However, and it’s a big ‘however‘, somewhere between dreaming up the whole Danny/Lindsay 'relationship' on paper and translating it onto the screen the whole thing just got totally lost.
That's exactly how I feel as well. The idea works in theory--hell, the very reason it's 'cliche' to a lot of us is that it's been used so many times before, and often to good effect. But this case just...falls short.
However, I have to say one thing to go with the current discussion in here: Lindsay may not be drop-dead gorgeous, but she's still an attractive woman. I've seen photos of Anna outside of NY and she's even more attractive than she is on the show, but Lindsay is certainly not going to run men off when they see her.
Anyway, my problems with the compatibility between the characters isn't physical, although I agree with the comments made from time-to-time that Danny and Lindsay are no more than 'cute' together. When I try to think through the personalities of the characters is when I run into trouble (I tried to explain on my LJ, but I'm not sure how well it came across). If the writers put these two together, I can't see a way for it to be a healthy and happy relationship, and if they write it that way, then they're either disregarding the characterization they've already created for them, or else they're changing things. Either that, or I've missed something.
Anyway, back to just Danny/Carmine.
I'm another person who is more attracted to Danny than to Carmine himself. Carmine does a phenomenal job of portraying this character--such a good job that he can seem so
real on the show. When it comes to the kind of person that intrigues me, no offense to Carmine, but the character is much closer than he is himself. I think that just shows his ability as an actor, if we're able to view them as two completely separate entities. It's not just Carmine spouting off technical terms, it's Danny who is doing it.