Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Well, that's a lovely theory, and I'm sure I've seen/read it before. However, there are holes to this idea.

Danny respects Mac, probably more than he respects anybody else, colleague or not. Why, if Mac couldn't get Danny to mature, would I be expected to believe that Lindsay would? I just can't wrap my mind around the idea that any and all changes made to Danny's character in season 2 can be attributed to Lindsay's arrival. The writers made a lot of changes from season 1 to season 2, and if anybody wants my opinion, I'd say that making Danny more 'mature' (whether it was a reasonable transition or not) had to do with the fact that the character was potentially too hot-headed in season 1.

If Danny is more mature because of Lindsay, is Mac less uptight because of Lindsay? Because his character also changed from season 1 to season 2.

Oh, and Stella has managed to maintain a 'strictly professional relationship' with Danny. Just wanted to point that out. And there's nothing to suggest that Maka or Angell have not maintained a professional relationship with him. So I don't really see the comparison of Lindsay to the other women he's worked with. Besides, we don't know anything about the women he's 'dated,' so I'm not going to make a comment on what their relationship with Danny might have been. I'm certainly not going to say that the infamous 'Cindy' was a whore who just wanted to tap that ass. Lindsay isn't somehow superior because she didn't come on to Danny like Nixon Suicide or the dominatrix woman.

Also, flirting with Danny (yes, she did in season 2, despite what the writers might intend for us to think--they can't brainwash me, I saw the season), accepting a date and then standing him up, and shoving off his attempts to be there for her--yes, I can certainly see how she's made him feel worthy. :rolleyes:

Danny should mature because it's what's best for Danny. Because he has made mistakes and realizes that there needs to be a change. Because he's looking at his life from a different perspective after the death of a close friend and what happened to his brother. Not because of a girl. Even if she is as sooper-speshul as Lindsay Monroe. :rolleyes:
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who isn't all oooh D/L they're so cute. Like I said before if there was more chemistry between the two actors and it wasn't forced upon us I might be more open to it!
If and it seems to be heading that way, that Danny and Lindsay do end up being a couple how do you think the writers will write it? It doesn't seem to me that Danny is a fluffy, romantic type of guy and I just don't know how it's going to work!! Also I imagine Lindsay to be high maintenance and stuff!!
On a side note thank the lords other people find Danny more attractive than Carmine - thought it was just me!! Not that Carmine isn't hot! You all know what I mean!!
MichelleK said:
It doesn't seem to me that Danny is a fluffy, romantic type of guy

You can say that again MichelleK :lol: If he starts bringing flowers into the office or buying soft cuddly toys then someone'll have to pass me a bucket... :eek:
I wouldn't put it past the writers to make some outrageous changes to Danny's character to make it fit whatever it is they want at the time.

(I don't see Lindsay as high-maintenance, though, but that's a different story. ;) Glad to see you jumping right into the discussion, Michelle. :D)

On a side note thank the lords other people find Danny more attractive than Carmine - thought it was just me!! Not that Carmine isn't hot! You all know what I mean!!
Heh, nope, it's definitely not just you. Of course, I think we've all had a thing for a fictional character before, although we might not want to admit to the ones that were from books/etc. :eek: Admitting to thinking a character is hot on a tv show is much easier to do. :lol:

(I should not be alive this early in the morning. Nnnggg, I am like the undead here...)
Sorry if I am jumping in - I don't wanna step on anyones toes or upset and D/L fans!!
I'm not sure if I mean high maintenance, I reckon she will keep tabs on Danny and see who and where he is!
I'm with you twinkletoes if he brings flowers to the lab I may shoot him myself!!
I'm not sure if I mean high maintenance, I reckon she will keep tabs on Danny and see who and where he is!
Ah, I see what you mean. It would go with what they did at the end of "Stealing Home" where they made Lindsay look a little bit obsessive, but I doubt they will. It would be interesting, that's for sure--but it would ultimately end with a shootout in the precinct, Danny locked in the basement, or a total character change that would allow everyone to move on as if nothing ever happened. :p Because, of course, these shows just can't help themselves--once they do something, they seem to just go hog wild and half crazy with it. :lol:

Anywho...I checked the listings, and Showtime will be playing "The Learning Curve" within the next two weeks. Um, why? :lol:

I went looking for discussion starters, just for the hell of it, and actually got a good idea. :lol:

If you could imagine the perfect CSI:NY episode for Danny, what would be in it? Include continuity, storylines, significant cases--anything that strikes your fancy. ;) Push Carmine to the limit if you can, discuss the kind of thing that would really force him to work his cute little ass off. :D
Exactly I think we are in with D/L for the long haul so I guess we should just see what happens!! Obsessed Lindsay will always end up with a beaten and bruised Danny. Hehe!!
I bought the Learning Curve a few days ago - let's just say it was an interesting watch. I love all the cheesy stuff he was saying but it was a kinda weird film.

umm a storyline for Danny. I think maybe helping to rehabilitate Louie, kinda helping him through his injuries and getting their relationship back. That would be kinda emotional and tough on Danny I imagine. The Tanglewood court case would be really good!!
Mine may suck so feel free to post others!!

How about you Faylinn??
Nah, no ideas suck. ;)

I'd love to see some case that is just so tangled up in Danny's past that he doesn't know which way is up. He's got to deal with family loyalties vs. loyalty to his job, dealing with his demons vs. trying to pretend they don't exist, etc. I'd love to learn more about Louie, but I'm thinking something that involves a bigger family connection, going back to the mob stuff. Maybe start out with them thinking that the Tanglewood Boys are involved, which is bad enough, but when they really start to look into things, they find a whole lot more than they bargained for. We could see Mac and Danny's relationship again, which is always good to watch when the writers remember that, you know, they have one. Danny's friendships and work relationships would be tested, but more than anything Danny himself would be tested. In "Run Silent, Run Deep," Danny just sat back and put his faith in Mac and the rest of the team--I'd love to see him unable to remain hands-off this time. Oh, the possibilities for little moments to express so much. *shivers with excitement at the idea* But I believe Carmine could do it. ;)
That's sounds awesome! I would love more Danny angst about Tanglewood and Louie. Bring in Ma and Pop Messer. Pop Messer could admit to something in the past and Danny could try and sort it but implicate himself and he's the only one who can sort himself out. No Mac helping this time. It's all Danny. Family versus job, which one is more important!!! Kin of like Run Sient, Run Deep with a little bit of Raising Shane thrown in!! Danny on the edge!!
I do want to see a return of Sonny Sassone though - he was so bad and evil, i quite liked him!!
Ooh, what if Danny made the decision to do something obviously against the law to help someone in his family? Or to ignore the law? I don't mean like tampering with evidence, a la Aiden, but something else--something that Mac wouldn't find out about, and something which really has nothing to do with the lab itself. Then we'd have to see Danny dealing with it totally on his own, and he would be worried about Mac (or anyone else) finding out (and so would we!).

Ok, it's a bit much, but you have to admit it's an intriguing possibility. :lol:

I'd definitely love to see Sonny again. Maybe Danny has to go see him in jail for something, and we get a bit of tension bordering on outright hostility between them. *shivering at the idea again* :lol:
Faylinn and MichelleK - I'm with you on wanting to see more of Danny's family background - particularly since this forms the whole basis for his backstory. I'm thinking that Messer Snr has some serious mob connections - and that maybe he and his son don't talk anymore because of Danny's career choice. It would be good to see how those two would interact with each other if they ever met up again - and it would make a nice contrast with the semi-paternal relationship Danny has with Mac.

I also remember reading somewhere that the writers had another 'deep, dark secret' in mind for Danny in Season 3. Since we've only just had episode 1 of the current season here in the UK, is there any hint of this coming to the surface in what you're seeing in the US at the moment? I wonder what it might be? Is Danny a secret drug addict? Was he abused as a child? Is he only wearing those glasses to make him look smart?

Since I'm in a typing mood I also thought I'd put my tuppence worth into the Carmine vs Danny conversation you guys were having earlier. I'm kinda undecided as to which one I prefer....on the one hand I'm very drawn (obviously) to the character but am of sound enough mind to know that he's been perfectly cast, styled and scripted to generate exactly that response from me and a million other women around the world.

The actor, on the other hand, appeals to me too - apart from clearly being sex on a stick he also seems to be a genuinely interesting and unpretentious guy who says what he thinks in interviews and occasionally gives his stylist the night off so he can sneak out of the house in a very odd hat. Just like Danny he seems quirky and real. This I like.

Actually, the more I think about it - is Carmine just playing himself in the show? - minus the hats, of course...
I also remember reading somewhere that the writers had another 'deep, dark secret' in mind for Danny in Season 3. Since we've only just had episode 1 of the current season here in the UK, is there any hint of this coming to the surface in what you're seeing in the US at the moment?
Nope. Zip, zilch, nada. We don't even know Louie's condition and episode 15 comes on tomorrow. :rolleyes: I hope they aren't leaving it all for one episode crammed at the end of the season, with an unnecessary b-case and an episode ending that detracts from the main storyline. *cough*"RSRD"*cough*

It would be good to see how those two would interact with each other if they ever met up again - and it would make a nice contrast with the semi-paternal relationship Danny has with Mac.
Absolutely. I just think there's so much they can do with the family relationships and friendships on this show. Think of all of that material to work with...*wistful sigh*

occasionally gives his stylist the night off so he can sneak out of the house in a very odd hat.
Ugh, don't remind me of the hats! :lol:
I can understand that maybe Pop Messer and Danny don't talk but I wish we got to see the atmosphere between the pair at the end or Run Silent, Run Deep. Danny obviously seems really close to his ma, with him calling her mommy and he mentions her alot. I do think even a storyline about abused children or a child killer could affect him alot.
I wonder what the big dark secret is for Danny?? It's very surprising that there hasn't been a single mention about Louie? I mean it didn't seem he was going to make it out of the coma and then nothing!!
I'm all ready for a Danny packed angst ridden episode that blows everything out of the world!!
Faylinn said:
Well, that's a lovely theory, and I'm sure I've seen/read it before. However, there are holes to this idea.

Danny respects Mac, probably more than he respects anybody else, colleague or not. Why, if Mac couldn't get Danny to mature, would I be expected to believe that Lindsay would?
Excellent point. If Danny were to change for anyone, it would certainly be Mac over Lindsey.

Danny should mature because it's what's best for Danny. Because he has made mistakes and realizes that there needs to be a change. Because he's looking at his life from a different perspective after the death of a close friend and what happened to his brother. Not because of a girl. Even if she is as sooper-speshul as Lindsay Monroe. :rolleyes:
In my opinion, I think that's where most of the change is coming from. Danny doing what he needs to do to mature and advance in life, for him - not for anyone else. He was on the path to losing his job and straightened that out. Not for a girl.
After On The Job and when Danny was taken off the Promotion Grid, did he ever get back on the grid or not! I can't remember! i agree if Danny is going to change for anyone it's going to be for Mac and his approval, not for some girl he's only known for five minutes! He's just tamed his ways since Lindsay arrived!!