Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

hi everyone, has anyone looked at this . they show some trailers of carmines movies.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

New screen caps up of The Dove Commission at I've taken the liberty of making 5 pages of just we-know-who on the most viewed pages, cause I'm the only one who's looked at them so far. *bows*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

o0o0o0o! They're finally up then! Thanks for letting us know. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Anyone notice an episode in particular missing? Namely : Hush
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

WhitePearl Those pics that you have posted are indeed hot. I have rotated most of them as my wallpaper on my computer at work. Looking at Carmine makes the day that much better!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Khanada:
Anyone notice an episode in particular missing? Namely : Hush

Yeah...that bothers me. I really wanted to see caps from that episode.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Lessien_Tinuviel:
so if Carmen means 'song' or 'poem' in Latin, Carmina and Carmine means the same thing right? only difference is feminine or masculine? i just realized that Carmine has the perfect name! :D
because he not only plays the guitar, he writes poetry as well! his parents really knew how to choose his name...hehe
not to mention, 'Carmine Giovinazzo' sounds sooo sexy :p

Hello, another newbie has just 'accidently' tripped into the gutter.Oh dear, can't seem to get out so I'll just have to hang around for a while.

I've done some research on the web into the name Carmine and basically it has a number of meanings.

Not one site has all the meanings but it can be Italian for song, Latin for song, Latin for a crimson colour or Hebrew for vine dresser.

Some sites have it down as a form of the Hebrew name Carmel which is a girls name meaning garden or orchard or Charmel which had the meaning of divine garden or garden of God.

One site even had it as a girls name of Latin origin meaning 'to sign out'!

Basically, names have many meanings so you can just pick the one you like. I would like to bring to your attention, however, which had Carmine as a name of Italian origin meaning Golden and Sweet.

Now it's just how are you meant to pronounce it. Is it Car (as in what you drive) mine (as in that's mine) or mine (as in that's mean). new here and i have nooo idea wat to do but i do know that i looooooveeee carmine especially him playing as danny messer =P well anyways, i dont noe anybody here sooo give me a shout if yu wanna chat =P!
After reading what all you've been saying, I doubt there's anything at all I can think of to say that the PG-13-O-METER would approve of.

I've even changed my MSN name to completely Locker Room related topics.
have u noticed that in CSI:MIAMI/NY Nonstop that danny is the on with the shirt and tie and no its Mac w/ the shirt and tie?
and it looks like he has had his haircut in the dove commission
ok so i am gone for a few days (my computer died on me i could have cried!) and all of the posts i missed

I am surprised the PG-13 meter has exploded! :lol: :devil:

The pictures as always are fab!

As for the plant in the locker room we are all hiding behind don't you think it would be strange to see as many of us as there are hiding behind a plant! lets just say is would to be one big plant to hide all of us! :lol:
ahaha dont worry, you're not tha only one that notices those things =P but yea, i think im pretty sad anyways especially for the fact that I wasted a whole day looking for carmine screencaps ahahaha but it was a success so im happy =)
Posted by Wiggles:
As for the plant in the locker room we are all hiding behind don't you think it would be strange to see as many of us as there are hiding behind a plant! lets just say is would to be one big plant to hide all of us! :lol:

:lol: I think it's safe to say that in the event that we were all hiding behind the potted plant it would need to become larger. Therefore, I thing that our potted plant may need the ability to suddenly morph into a hedge with strategically placed "viewing holes". :devil:

And I'd like to say welcome to csifeline and carmineee. I hope there isn't anyone else new that I missed.
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