with writers like Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, to name a couple.

Ah, very cool. Have you read any Edith Wharton? She's one of my favs. I like Twain a lot, too, though I've only read two of his novels, and that was a long time ago. I really want to read Kerouac, too.

Haha, I've already had experience asking "would you like fries with that?" I work at McDonald's to help pay what my scholarship doesn't.

You're ahead of the curve then--you've put in the McDs time already!

That would be so awesome to have the writers come in here and respond to some of the things we discuss. I mean, obviously they have all this background on the characters and situations that don't come across in the episodes, it might be interesting to have a look inside. But then again, maybe not. Half the fun of being on a message board is the speculation of what you don't know.

Definitely. I think it's nice over at the Enterprise forum because the writers sometimes explain what they were thinking when they did a certain scene or plotline. They generally don't give out spoilers, though that does happen occasionally.

But there's also something to be said for the fans to be able to discuss things without feeling as though people involved with the show are looking over their shoulders. There's probably a bit more freedom expression that way.

I think it's a nice balance, though, knowing someone might be reading this. It generally makes for more polite conversation (ie, no one is going to say 'so-and-so writer must be an idiot', or 'that guy really needs to take acting lessons because he's wretched and ugly to boot!').
Explains my lack of Finnish grammar...

Hmm...Carmine... we really need that drooling smiley! TBonz! Hey...can we do anything for it? :D

*waves at writers*
Ah, very cool. Have you read any Edith Wharton? She's one of my favs. I like Twain a lot, too, though I've only read two of his novels, and that was a long time ago. I really want to read Kerouac, too.

Yes, we read "The Other Two" by Edith Wharton. Very interesting story, athough, if you want some really intriguing (and slightly creepy) literature written by a woman, read some Flannery O'Connor.

I'm not too into Twain myself. I read Huckleberry Finn in middle school and just wasn't too impressed by it...I think that experience carried over into this class. However, I can recommend Kerouac's On The Road...I actually started reading it over the summer and found it very enjoyable. Allen Ginsberg, though interesting in the points he makes, didn't seem to be too big on structuring his pieces into something cohesive. That can be all fine and dandy to an extent, (after all Walt Whitman carried it off) but being obsessive-compulsive I tend to enjoy works that are put together a little more neatly.

You're ahead of the curve then--you've put in the McDs time already!

More time than I've cared to, too! I've been there since I was 16 and I'm 22 now. Yeah. It sucks.

'that guy really needs to take acting lessons because he's wretched and ugly to boot!').

Lol, I can't really see that being said about anyone in CSI:NY though. From what I've seen so far they're all pretty talented. And none of them are ugly either. Which is why we do indeed need a drool icon.
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