Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

In my opinion, I think that's where most of the change is coming from. Danny doing what he needs to do to mature and advance in life, for him - not for anyone else. He was on the path to losing his job and straightened that out. Not for a girl.
He's just tamed his ways since Lindsay arrived!!
The fact that the changes have occurred since the beginning of season 2 make them automatically associated with Lindsay. The writers probably would have made the same changes even if Aiden had stayed, but because Lindsay is here, she must be responsible. It's good to know she can make Danny a better person even if she can't keep her own shit together. :rolleyes:

It's very surprising that there hasn't been a single mention about Louie? I mean it didn't seem he was going to make it out of the coma and then nothing!!
I know, that really bothers me. They say his name twice, but not even a hint of how he's doing, if he's even still alive. :rolleyes:

After On The Job and when Danny was taken off the Promotion Grid, did he ever get back on the grid or not! I can't remember!
They've never mentioned it, so we don't know. I wish they'd give some sort of hint to us.
Faylinn said:
I'd definitely love to see Sonny again. Maybe Danny has to go see him in jail for something, and we get a bit of tension bordering on outright hostility between them.
Ok, I'm probably going to make an ass of myself to all you law degree folks, but bear with me. :lol:

But I'd actually be interested to see Danny visit Louie in jail, assuming he's alive and recovered. Danny already faces the stigma of coming from a crime-oriented family, and I wonder how the consequences of Louie going to jail (accomplice to murder? premeditated murder...whatever would fit his situation) would sit. I mean, unless Danny somehow gets out of it, I would presume he would be at the trial -- whether to support his brother/family or testify (if it somehow calls for it).

I'm also curious as to how long Louie would survive in jail. Sonny made a point to tell Mac that he has connections -- and I'm sure if his family is as crime-oriented, then they would too. Then when Louie gets shanked while trying to take a piss, Danny can become overwhelmed with guilt and the drawn out dance that is D/L can continue.

Though yes, other than those off the wall curiosities, I too would like to know Danny's 'deep dark secret' because all CSI members have their secrets.
Danny can become overwhelmed with guilt and the drawn out dance that is D/L can continue.
Argh! Speak not of the D/L anymore! :lol: I swear, we just bring everything right back around to that, and there is more than enough to speculate about for Danny without coming back to D/L. :p

But to the rest of your post--that would be really interesting, to see Louie in trouble for something and Danny trying to come to terms with it. Ooooh, what if Danny went against Mac and tried to get Sonny to help Louie out? He'd know it was a lost cause, and that Sonny wouldn't help Louie for any reason, but Danny would probably try anyway. And Mac would be stern with him, but he'd understand.

God, I'd love to see more between Danny and Mac. It would give me splodey!pants for sure, in the not-so-sexual way, of course. :lol:
If Louie did go to prison beause of his invovement with Tanglewood, surely that would cause friction between Mac and Danny. Mac wants his CSI's minds focused and with Mac also being involved in the case that would have sent the Tanglewood boys to prison surely there would be tension.
I would love to just know how Louie is doing, one way or the other but are we supposed to believe that Danny doesn't care and that no one bothers enough to ask how his brother is doing? It's odd!!
Bring back Sonny and the Tanglewood connections and please drop the D/L thing!!
the D/L thing!!
ARGH! *buzzer sound* Can we force penalties? :lol:

If Louie did go to prison beause of his invovement with Tanglewood, surely that would cause friction between Mac and Danny.
Oh yeah, most definitely. But I think even Mac would have trouble with having to be part of the group that put Louie in jail, because he's close to Danny. He can kind of brush off Flack's relationship with Gavin and Flack's relationship with that dirty cop, but he'll have a lot more trouble getting over his own personal connections, and Danny is definitely someone that he looks out for and cares about beyond just a subordinate at work.

are we supposed to believe that Danny doesn't care and that no one bothers enough to ask how his brother is doing? It's odd!!
No, they just don't mention it if it's not convenient. When they want to do a storyline, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if they threw in some line about Danny going to see Louie every week, or Mac mentioning something that they did more than once, etc. Just like with Aiden--she wasn't mentioned at all and then all of a sudden 'oh yeah, Danny was going to have dinner with her,' like they've been hanging out the whole time. :rolleyes:
Argh! Speak not of the D/L anymore! I swear, we just bring everything right back around to that, and there is more than enough to speculate about for Danny without coming back to D/L.
Whaaaaaat? It's hardly fact, I rarely see any topics about it. Where do I go to read such material? :lol:

But yes I know, there is plenty of material to discuss outside of the romantic spectrum. I just felt this thread was lacking a bit on that particular discussion. It's been about three posts since it was last brought up...maybe. *ducks flying objects* :p

But anyway, anyone who goes toe-to-toe with Mac is awesome television. Some of my favorite moments this season has been watching Hawkes and Flack butt heads with Superman!Mac; so I'd totally be on board watching some more Danny and Mac moments again. I was a little disappointed when they dropped the relationship between Mac and Danny. Sure they get along fine now, but I liked watching Danny hungrily seek out Mac's approval and all the trouble it caused. Granted Danny probably wouldn't have a job by S3, but I can wish. Lol.

On another wishful note, I wish we knew how deep the Messer family was involved in the criminal world. If the TPTB want to drag out storylines; then something involving possible repercussions due to Sonny's incarceration would be interesting to watch. You could even get Mac involved in that one.

Faylinn said:
Oh yeah, most definitely. But I think even Mac would have trouble with having to be part of the group that put Louie in jail, because he's close to Danny. He can kind of brush off Flack's relationship with Gavin and Flack's relationship with that dirty cop, but he'll have a lot more trouble getting over his own personal connections, and Danny is definitely someone that he looks out for and cares about beyond just a subordinate at work.
Do you think Mac is aware that he plays the role of a surrogate father for Danny? Since he was aware of Lindsay's situation and was perhaps looking out for her in 'Manhatten Manhunt,' perhaps he's been looking out for Danny's interests and whatever 'deep dark secret' he's hiding.
SimplyBlue said:
But anyway, anyone who goes toe-to-toe with Mac is awesome television. Some of my favorite moments this season has been watching Hawkes and Flack butt heads with Superman!Mac; so I'd totally be on board watching some more Danny and Mac moments again. I was a little disappointed when they dropped the relationship between Mac and Danny. Sure they get along fine now, but I liked watching Danny hungrily seek out Mac's approval and all the trouble it caused. Granted Danny probably wouldn't have a job by S3, but I can wish. Lol.
I'm right there with you on that. I'm very disappointed there's been no developments on that since RSRD, as if it was all resolved with the one hug.

And who was it who asked about the promotion grid? MichelleK? I've wondered about that for a long time too - there's been not a word.

Danny's been 'in the system's sights' before On the Job, and I want to know what he meant by that. Why was he in the system's sights? I want to know about the mob connection (if there is one). And I particularly want to know about Louie. It's exasperating.

But going back to the start of this post ... Mac and Danny's relationship was the point at which I really became really intrigued with this series. It is so evident that Danny has matured because of this ... in his search for Mac's approval and to get back on the promotion grid, not because Lindsay happened to come along.
I just felt this thread was lacking a bit on that particular discussion. It's been about three posts since it was last brought up...maybe. *ducks flying objects*
*pokes you* :lol:

I was a little disappointed when they dropped the relationship between Mac and Danny. Sure they get along fine now, but I liked watching Danny hungrily seek out Mac's approval and all the trouble it caused. Granted Danny probably wouldn't have a job by S3, but I can wish. Lol.
I was disappointed as well. I loved that they butted heads, but that Danny obviously respected Mac and Mac clearly cared about Danny. I wish they hadn't given up on showing Danny's desperation for Mac's approval--they could have made changes without totally forgetting about the dynamic.

On another wishful note, I wish we knew how deep the Messer family was involved in the criminal world.
Yeah, me too. Was his father in the mob? It's obvious that he was 'connected' because of the fact that Louie was a Tanglewood Boy, but there's no telling just what that means.

Oh, and just a random site note: Sonny said in "Tanglewood" that they were looking at the Tanglewood Boys when it was just the three guys--but there's apparently an older generation of the gang, or members who aren't around any more (Louie and that guy who killed himself, at least). That's all a bit confusing to me. :confused:

Do you think Mac is aware that he plays the role of a surrogate father for Danny?...perhaps he's been looking out for Danny's interests and whatever 'deep dark secret' he's hiding.
I'm sure that, like Lindsay, Mac knows all about Danny's past. Probably more than Danny even realizes. Or, perhaps he does know that Mac is aware of everything--which would make him even more desperate to prove that he deserves the chance that Mac has given him...

Danny's been 'in the system's sights' before On the Job, and I want to know what he meant by that. Why was he in the system's sights?
Yeah, I'm wondering if he means something with his family (maybe when he was much younger and felt unable to do anything useful--all the more reason to want to just say his piece in "On the Job"), or himself in particular...
PrettyEyes said:
I think that's precisely the reason the character of Danny found his love match in Lindsay. She didn't swoon at his feet, like most women. She didn't ask to go home with him or give him a one-night stand, like most of the women he's "dated." She maintained the strictly professional relationship, unlike every other woman he's known and worked with.

Huh??? I'm sorry, but I don't ask people out for drinks that I want to be strictly professional with. Twice. Nor would I accept a date and not show up, if I wanted to be strictly professional. There's nothing professional at all about Lindsay's behavior towards Danny. Inconsistant, yes. Professional, no.

Lindsay gave as good as she got, and she wasn't an easy conquest for him, professionally or personally. She made him realize that there was more to life than wham-bam-get-outta-here-ma'am, and he was worthy of that.

What evidence do we have that Danny has ever been anything like that? The guy who balked at Aiden's suggestion that he'd been to a prostitute? The guy who was so shy it took him a whole episode and several train rides to work up the courage to approach a girl who was outright staring and smiling at him? The idea that Danny is a player is a supposition that I've only seen bandied about by the idea that Danny has "changed" for Lindsay, or that that's been a positive thing.

Lindsay's unattractiveness comes in part from her looks (she's really plain compared to the other actresses on the show) and in part from her sour attitude and the way she scrunches up her face for 90% of her screentime. Danny's so far out of her league it's laughable.

I do agree with those who say Danny's had low self-esteem all along. I don't think he's ever had a healthy self image, but as bad as it was to watch his desperate attempts to please Mac, this pathetic chasing of Lindsay is a new low for him. She mistreats him and he puts up with it. Hardly a basis for a healthy relationship.

What bothers me is that I doubt the writers are trying to play this as unhealthy. If they were building up for Lindsay to go obsessive and beat Danny or Danny to spiral into some sort of depressive issues because of this emotionally abusive pairing, I'd be on board. But if we're supposed to think Lindsay is good for Danny, well, that's just absurd.

I'd much rather go back to the complex relationship that we saw built up between Danny and Mac in season one. Now that was a complex relationship and the writers painted it with so much depth that the viewer could actually see both sides of the on-going conflict. I miss that depth and the dynamic Carmine and Gary built up--it certainly was leagues ahead of this sophomoric romance plotline.

And MichelleK, my crush is definitely on Danny. The bespecled lab geek is definitely one of the most adorable characters on TV.
I'd much rather go back to the complex relationship that we saw built up between Danny and Mac in season one. Now that was a complex relationship and the writers painted it with so much depth that the viewer could actually see both sides of the on-going conflict. I miss that depth and the dynamic Carmine and Gary built up
(General 'you' usage here :p)
Exactly. You weren't on a side, you could see things from both angles, and it wasn't something that could be easily resolved or even understood. Mac was trying hard, and Danny was trying hard, but they weren't quite meeting in the middle. It was frustrating, and it gripped you as a viewer. The writers have dropped something with so much potential, and I really hate that. I'd love to see Gary and Carmine do more scenes like those again...
Yeah, me too. Was his father in the mob? It's obvious that he was 'connected' because of the fact that Louie was a Tanglewood Boy, but there's no telling just what that means.

Oh, and just a random site note: Sonny said in "Tanglewood" that they were looking at the Tanglewood Boys when it was just the three guys--but there's apparently an older generation of the gang, or members who aren't around any more (Louie and that guy who killed himself, at least). That's all a bit confusing to me.
Personally, I think that while the Tanglewood Boys had a reputation on the streets, they had far more influential connections outside of the little group. I felt that Sonny wasn’t so much hiding behind his own gang’s influence when he taunted Mac, but others who did at least have their hands in the justice system. In Danny’s generation the Tanglewood Boys may have been the upcoming future of the ‘mob lifestyle,’ but I really felt they were more or less wannabe spoiled punks with connections elsewhere. Sonny may have mocked the old school mobsters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were somehow connected.

So while Louie was a Tanglewood Boy, I don’t think it was enough to keep Danny himself in the ‘system’s sights’ for however long he was. I’m inclined to say that the Messer family was far more entrenched in the criminal world than just the Tanglewood Boys – at least enough to make whatever system keep watch and cause doubt in Danny’s hiring (though I’m sure his hotheadedness was of concern too). So maybe the Tanglewood Boys were merely a branch in Danny’s mobish background, and whoever they hide behind is where the real trouble starts. If Papa Messer (or other relatives) were somehow involved this higher power so to speak, maybe Louie chose to follow in the family shoes and Danny for whatever reason chose to go to the opposite end of the spectrum.

But yeah, I was confused by the Tanglewood Boys status as well. Originally I was surprised to see that the group only consisted of three dopey looking members (sorry, but I hate the pant sagging, multiple chain wearing look) who thought they were untouchable. I don’t think the gang was incredibly large to begin with if Danny told Mac it was a difficult thing to get out of. So maybe there is an older generation…or it once consisted of at least five members – even if the two who were with Sonny, from what I recall, in ‘Tanglewood’ looked fairly young.

Heh. I have a ‘thing’ for gangster-oriented and war movies. If it weren’t for some of my romantic comedies, you’d swear my movie collection belonged to a guy. But yeah, I love would to hear more about Danny’s family history. While this particular storyline (‘Tanglewood’) might be finished, I think there’s a lot the writers could do with the subject. Danny is the show’s damsel in distress, and he’s sitting on a goldmine of storylines with his relationship with Mac, his family’s shady history, possible abuse, etc. *prods the writers and whines* “Look guys, there’s so much you can doooooo.”

I'm sure that, like Lindsay, Mac knows all about Danny's past. Probably more than Danny even realizes. Or, perhaps he does know that Mac is aware of everything--which would make him even more desperate to prove that he deserves the chance that Mac has given him...
Now see that just makes me even more interested in Danny’s past. Perhaps I was unobservant watching ‘Tanglewood’ and ‘Run Silent, Run Deep,’ but I felt that Mac didn’t necessarily know about Danny’s past ties with the Tanglewood Boys. Of course being the God Fearing and All Knowing Mac, he may have just been giving Danny a chance to come clean, but then again, maybe it wasn’t as significant as other events in the man’s life. Maybe Louie’s involvement in the gang flew under the radar in comparison.

But I doubt it, lol. I’m sure Mac gave the term ‘background check’ a whole new definition when it came to picking his team members.

Though you also have a point if Danny already knows that Mac is aware of everything, and is desperately trying to prove his worth on the team. If Danny’s past does involve more notorious connections then maybe it was hard to find someone willing to give him a chance and move away from his family’s demons. Or, it may simply be about low self-esteem.

Top41 said:
What bothers me is that I doubt the writers are trying to play this as unhealthy.
I honestly doubt the writers intended to make it an unhealthy relationship. Sadly, I almost want to say that the viewers sometimes put more thought into than the writers’ at times. Though if on a bizarre and twisted turn the relationship was meant to be damaging, I’d be right on board too. While the turn would probably destroy Lindsay’s likeability, I’d give props to the writers for subtle character development and playing off of his personal demons. In fact, I’d probably take back most of the negative things I’ve said about them lately, lol.

Unfortunately, I think they see as Danny and Lindsay as being fun and cute, appealing to female demographics, and something to pull future character development moments from.

…Danny’s just a sad man in general, lol.
I agree that Mac would not be able to step back and not be involved if the Tanglewood boys went to prison. Angst Danny anyone!!
I'm sure he also knows deep down that he is a surrogate father figure for Danny, I mean Danny is always looking for Mac's approval but Mac's approach has been kind of tough love. His comments in OTJ and after he went for his pysch evaluation support that. I don't think anyone else would have kinda been there for Danny at the end of Run Silent, Run Deep. But I thought the hug was kinda one sided and Danny looked kinda disappointed to be letting is emotions show!!
I guess they have to forget the criminal past of the Messer clan for a while cos the Lindsay past has cropped up finally! I do stand by and say bring back season one Danny trying to fnd the balance between good cop, and getting the answers the right way!!
Surely also Mac must be aware that Danny is in the system if he was strongly advised about hiring him. Do you think it was just because of the Messer connection with mob culture and Tanglewood or do you think Danny is in the system for something else!!
I personally think that if Mac knew about the Messer ways and if Danny was in the system, he would not have hired him, unless he did to try and help him. It is that "Tough love" thing between Danny and Mac. Despite some belief that people in my family have, I also personally think that Flack is sort of like a brother to him, trying to keep him out of trouble. Danny may be in the system for something else, but that doesn't seem to matter since the Lindsay past came up all at one time.
I tend to think that Mac doesn't know everything about Danny's past (although clearly he knows why people warned him against hiring Danny in the first place - which is more than we know!).

If you think back to Tanglewood Mac quite innocently asks Danny for his take on the tattoo that the young victim had - Danny maintains that he knew of the Tanglewood boys but at no point does he suggest that he had any connection with them, nor does Mac imply that he suspects Danny had a connection.

Then at the end of the episode when Sonny says that the gang knows all about Danny and Danny knows all about them, Stella and Mac exchange this look of absolute horror - as if they're completely shocked at the implications of Sonny's claim. Danny's facial expression at the end of the scene underlines the fact that his carefully hidden past is about to unravel.

I think one of the main themes of Season 1, and what made it such compelling viewing, was the relationship between Mac and Danny. TPTB took such care in setting the whole thing up - Danny as the young, keen, impulsive but career-minded guy and Mac as an older, steadier influence in his life. In the first part of the season we saw Danny clamour for Mac's approval and Mac's trust in him grow to the point where Danny earned a place on the promotion grid, presumably on Mac's recommendation. Then the whole emphasis changes - Danny starts to take his eye off the ball and in doing so he runs up against Mac - in Crimes and Misdemeanours, Tanglewood, and On The Job (I think they're in that order), and finally by the season 1 finale it's gone full circle and it seems like Mac is no longer sure if Danny is up to the job. I don't know about the rest of you, but by that last scene in the finale I almost thought the implication was that Mac was thinking of letting Danny go in favour of hiring Hawkes.

Anyway, the point of all this rambling is that after carefully constructing this very poignant, yet awkward relationship between two fantastic male leads they then went and just traded it in for a poorly written, badly cast, clichéd 'love' storyline with a limited shelf life that even the actors don't seem to be buying, never mind the audience.

The paternal relationship between Danny and Mac on the other hand had 'legs', was much more believable, and was a cut above the predictable boy meets girl storyline that seems to be a pre-requisite of almost every average tv programme on our screens at the moment.

Please can we get back to smart, sweet, vulnerable, needy guy from the wrong side of the tracks meets tough, humourless,lonely father-figure. It made for much better television.
AnotherPlanet - I agree with you wholeheartedly. The season one box set had me on pins seeing Danny grow from strength to strength and he also Mac's confidence in Danny grow. I loved seeing his downward spiral afterwards!! Danny Messer is such a intense character. I've never seen a male realtionship between to characters that I've ended for such a long time!!

Off topic a little but how old are all the CSI's meant to be? I was wondering cos not one of the New York characters are settled down or even in steady relationships! Apart from Mac who was married!!