Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Uh oh. I think you can count another person in as someone who's losing interest in the show. The only reason I wanna watch the latest episode is to see Flack playing with a baby. :eek: Oh, and how exactly Danny looks when he reads that ... note. (Do you know I now have a permanent image of Lindsay in a cow costume thanks to that note?!)

Here's to hoping season four will bring back good development for all the characters, including Danny. Where's my RSRD follow-up, damnit?! :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:
Where's my RSRD follow-up, damnit?! :lol:

Yeah, I'm waiting for that one too. Think if we post about it in the "Dear Writer's" thread they might listen to us? ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Maybe it's some other board they are reading (ahem), but not here, the main board for the CSI shows.

Hey Jules, please don't make this a board battle. We may have differing opinions on certain aspects, but we all like CSI.

Danny became the most popular character because he's flawed, intense, passionate and impulsive. The audience could relate to him, and sympathize with him. He was always interesting to watch.

I completely agree, Top. Danny was, and still is, flawed, intense, passionate and impulsive. That's how he works...that's how he lives. He'll always have Tanglewood and the Mafia background behind him, contributing to his emotional development. He'll always have Aiden's life, and subsequent death, contributing to his emotional development. He'll always have Flack's near-death injury; Lindsay's near-death undercover assignment; Stella's near-death assault; Louie's near-death, coma-inducing beatdown; Hawkes' frame-up by a serial killer; and his own inescapable lock-up in a panic-room contributing to his development.

Impulsive Danny yelled at the IA Captain to "Take it outside, Grandpa!" Passionate Danny questioned the bouncer about the shooter, although he was supposed to be "hands off." The whole team was supposed to be "hands off" the Hawkes case, yet they all contributed to help one of their own unofficially. However much Lindsay is disliked, she also contributed to help her coworker, just as she did when Aiden was murdered. Lindsay was found looking through the window to the layout room. Since she couldn't enter said room, she was observing the scientific processes utilized for Hawkes' clothing and realized the CSIs found GSR. That's looking out for your team.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ I'm sorry, Prettyeyes. :(

That wasn't my intention, and I certainly didn't want to give that impression.

If I've hurt anyone's feelings or made anyone uncomfortable, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. It hurts me to think I might have.

I'll pull my head in now :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Don't worry Jules. No harm, no foul :D. I just didn't want others to feel badly, or feel like their opinions were unwanted. We're good, girl. :sendingJulesahug: :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I've gone away and thought a little about this.

I don't retract my apology, because I'd be mortified if I thought I actually upset anyone.

But here's the thing ... I wasn't referring to any particular board. I know there are other boards out there that (a) although supposedly rabid Danny fans totally ignored MrsG's post regarding the Emmy project and others that (b) are actually very nasty about THIS board, because they don't like peoples opinions over here (which by the way everyone is entitled to). But I wasn't singling out any one board. Had no particular board in mind.

Everyone on this board IS entitled to their own opinion (of course) and in the main everyone is polite about that - which is why I like this board, and stick to it. I certainly am vocal in my opinions, but I never go after anyone who's opinion differs from mine. For instance, I respect people's rights to like Lindsay, or a Danny/Lindsay ship, and I don't dislike anyone because of that. And I hope to get the same respect back.

While I have said many times over on this board (and probably boringly so :lol:) how much I dislike some things, I NEVER say anything negative to anyone who's opinions differ from mine. Never have and never will.

I wasn't starting a battle. So for me to apologise for starting a battle would be wrong. But I stand by apologising if I upset anyone :)

Phew. Yes, we're good :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

crankyjules said:
But here's the thing ... I wasn't referring to any particular board. I know there are other boards out there that (a) although supposedly rabid Danny fans totally ignored MrsG's post regarding the Emmy project
Girls, let me just tell you how much I love you all. Sure, everytime the man takes his shirt off, the fangirl squeels are deafening, but at least people here participate in intelligent discussion and show their support through projects like this one. I've been spending time at various boards recently to promote this project and, while some are great, others are ... uh, well ... let me give you an example. On one fairly active board, this project has received not a single response at all. However, threads such as "Carmine and Vanessa Marcil" or "Who Would You Like to See Him Get With" see plenty of action. Sadly, even a new thread started after mine, in which the entire post consists of "he is WAY hott!!! there are not words to say how hott he is!" received multiple responses. :lol:

I definitely understand all the posts about people losing interest in the show. It's still one of my "must watch" shows, but honestly, Vegas has been soooo much better this season.

I like the word "emasculated" that Thumpy used for what the writers are doing to Danny. That's exactly it! And it sucks!

And to second kimmy - yeah, where is a follow-up to RSRD? Hello, writers, you just gonna leave Louie in a coma all season and not let us know how that situation was resolved? WTF? :confused:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I dug out my TV Guide that had Carmine, Adam, and Eric on the cover to read the article on Carmine again.

I wonder if maybe this could be a possible follow up to RSRD: Danny's challenged on a personal level because of his brother Louie (who may or may not be dead), and there's a deeper, darker problem," hints Anthony Zuiker. "He just can't shake his previous life." I also wonder if they will do that this season or not.

If this turns out to be all about Danny and not D/L, will we finally get the Danny back we all fell in love with?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ I know that little piece of interview by heart, I've read it countless times since it came out. I'm still hoping the idea will make it into an actual episode... *crosses fingers*
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

1CSIMfan said:
I dug out my TV Guide that had Carmine, Adam, and Eric on the cover to read the article on Carmine again.

I wonder if maybe this could be a possible follow up to RSRD: Danny's challenged on a personal level because of his brother Louie (who may or may not be dead), and there's a deeper, darker problem," hints Anthony Zuiker. "He just can't shake his previous life." I also wonder if they will do that this season or not.

If this turns out to be all about Danny and not D/L, will we finally get the Danny back we all fell in love with?

Ugh, I hope so. I think the worst thing about D/L is that it's superceded all other development for Danny. I could deal with the chemistry-free romance if it hadn't completely tanked his other storylines.

What is going on with Louie? What about that past he can't shake? Surely it's more than that his brother was in a gang. What about his family? How far back do those mob ties go? I want to explore that stuff about Danny.

Though, as I've said in other threads, the fact that he's still drawn to Lindsay after the shitty way she's treated him shows how little self-respect he has. It does go hand-in-hand with his somewhat desperate efforts to please Mac back in first season. But all of that makes me feel pretty bad for him. He's a pretty sad character in some ways. :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Hi there - I'm new here, although I've been 'lurking' around (I hope that's the right word!) reading all your posts here for the last couple of weeks. I'm in the UK so we've still not seen any of series 3!! But only 4 more days to go until Five finally show it....hooray!!

If it's not stating the obvious, I too find Danny totally compelling - and played in a way that puts him head and shoulders above most other characters you find in this genre of television.

I'm a bit disappointed then, or at least more disappointed than I should be at my age, to hear that there's not much in the way of character development for him in the new series. I wonder what the writers have been thinking? - I mean they really went out of their way in the first two series to create this very complex, intense, needy guy with the most interesting backstory of all the CSIs, and now it sounds like they've just glossed over all the things that made Danny so quirky and believable, in favour of turning him into some sort of typical, lovesick daytime tv character - it just all sounds a bit too much 'boy meets girl; girl dithers; boy pines; girl gives in; boy swoons'.

Like I said, I haven't seen any of series 3 so maybe I'm being a little bit harsh - but from what I've seen of Danny and Lindsay so far, I'm with those of you who just can't see it - not because she's plain (personally I don't think she is) or from the country, or because she's immature or keeps giving him the cold shoulder, but simply because there's no electricity between the two characters - no spark, no buzz, no nothing!!! I can't see how she's rockin' his world - emotionally, physically, or sexually. Maybe I'm missing something though!!

Oh well, that's enough rambling for one post - sorry if I've covered ground you've already been over....I promise to catch up real soon!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Welcome to the board, AnotherPlanet! I love it when lurkers (yes, you used the right word :D) come out and join us. Most people do lurk for a while before speaking up.

That was a great post. And you weren't being too harsh. I think you summed up season three pretty accurately with all the "boy meets girl" stuff. Yep, get ready for something straight out of the daytime soaps. :rolleyes:

You've also done a nice job of summing up all the various objections people have to Danny and Lindsey being together. I'm sure we could forgive most of what we find objectionable if there were even an ounce of sexual chemistry between the two. I agree with you in seeing no sign of that at all.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Hello, I am pretty new to the CSI: NY boards myself, but I will go digging for an intro thread for proper intro.

I find Danny a very complex charecter. I saw the episode where his brother was in the hospital, got the end of that on youtube where he is crying. Then he goes and chases after Lindsay. Weird. i think his chearcter needs to be a bit more in depth, find out a bit more about his past.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

AnotherPlanet said:
I'm a bit disappointed then, or at least more disappointed than I should be at my age, to hear that there's not much in the way of character development for him in the new series. I wonder what the writers have been thinking? - I mean they really went out of their way in the first two series to create this very complex, intense, needy guy with the most interesting backstory of all the CSIs, and now it sounds like they've just glossed over all the things that made Danny so quirky and believable, in favour of turning him into some sort of typical, lovesick daytime tv character - it just all sounds a bit too much 'boy meets girl; girl dithers; boy pines; girl gives in; boy swoons'.

Like I said, I haven't seen any of series 3 so maybe I'm being a little bit harsh - but from what I've seen of Danny and Lindsay so far, I'm with those of you who just can't see it - not because she's plain (personally I don't think she is) or from the country, or because she's immature or keeps giving him the cold shoulder, but simply because there's no electricity between the two characters - no spark, no buzz, no nothing!!! I can't see how she's rockin' his world - emotionally, physically, or sexually. Maybe I'm missing something though!!

Oh well, that's enough rambling for one post - sorry if I've covered ground you've already been over....I promise to catch up real soon!!

That's my biggest problem with it too--that and the fact that it's totally hurt Carmine's acting and Danny's development. Their "romantic" scenes fall flat because there's no spark at all between the characters.

I think it's a shame that Danny's development has fallen by the wayside for this pallid, cliched attempt at romance.

Welcome to our newbies, btw! :D Great to have you here. :cool:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

crankyjules said:
BTW, when I was mulling my letter to CBS over in my head for days, I kept having the phrase 'gives 110% to his job' in my head and then you went and used it. Snap. Couldn't use it :( :lol:
Well you could always use 1 million or 100 million %. Hey if they used it on American Idol (yes I watch it sometimes) then why can't you? :)

Of course, Virgos are notorious perfectionists :rolleyes: we can't help it, it is kind of like a disease. :lol: Similar to Obsessive Compulsive planning and organizing.... ;) Which isn't entirely a bad thing, I like to plan ahead, the perfectionist in me :rolleyes:
Heh, I'm hearing ya! :lol: I'm a Cancer, (Cancer in the 10th house) my moon is in Virgo and Scorpio ascendant. Add to that two perfectionist parents and I haven't a hope in hell of being anything but. :rolleyes: Are you a lists person?

Goooooooooooo CRABS! Wait... that didn't sound like I intended. :lol: Go Cancers! Yeah that's better. :rolleyes: hehe
I don't really know what my ascending is and everything else. I just know that from everything I've read about Cancers, I fit like 95% of it.

ThumpyG said:
OK, I will admit to being a lists person. There I said it, I am obsessed with lists, I make a damn list for everything, from paying my bills to getting groceries, to packing for a trip Serious disease.
I always try making lists and such to organize myself but unfortunately my memory lapses with that sort of thing and I invariably forget I ever made the list. :lol:
Although I do admit to being a perfectionist. It's something I've found can be good or bad. It helps me to make sure that the things I do are done right, but at the same time it hinders me as I take too much time to do things which are fine being "good enough".

MrsGiovinazzo said:
crankyjules said:It would be a crying shame if he let it all to his head and buys into the Hollywood bullshit. It has be a hard job keeping your head on straight given all the adoration. I pray to God we never see him ditching his fans because he's too 'big' for us now.
That's something I hope we never see. I realize the novelty of fan adoration wears thin, but I genuinely hope he never feels he's 'too big' for us. I'll always be a fan of the man's work, but I'm not at all a fan of people who buy into Hollywood and that's likely where my support would begin to waiver.

For example: Ben Affleck winning an Academy Award with his best buddy and giving a giddy, amateurish acceptance speech. Loved it! I was rooting for him and made sure I saw all his movies opening weekend for the next couple years. Fast forward to Affleck wearing Dolce & Gabana and driving a Bentley. Who the f**k is that guy? No longer rooting for him. I'm a fan of the average guy who makes it in Hollywood. I'm not a fan of the average guy who becomes Hollywood.

Well I don't have a prob with a celebrity enjoying the fruits of their labor a bit. I'm sure if I had a job that made me lots of money, I'd get myself the car of my dreams, a nice house and perhaps a designer dress or two. What I do have a problem with is the celebrities you see on shows like "Cribs" that have 20 cars and houses with 15 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms and a soda machine in their kitchen. That, to me, is just ostentatious and selfish in the face of the poverty in the world. I mean for real, how often would you drive each of those cars? And why not just stock your fridge with sodas you bought in bulk at Sam's Club or Costco?

I am in agreement with you guys in hoping he doesn't get "too big" for his fans. A lot of movie stars/musicians/athletes tend to forget that it was the fans who got them where they are. Just think of all the one hit wonders and people that tried and didn't make it cuz people thought they sucked. Reality shows like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance are a perfect example. If the fans don't like you, you get voted off and quite possibly you'll be lost in oblivion.

Alright, he did a really nice job on CSI:NY this week. I love how adorably confused Danny looked when he was driving around trying to check alibis and none of the locations he was visiting were what they were supposed to be. That felt very real.
I totally agree. His acting expressed "WTF?!?!" so vividly that it could have been censored. :lol:

I'll get my ass up off the couch and applaud him if I ever see anything resembling chemistry between those characters. An Emmy would absolutely be in order! The cards are stacked against him -- bad writing, not great co-star. I'm something of a fatalist. Chemistry on-screen, as in real life, is either there or it's not. Props to anyone who can believably fake it.
Well I know there are times when even though there isn't instant chemistry, it can develop when two people spend time getting to know each other. It isn't so much a romantic chemistry as it is a friendship one but once it's there it can be portrayed differently with a little bit of playful flirtation. That's part of the problem: the flirtation between the characters has been written too subtly to the point that it's barely recognizable. The only thing, from what I've seen, that works in that sense is how he calls her Montana. I think that if Carmine and Anna got together and got to know each other more they might see each other differently (not in a "let's run off together" sort of way but in a "you're a really interesting person that I want to know more about" sort of way). If they can get that sort of interaction going in life, and get the writers to give them better scripts, it would probably translate better on screen.

crankyjules said:They are certainly in danger of robbing Danny's character of any, argh I've lost the word. I don't work well in the mornings started with d. anyway. Please send coffee
Could distinction or dimensionality be the word you're thinking of?

OOO you just saved your arse.
I read this and at first I thought it said shaved your arse and I thought "what the...?" wondering if I'd missed something. :lol:

ThumpyG said:Who doesn't even have the balls to tell Danny goodbye in person.
You know when I read about this in the spoiler thread I thought it was really messed up that she would do that. When I watched the episode though, I got the vibe that she wanted to tell him in person based on how she asked for him and her look/body language when she found out he was out on a case. It seemed like she wanted to tell him in person. Then, when Danny read the card, it wasn't at all like he was surprised or confused by her leaving. He read it and smiled like he knew she was leaving but appreciated the special touch. As she was leaving in the taxi she had the driver pause for a second when she saw Danny but she didn't get out but she was headed straight for the airport so her flight was probably leaving soon. The impression I got from all these little things led me to feel that it wasn't a dick move on her part, it was just a matter of timing and circumstances that she couldn't say goodbye and give him the card in person.
Now you can all feel free to flame me for this but for once I thought the D/L thing was written well. I didn't get a romance vibe, but I definitely got a fondness vibe between the two characters. Of course it could be argued that the reason it worked is because they weren't near each other, but I'll leave that one alone. hehe

They have taken a virile,rough around the edges kind of guy and taken his manhood and squashed it, making him this sniveling (spelling?) weepy guy
This has me a little confused. From what I've read on the boards, everyone loves Danny's weeping scenes because they are so powerful and well portrayed. So, in essence, he was kinda weepy before the whole D/L thing but he was still manly. Even more manly, IMO, because he's confident enough in his masculinity to show his feelings. So to me he's still a virile, rough around the edges kind of guy, just one who's "human and [he needs] to be loved, just like everybody else does" (bonus points if you know the source of this quote ;) )

I'm definitely disappointed by this latest 'development'. That, and I still can't believe Lindsay really wrote about cows in that note...
I found that ironically humorous as I've had a few friends who referred to themselves as "cows" when they were pregnant (one even sent me a photo captioned "now I just need a pasture to graze in" :lol: )

crankyjules said:
Please, credit SOME of us with some maturity and intelligence We're not all drooling squeeing dreamers. THIS is what has been making me pissy over the last few days, in case anyone hasn't noticed yet (as if)
I'm totally with you on that. Even if I was rich I wouldn't want just a boy toy cabana boy. Maybe just to clean my pool so I could have some eye candy but when it comes to serious interest and my entertainment I need SUBSTANCE!!!

Springmoon said:So it comes down to volume, and I'm talking noise as well as numbers. If all they're hearing is deafening squees and not well-thought out responses to episodes, then we're going to continue to have the emasculation of a formerly fantastic character, more of the same development of a relationship that I wouldn't have touched with a ten-foot pole in college, and crappy writing.

I too am losing interest in this show. You know, when I go on vacation I'm less concerned at missing new episodes than I am about interacting with you ladies? How sad is that? I used to pass up going out on Wednesday nights to watch this show!!
When it comes to TV execs, ratings and money matter most and I'm theorizing that perhaps the lack of development/movement is because before, NY wasn't getting very good ratings, then they were, and now they're afraid to mess with it and piss everyone off (the whole "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" concept) but it's a catch 22 because the same 'ol same 'ol eventually gets boring and you lose your viewers anyway. They need to take small risks and develop the characters they already have in place. You can have variety without drastic changes.

Top41 said:Even if I thought it was the best romance ever, I'd still be mad that there's nothing else going on with his character.
I am TOTALLY with you on this one. There are few things more frustrating than when TPTB on any show or movie use talented actors and their characters as pawns to play up their sucky story line instead of writing the story line to enhance and develop the characters and make full use of the actors' abilities.

I can see why Carmine would wonder why Danny is chasing after Lindsay when he's got the likes of Nixon Suicide, the hot dominatrix chick and Angell interested in him. Real, sexual, passionate women vs. a plain, boring, unpleasant girl from Montana?
Well there's always the possibility that he's thinking "All these hot girls want me but this chick doesn't? What's up with that? Tengo que conquistarla!" (forgive the Spanish but I couldn't think how to phrase it in English) It's totally a teen movie type storyline and I know Danny wouldn't be that kind of egotistic guy but it's fun to speculate. Especially when what they're trying to feed us is about as viable. :rolleyes:

He was tougher when he was crying on Mac's shoulder about his brother than he was when he called out to Lindsay "If there's anything you need..." as she was walking away and oh yeah, not looking back.
oop... didn't read this before I typed my response up there ^ but I'm too lazy to go back up and change it. :D

crankyjules said: The guys who did the commentary on 'Trapped' in the Season 2 dvd's really bothered me when they said "when you look at the message boards all they could talk about was 'Danny in a tank top'". BULLdust. Maybe it's some other board they are reading (ahem), but not here, the main board for the CSI shows.
BAH! That's just cuz those posts were one or two sentences and the meaningful ones had paragraphs, opinions and bigger words. :p

Lonia said:I really wouldn't like to find out that - after a few episodes of season three - my favourite show isn't my favourite show anymore. Or worse, if i even couldn't find it "on the list" of my favourite shows anymore!
Ya know the thought just occurred to me that the reason why the show's been going downhill this season is cuz the writers had to scramble with the story lines due to Anna being preggo. It's one of those unexpected things that probably made them have to scramble at the last minute to revamp whatever they'd been working on originally and as we have all experienced at one time or another, quick work is often shoddy work.

Just a theory...

PrettyEyes said:That's how he works...that's how he lives.
That's how he rolls! (Sorry, couldn't resist) :D

crankyjules said:But here's the thing ... I wasn't referring to any particular board. I know there are other boards out there that (a) although supposedly rabid Danny fans totally ignored MrsG's post regarding the Emmy project and others that (b) are actually very nasty about THIS board, because they don't like peoples opinions over here (which by the way everyone is entitled to). But I wasn't singling out any one board. Had no particular board in mind.
Oh well I didn't take it as an attack or insult to any board but rather to the execs who ignore boards that present valid criticism about the decisions they are making.

Yes there is a "squee" board and that's exactly what it was designed for. So no one is going to judge people for doing so on that board. Whomever did the commentary should have paid better attention and they would have seen that the majority of fans on this board don't just watch the show cuz of a hot guy. It was insulting of them to dismiss that.

Top41 said:Though, as I've said in other threads, the fact that he's still drawn to Lindsay after the shitty way she's treated him shows how little self-respect he has. It does go hand-in-hand with his somewhat desperate efforts to please Mac back in first season. But all of that makes me feel pretty bad for him. He's a pretty sad character in some ways.
Didn't someone say in the Tanglewood ep something about kids joining gangs cuz they want to belong? I think it was Mac cuz I remember him saying something about that's why he joined the Marines... Anyone know what I'm talking about? Perhaps that's why Danny seeks affection, he still has that need to belong. If that is the case then I'd love to find out why.

So... wow. This is a long a** post. Sorry about that guys. I just wanted to make sure I covered all points without blowing up the board. This way I just stretched it a little. :D