Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Those pictures on his unofficial site are very tasty indeed. I have to admit, the more skin I see on that man, the better. I'm loving me some nekkid Danny (Carmine). mmmmm Everytime I see one of his pictures, especially on his unoffical site, I get lost in him and I forget about everything else around me.

It's a good thing that none of the locker room groupies (that I know of!) have access to him. The poor man wouldn't be able to survive if any of us were around!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
Those pictures on his unofficial site are very tasty indeed. I have to admit, the more skin I see on that man, the better. I'm loving me some nekkid Danny (Carmine). mmmmm Everytime I see one of his pictures, especially on his unoffical site, I get lost in him and I forget about everything else around me.

It's a good thing that none of the locker room groupies (that I know of!) have access to him. The poor man wouldn't be able to survive if any of us were around!

Eh, he'd survive around me but then, I've done convention security for several actors before. It'd be hard but I'd tough it out. Then again... I've hung out with some actors post-convention too. Lunches, hotel rooms after hours. Nothing the PG-13 meter needs to blink over but hey, there's always that chance. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hey how did this thread go from 76 pages to 30 something?

And, I do think Danny is heading for something big... an emotional roller coaster ride has definitely begun for him... I just hope they aren't planning to write him out or anything, which he obviously loves his job, and isn't pregnant, so he has no reason to leave!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by jesstiger81:
And, I do think Danny is heading for something big... an emotional roller coaster ride has definitely begun for him...

I agree. He's definitely being built up as a loose-cannon type of character, and there's got to be some sort of payoff down the road. A charge of police brutality/misconduct maybe? Or maybe he'll go off on the wrong suspect and get the crap beat out of him? And then there's the Tanglewood stuff...that's got to come to light, eventually.

I just hope they aren't planning to write him out or anything,

I doubt it. The only reason Rory Cochrane was written out of Miami is because he begged them to let him out his contract. Unless Carmine starts pushing for big raises, he should be fine. I think they know the character is a good one.

which he obviously loves his job,

One would hope! He's got a sweet gig.

and isn't pregnant,

Now, I don't know about this one...they have been avoiding the full body shots lately. Trying to hide a bump there, Carmine? :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

so he has no reason to leave!

Agreed. He's possibly got the best role on the show, given that his character (so far) has gotten the most development, and is one of the most complex (if not the most complex).
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Unless Carmine starts pushing for big raises, he should be fine.
He shouldn't even be pushing for that kind of a thing yet, the show hasn't even been on for a year yet. I really, really hope he's not like, a diva or anything. That'd kill me. I kinda like the size of his head just the way it is.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

ok so i haven't been to well the last few days and had to miss work today!!! But i just looked back over the posts i missed and you guys cheered me way up!!

The pics of his chest and the lip licking and the microscope and not forgetting THE BADGE can forget the badge!

And the topics of conversion and the rating that we get to! Well thanks for cheering me up!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

:lol: Pregnant Danny!

Yes, didn't Carmine say in that interview that Danny was going to get in a bit of trouble? They seem to be ignoring the plotline they brought up in Tanglewood so maybe this trouble won't have anything to do with that. After The Dove Commission I could definitely see Danny doing something to get himself hauled in front of Mac or some higher up authority for improper conduct.

Aww, hope you feel better Wiggles. And, like I always say, work is overrated anyways. Enjoy the day and get better. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

awww thanks Bitten!

Yeah i know work is overrated!!! Unless i was working with Danny and i know i wouldn't miss a day!!

Pregnant Danny! lol now theres a thought!

I can't wait to see Tanglewood or The Dove Commission! But oh well roll on Sat for a new ep (nine i think)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
:lol: Pregnant Danny!

Now that would be a case for the CSIs to solve...who knocked Danny up! :lol: Hey, they did it on Enterprise--the male engineer got pregnant! Of course, there are aliens there... :lol:

Yes, didn't Carmine say in that interview that Danny was going to get in a bit of trouble?

He did, but I'm wondering if they've since dropped that idea. After all, how "bad" can they make him? He's already been chastized for going with his gut over evidence, he's gone off on people over a case that brought back bad memories for him, and he may have been part of a gang. How many times can this guy mess up before someone cans him? :lol:

They seem to be ignoring the plotline they brought up in Tanglewood so maybe this trouble won't have anything to do with that. After The Dove Commission I could definitely see Danny doing something to get himself hauled in front of Mac or some higher up authority for improper conduct.

They could be building to that, that's true. That way, if and when Danny gets himself in trouble, absolutely no one will say, oh, that's so out of character, or think it came out of nowhere. The groundwork has definitely been laid here.

Aww, hope you feel better Wiggles. And, like I always say, work is overrated anyways. Enjoy the day and get better. :)

Ditto--feel better, Wiggles! :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

thanks i feel better than i did yesterday!

But like i said reading the posts and seeing those pictures well that cheered me up!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Now that would be a case for the CSIs to solve...who knocked Danny up! :lol: Hey, they did it on Enterprise--the male engineer got pregnant! Of course, there are aliens there... :lol:

:lol: Could you imagine Danny pregnant? I bet he'd bitch the whole time about his ankles being swollen and losing his figure. Then there's the hormones! Weepy!Danny and Even Bitchier!Danny. :lol:

He did, but I'm wondering if they've since dropped that idea. After all, how "bad" can they make him? He's already been chastized for going with his gut over evidence, he's gone off on people over a case that brought back bad memories for him, and he may have been part of a gang. How many times can this guy mess up before someone cans him? :lol:

Hmm, that's true. But you know, maybe it won't really be such an outright terrible thing but, since he's got a past with this sort of thing, maybe it'll just be the last straw type deal.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I will be so turned on if Danny's loose cannon goes off! How sexy it would be if he lost his temper! I don't want to see him get the crap beat out of him though. Just get really mad so his nostrils flare and stuff like that! Mmmm!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
:lol: Could you imagine Danny pregnant? I bet he'd bitch the whole time about his ankles being swollen and losing his figure. Then there's the hormones! Weepy!Danny and Even Bitchier!Danny. :lol:

Oh, man, he'd be a nightmare to deal with. Can you just imagine Stella or Aiden trying to reason with him. I think they'd force him to go on leave early or get Hawkes to fake a note saying he had to be on bedrest. :lol: They'd all be thinking, "this is just what we need--a more emotional Danny..." :lol:

Hmm, that's true. But you know, maybe it won't really be such an outright terrible thing but, since he's got a past with this sort of thing, maybe it'll just be the last straw type deal.

That's a good point. And I think after all of this drama, it would be an interesting payoff to see him get in trouble for his histronics. I mean, I'm having a hard time believing he hasn't been reprimanded before. If Aiden and he weren't such good friends, he probably would have gotten written up for his behavior in DC. She just didn't report him. She probably should have.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I don't want Danny to get in trouble!!! :mad:
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