Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I hope the romance doesn't drag him down cos I said before the minute he brings flowers to the lab I'll shoot him myself.
I love that his character does go with his gut instinct on who the killer is even though alot of the times he's wrong. That makes him more human. He does take the cases more personally and even in Cool Hunter, he plays handball to find out about the marks on the shirt. It seems like he'd do pretty much anything to catch the bad guy.
Top like you say, Danny is the real world without being a CSI would be a scary place to be.

On a side note I finally watched In Enemy Hands today! It was such a good movie and I admit probably the best I've seen in him. It did also help that both AJ Buckley and Boone from Lost were in it too. I was really dragged into the storyline and I admit I almost cried at a couple of points, not because they are overly sad but because I'm an emotional wreck. I'd recommend it!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I liked In Enemy Hands. I searched high and low for it one night when I needed my 'fix' real bad. :lol: Now, that's the one where right in the beginning, he tells the guys to get their hands off their peckers, right?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

lookaboomerang said:
Now, that's the one where right in the beginning, he tells the guys to get their hands off their peckers, right?
Yep. :lol: Though honestly, if you want to hear one of our CSI:NY hotties utter some classic lines in prior work, you must rent a few of Hill's movies. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

From the spoiler thread:

From the E! Online chat: Nikki from chicago asked what will happen between Danny and Lindsay now? I asked CSI: NY creator Anthony Zuiker about this, and he's got some good news and some bad news for us: "Danny and Lindsay are forever bonded after getting 'closure' on the Montana murders. The two will look to take the next step in their relationship only to have their destiny dashed by Danny's season-ending distraction. Another woman? Too much work? Afraid of commitment? Stay tuned!" Gah!

And my speculation on it...

OMG! What on earth could keep Danny from deflowering Lindsay??? :lol: I came up with a few joking theories in the spoiler thread, but I wonder if Louie is going to wake up or if the Tanglewood boys are going to hurt Danny somehow. My money is on amnesia. I smell soap!!!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Like I said in the spoilers thread, I'm glad for whatever distraction keeps Danny away from Lindsay and gives Carmine another chance to shine. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Er, Top, my darling, your first spoiler box is messed up.

We'll see. At this point, I'm not looking for anything other than soap from these writers. *le sigh* But hopefully Danny will get some good stuff, and Carmine will have something to sink his teeth into. I'll have to share more of my opinions in the spoiler thread. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top - I love your guesses in the spoiler thread! Particularly the one about Danny learning Lindsay is really a man. Would certainly explain the painful lack of any female sexuality to her.

As for the recent Zuiker comment, all I can say is thank f-ing God Danny *may* close the season on a storyline not tied to his troll-like girlfriend. My mind, filled with hope, instantly races to Louie, but then I recall all the fresh new storylines the writers have handed us this year and revel in the glory of Lindsay's richly developed and well-written deep dark secret and can only imagine Danny's season end distraction will be along the lines of a hang nail or a rip in his jeans.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

'take their relationship to the next level....'
I mean, what sort of a daft euphemism is that, eh??
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Twinkletoes said:
'take their relationship to the next level....'
I mean, what sort of a daft euphemism is that, eh??

Since I'm convinced that the whole D/L thing was written by the teenage work experience kid, I'm guessing "the next level" is second base. Dude. Whatever. Like, totally. Etc.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I'm guessing when they say forever bonded it meant the two hit the sheets or am I way out field on that one!! Or is that the next step they want to take! I'm confused!!
Danny gets a season ending distraction. It needs to be a hell of a good one with his poor storylines from the previous episodes.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I'm thinking that taking it to the next level is the shagging bit, whereas forever bonded sounds like a nasty glueing accident....

And as for the distraction, well it could be almost anything let's face it. Let's just cross fingers that they don't get our hopes up for something really dramatic and exciting only to find out that he's got athelet's foot...or something :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

That euphamism is terrible. :lol:

Could destiny dashed be exactly what we're hoping for? The end of D/L? Is it possible that the writers have finally seen what a detriment it is to Danny's character? I doubt it, and I'm not getting my hopes up, but the word dashed is more final than say, the word postponed...

I think it would be fantastic if the romance would end so that we could have the old, complex Danny back. I wonder if the writers have actually heard us???
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
I wonder if the writers have actually heard us???

If they have I swear I'm going to camp outside the studios to give them a big hug! :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Silencer - Your comment about "the next level" being second base was fantastic! How true. It's painfully obvious some student on a work-study program has been penning this romance. Perhaps if they're feeling froggy and want to aim for some ground-braking tv, they'll leave us to ponder whether Danny and Lindsay will "go all the way" this summer. :eek:

I hope Danny's distraction is that Louie wakes up from his coma, takes one look at Lindsay and says, "Jesus man, the 200 lb. woman with the hairy upper lip and white orthodic shoes who's been changing my bedpan for the past year is way hotter than that."
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Silencer - Your comment about "the next level" being second base was fantastic! How true. It's painfully obvious some student on a work-study program has been penning this romance. Perhaps if they're feeling froggy and want to aim for some ground-braking tv, they'll leave us to ponder whether Danny and Lindsay will "go all the way" this summer. :eek:

I hope Danny's distraction is that Louie wakes up from his coma, takes one look at Lindsay and says, "Jesus man, the 200 lb. woman with the hairy upper lip and white orthodic shoes who's been changing my bedpan for the past year is way hotter than that."

See, I totally had a response to this, and then got to the last bit and crapped myself laughing and now I'm struggling to type. Maybe the..."dashed" bit is because Danny runs off with the 200 lb. woman with the hairy upper lip and white orthodic shoes who's been changing Louie's bedpan, after he finds out she sucks like a HOOVER.


And oh man, that whole D/L cliffhanger thingy would be awesome. Like woah. I'd totally be on edge the whole summer, and I wouldn't even need to watch Big Brother to have my brain rot out of my ears.

I need a "sarcasm", a "trauma" and a "vomit" smiley right here, mods. Hop to it. :D