Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ I think you stated that very well. If was a great scene. It felt a little sweet and intimate for exactly the reasons you described.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

That scene in "Risk" was really cute. I think it showed just how shy Danny really is. That girl smiled at him quite a few times before he went over and talked to her, and then it was obvious he was a little bashful about it. That's why I find it absurd when people suggest Danny is a player. Danny attracts a lot of female attention, but a lot of times he's either oblivious to it or really shy about it.

That's why the stuff with Lindsay made better sense in season two. She was making the overtures, and he seemed oblivious to it. When Sid made the crush comment I was baffled because it seemed to obviously be the other way around. Unless Danny has a crush on Zach, Detective Scagnetti, and Adam, too--all of the other people he gave nicknames too.

Watching Danny be a doormat this season has really made me feel bad for him. His behavior just isn't healthy at all. :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
I find it absurd when people suggest Danny is a player. Danny attracts a lot of female attention, but a lot of times he's either oblivious to it or really shy about it.
I agree. The women usually come on to Danny. If he were a player, he'd still have Nixon Suicide's name scratched in his back somewhere.

That's why the stuff with Lindsay made better sense in season two. She was making the overtures, and he seemed oblivious to it. When Sid made the crush comment I was baffled because it seemed to obviously be the other way around. Unless Danny has a crush on Zach, Detective Scagnetti, and Adam, too--all of the other people he gave nicknames too.
The whole Danny chasing Lindsey thing seemed to come out of nowhere. We saw her flirt with him and that felt natural. If he'd simply succumbed to that, that might have felt natural too. But Danny chasing Lindsey just doesn't work in terms of character or chemistry.

Watching Danny be a doormat this season has really made me feel bad for him. His behavior just isn't healthy at all. :(
It's frustrating to watch because Danny doesn't have to be some chick's doormat. If he wants to play the submissive role, at least let that role be undertaken in the spirit of adventure and play Nixon Suicide or the dominatrix from the Idiotard race's bitch. I'm all for submission as sport, but fail to see the allure of a character who becomes submissive just because he's pathetically low on self-esteem.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Watching Danny be a doormat this season has really made me feel bad for him. His behavior just isn't healthy at all. :(
It's frustrating to watch because Danny doesn't have to be some chick's doormat. If he wants to play the submissive role, at least let that role be undertaken in the spirit of adventure and play Nixon Suicide or the dominatrix from the Idiotard race's bitch. I'm all for submission as sport, but fail to see the allure of a character who becomes submissive just because he's pathetically low on self-esteem.

I agree. The character of Danny, in my mind, just doesn't fit the low self esteem train it appears he is being put on. His character wasn't like that in season one, why all of a sudden has he done this 180 and end up Lindsay's dog? Even if he truly liked her and wanted to date her and she blew him off, why is he still chasing her? Most men would pick up, and move on.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
When Sid made the crush comment I was baffled because it seemed to obviously be the other way around. Unless Danny has a crush on Zach, Detective Scagnetti, and Adam, too--all of the other people he gave nicknames too.

Well the way I interpreted that was that Danny had a secret crush on her, which I thought was really cute. Like when the cute shy guy has an interest in a girl and kind of teases her a little? I didn't see it as him pursuing her. The storyline after that point confused me though because, as you guys have said, he was suddenly the one pursuing her. Just because it's now been established that he kind of likes her too doesn't mean that we now have to fall into the stereotypical "boy pursues girl" scenario. Why couldn't it continue to be Lindsay (is it Lindsay or Lindsey?) putting the moves on him? That would have made more sense to me.
Here's goes my thoughts and I apologise if they don't make any sense!!
I have seen Carmine in some of his films pre CSI:NY and even though they aren't the best scripts in the world you can't deny the guy doesn't always give 110%.
Seeing Carmine as Danny is just scary. I have never known any TV character that has taken me on such a rollercoaster of emotions. I feel his pain in RSRD, his frustarions in OTJ and atually sometimes feel quite frightened of him when he is interviewing his witnesses. I love how the writers made him such an emotional wreck and him always wanting the truth no matter how he goes about it. I hope they continue with his past life and family and also his obvious frustrationsat wanting Mac's approval. He is such a wonderful actor and I do think the show would suffer if Danny/Carmine was to ever leave, but he does seem to enjoy it at the moment as long as the writers start to give him more drama and stop him from being door-mat Danny (drop the D/L thing). Bring back season 1 Danny who liked not just bending the rules but down right breaking them.
Here's to the future of Carmine in both CSI and in the movies. I mean I swear the guy could act out the Alphabet and make it an emmy winning performance.
Sorry for my big post and I hope it makes sense.

On a side note and it may just be me - but I think I am more in love with Danny Messer than I am with Carmine Giovinazzo. I know that's strange as Danny is only a character but y'know!!!
MichelleK said:
I have seen Carmine in some of his films pre CSI:NY and even though they aren't the best scripts in the world you can't deny the guy doesn't always give 110%.
Nope. Not ever going to deny that. That sort of dedication and passion for the job you're doing is inspiring.

I mean I swear the guy could act out the Alphabet and make it an emmy winning performance.
LOL!!! :lol: You know what, I'd watch it ... it would be bound to be interesting :lol:

Sorry for my big post and I hope it makes sense.
:confused: Are you kidding me? Have you seen the length of some of the posts on here? (and um, yeah, I'm one of the guiltiest :eek:) Compared to those, your post is positively dwarf-like in stature :D. And it makes perfect sense to me.

I know that's strange as Danny is only a character but y'know!!!
I don't think that's strage at all. I've always maintained that Danny is more human that a lot of humans I know.
Thanks Crankyjules!
I would honestly love to see him perform the alphabet!! Hehe!! It would be interesting television!!
I like what you said about Danny being more human than alot of humans! You honestly summed it up there!!
Danny Messer is a great guy and if I ever needed a CSI to sort out a crime for me he'd be the one I'd call up without even thinking about it! That is if I ever was on CSI:NY snd got a choice of my CSI!! HeHe!!
^ LOL!! That's for sure. Especially seeing as the forensics guys in my town aren't quite in the same, um, category as the tv versions :D Oh, pardon me, apparently there IS one but I haven't clapped eyes on him yet.

Some of the uniforms are very nice though, I must say ... I was eyeing them off today in Court (I work with victims of domestic violence and court can be a good time for perving on the good guys :lol:) And the Sheriff - oh Lord I have a little crush going on that guy. I love my job :D
I'm not sure Danny chasing Lindsay is totally out of character. At the end of Heroes he's telling his funny little story about Aiden, and she apparently told him "Get out of my face Messer. I think you're cute, but I'm way out of your league". Other posters above have mentioned his shyness, that could mean he's a little insecure and that his self-esteem might not be as high as we think it is. So maybe his self-esteem is low enough to go chasing after Lindsay. Think about it, he's got a troubled past, family links to the Tanglewood boys, a feisty temper (which we all think is hot, but...), those things might hold Danny back a little in the love department.
I think too a lot of people question Danny's taste when it comes to Lindsay because, while she's cute, she's not drop-dead gorgeous like Aiden or Detective Angell. Maybe Danny figures after Aiden that "drop-dead gorgeous" is indeed out of his league and goes for the cute, girl-next-door types instead.
MichelleK said:
On a side note and it may just be me - but I think I am more in love with Danny Messer than I am with Carmine Giovinazzo. I know that's strange as Danny is only a character but y'know!!!
Doesn't sound strange to me. My crush has always been on Danny, as opposed to the guy who plays him. I've loved Danny's character until this season and, frankly, an intellectual standing behind a microscope is far more appealing to me than a People magazine pin-up boy. Carmine is an undeniably amazing actor who brings Danny to life in way no one else could. He puts his heart into Danny and makes him real, but he's not Danny. He's just a real guy and that's never as interesting as well-crafted fiction.

I think too a lot of people question Danny's taste when it comes to Lindsay because, while she's cute, she's not drop-dead gorgeous like Aiden or Detective Angell. Maybe Danny figures after Aiden that "drop-dead gorgeous" is indeed out of his league and goes for the cute, girl-next-door types instead.
Maybe. I hadn't thought of it like that before. I'd want to cry for Danny if he thought he couldn't get Angell. Sure he could. Danny doesn't have to to settle. But yeah, he could be pursuing Lindsey because his low-self esteem tells him she's the best he can do. Aidan told him outright that she was out of his league. Maybe he believes Angell is too. :confused: ... But he does receieve consistent affirmation of his magnetic sexuality through the fact that some of the hottest/most sexually powerful suspects he comes into contact with hit on him - Nixon and the dominatrix.
labgeekluvr said:
I'm not sure Danny chasing Lindsay is totally out of character. At the end of Heroes he's telling his funny little story about Aiden, and she apparently told him "Get out of my face Messer. I think you're cute, but I'm way out of your league". Other posters above have mentioned his shyness, that could mean he's a little insecure and that his self-esteem might not be as high as we think it is. So maybe his self-esteem is low enough to go chasing after Lindsay. Think about it, he's got a troubled past, family links to the Tanglewood boys, a feisty temper (which we all think is hot, but...), those things might hold Danny back a little in the love department.
I think too a lot of people question Danny's taste when it comes to Lindsay because, while she's cute, she's not drop-dead gorgeous like Aiden or Detective Angell. Maybe Danny figures after Aiden that "drop-dead gorgeous" is indeed out of his league and goes for the cute, girl-next-door types instead.

I agree - I don’t think Danny finding Lindsay attractive is out of character. In fact, on paper, they’re a good match for each other......they're both around the same age, at the same stage in their careers, and a bit earnest and geeky. They're also both outsiders in a sense - Danny because he comes from a dodgy background and Lindsay's got this whole 'country girl in the city' thing going on.

While it's true that Danny has street smarts on the surface, underneath I don't think he's got inner confidence. In fact he's really vulnerable and constantly needs reassurance that he's on the right track. In principle Lindsay might be the kind of girl he'd feel safe with and therefore could trust and open up to. In contrast Angell, and to a lesser extent Aiden, would’ve eventually chewed Danny up and spat him out!

However, and it’s a big ‘however‘, somewhere between dreaming up the whole Danny/Lindsay 'relationship' on paper and translating it onto the screen the whole thing just got totally lost. TPTB must have scoured America from coast to coast to find an actress who simply couldn't recreate any chemistry whatsoever with the impossibly pretty Carmine Giovinazzo....where on earth did they find her?? Who knew such a woman existed?? And while we might forgive Anna Belknap for not being able to summon up some natural spark with Carmine, can she really be forgiven for not being able to make us believe that Lindsay has any spark with Danny?
However, and it’s a big ‘however‘, somewhere between dreaming up the whole Danny/Lindsay 'relationship' on paper and translating it onto the screen the whole thing just got totally lost.
That's exactly how I feel as well. The idea works in theory--hell, the very reason it's 'cliche' to a lot of us is that it's been used so many times before, and often to good effect. But this case just...falls short.

However, I have to say one thing to go with the current discussion in here: Lindsay may not be drop-dead gorgeous, but she's still an attractive woman. I've seen photos of Anna outside of NY and she's even more attractive than she is on the show, but Lindsay is certainly not going to run men off when they see her.

Anyway, my problems with the compatibility between the characters isn't physical, although I agree with the comments made from time-to-time that Danny and Lindsay are no more than 'cute' together. When I try to think through the personalities of the characters is when I run into trouble (I tried to explain on my LJ, but I'm not sure how well it came across). If the writers put these two together, I can't see a way for it to be a healthy and happy relationship, and if they write it that way, then they're either disregarding the characterization they've already created for them, or else they're changing things. Either that, or I've missed something.

Anyway, back to just Danny/Carmine. ;)

I'm another person who is more attracted to Danny than to Carmine himself. Carmine does a phenomenal job of portraying this character--such a good job that he can seem so real on the show. When it comes to the kind of person that intrigues me, no offense to Carmine, but the character is much closer than he is himself. I think that just shows his ability as an actor, if we're able to view them as two completely separate entities. It's not just Carmine spouting off technical terms, it's Danny who is doing it. ;)
AnotherPlanet said:
TPTB must have scoured America from coast to coast to find an actress who simply couldn't recreate any chemistry whatsoever with the impossibly pretty Carmine Giovinazzo....where on earth did they find her?? Who knew such a woman existed??
LMAO! That was awesome! Indeed, Carmine is gorgeous and seems to have fantastic chemistry with everyone he comes into contact with ... except his on-screen romantic interest. How does that happen? :lol:

And while we might forgive Anna Belknap for not being able to summon up some natural spark with Carmine, can she really be forgiven for not being able to make us believe that Lindsay has any spark with Danny?
Excellent question. And the answer is "no." Carmine and Anna would seem to have little in common, from what we know of them. It's quite likely there's no real spark there. But seriously, how hard can it be to fake an interest in someone like Carmine? Or worse - Carmine playing Danny. The actress who can't pull that off convincingly needs to go back to waiting tables.

Lindsay may not be drop-dead gorgeous, but she's still an attractive woman. I've seen photos of Anna outside of NY and she's even more attractive than she is on the show, but Lindsay is certainly not going to run men off when they see her.
Maybe in Montana, men fancy women with the face of a horse. :lol: Kidding. I'm just being mean. I've seen pics of Anna outside CSI:NY and she does appear more attractive than they make Lindsey out to be. She can't help it if her character is made-up to look dumpy. I think when people complain that Lindsey isn't the right match for Danny because she's not attractive enough, they don't necessarily mean that she's ugly. I think it's all relative and she falls short of the bar set by the other women Danny comes into contact with. Plus, there's an underlying sexuality to Danny that women seem to respond to. Lindsey is utterly lacking in that. Hell, I'd gladly take a piece of some of Danny's other options, but Lindsey? Nooooo thanks. Think I've got to stay home and floss my cat's ass or something ... and I don't even have a cat. :rolleyes: Guess you girls had better hide yours from me. :lol:
I think it's all relative and she falls short of the bar set by the other women Danny comes into contact with. Plus, there's an underlying sexuality to Danny that women seem to respond to.

But he does receieve consistent affirmation of his magnetic sexuality through the fact that some of the hottest/most sexually powerful suspects he comes into contact with hit on him - Nixon and the dominatrix.

I think that's precisely the reason the character of Danny found his love match in Lindsay. She didn't swoon at his feet, like most women. She didn't ask to go home with him or give him a one-night stand, like most of the women he's "dated." She maintained the strictly professional relationship, unlike every other woman he's known and worked with.

Lindsay gave as good as she got, and she wasn't an easy conquest for him, professionally or personally. She made him realize that there was more to life than wham-bam-get-outta-here-ma'am, and he was worthy of that. Notice the endless discussions of his maturity and lack of hot-headedness at work. This happened after Lindsay. Danny wants to be better, and he wants to be better for her. :)