Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!!

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Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Oh, I've been loving that piece of clothing since I first saw him wearing it... :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

I have too, but I didn't want to seem, you know, stalkerish or anything. :devil: :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

^^I think we're way past the stalker stage but we're basically harmless. :p I too love that leather jacket. Love the wifebeaters too but I really love him in blue shirts.
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
Hey all you Carmine/Danny fans! I'm new to and this thread...I just wanted to ask: did carmine/his cousin shut down the website? I can't seem to access it. Liking all the pics you've posted too! p.s. blue is soooo his clothing color!
Welcome to the board, xxAnGeLhArtZ! Okay, we're gonna have to call you something else because getting that username correct is a bitch! :lol: Anyway, welcome. I hope you enjoy it here. :devil:

As for Carmine's website, it seems to go down and come back up from time to time. I'm sure it'll be back.

Thanks for the response and the welcome, MrsGiovinazzo! I just read on the bella-site (who runs that? it's so comprehensive!) that the cg site going to be down until the new year. What are the rules for this thread that I should know about??

As for the username (LOVE yours!!! 'original' but sooooo meaningful! ;))...hahah about mine, I completely agree...anything's fine. I've seen everything from "xxangel" to "angelheart". i guess my high school biology teacher must be happy --- the xx is of course for the female sex chromosome. :lol:

Now who wears more wife beaters? Carmine or Danny? Or both? :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

OMG Nim!!! those pics... **Faints... fans self and wipes drool!!!** :lol: he is sooo hot!!! my best friend had her baby today, and those pics jus made the day get even better than it already was!!! hehe im lovin the blue sweater!!! YAY!!!! :D

Angel hey!! not sure if i said HI, But, HI and Welcome to the Carmine-aholics!!! :lol:

Peeps. sorry i havent been posting for a while, been soooo busy at work!!!! Love you lots still tho!!! :D xxxxxx
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

the guy on the motorcycle is jimmy hendrix. if you go to the carmine fan gallery u can blow up the picture for a better view. ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Jimi Hendrix? That's.. interesting. *is curious*
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

OH MY GOD!! HI, Chelle! I've missed you so much!! and Yay!, you're using my icon! Sorry-- I know I sound sad, but I just didn't know people ever used the things I made. :D

Loved the leather jacket and blue shirt and how cocky/cute he was when he figured out the plastic with changing colors! :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
And I'm woman enough to have no boobs and own that, without fixing it. :lol:

I get a kick out of the woen who say they got breast implants to feel better about themselves and not to please or attract anyone else yet their implants brought them from an A to a very large D. That's a little more than self-confidence. LoL
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

ThumpyG said:
:lol: Oh poor Carmine. Boo Hoo. Having to make an appearance at the Playboy Mansion with all of the bunnies.

I can only imagine his reaction.

Carmine: Damn I have yet another appearance to make at the Playboy Mansion, of all places. :rolleyes:

I almost took a picture of my tattoo for Carmine to take a gander at for the personal ads, but haven't been daring enough to do it. :lol:

and yes, why didn't he make any calls from the LBB after the bunny party?

I was going to include a full length pic with my bare back turned towards the camera so you don't see my face, just my long hair positioned in a very seductive manner and a black cloth draped around me in a way to give the illusion I was nude. Then I decided that would involve too much work plus it might give the impression I was scared to show my face so I changed my mind. I might still send him a pic like that if he asks for it. hehe :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Kimmychu said:
tiara4carmine said:
maybe he's goin bald ... on his chest that is :eek:

hope he's not goin bald in OTHER places :devil: :eek: :(

Is that ... actually ... possible? I've never heard of a guy going bald down there. :lol: That's quite weird, even for me!

Although, I have seen guys totally shaved down there - don'taskhowandwhy - and uh, it looks ... really awful to me. Pretty much like what women look like down there when they shave it all off. Might be a kink for some people, but it's a definite turn off for me!

And geez, if he's growing out his chest hair again, it must be itching like crazy.

I agree. The pre-pubescent genitalia look is a big no.
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

PrettyEyes said:
Honestly, him going bald (on the head ;)) doesn't phase me.

I've always loved the little bald spot that was on the back of his head! :devil: :p I really don't care what guys look like, with their little cosmetic quirks, as long as they have hearts of gold (which Carmine had better have). :)

I've seen a lot of guys who I think look totally hot bald.
Just to list a few I enjoy looking at: Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis, David Draiman (lead singer of Disturbed), Patrick Stewart (admit it, you like him), Billy Zane, Michael Jordan, Sean Connery, Michael Rosenbaum (he has gorgeous eyes too), David Beckham (hell that man looks good no matter what length he's keeping his hair Just to name a few. LoL I don't care if the hair disappears from the top of his head as long as it doesn't appear on his back. *shudder*

Some women actually look decent bald too (think Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta). The trick is you need to have a nice shape to your head. Here's a fun link to check out. It's a bunch of images of female celebrities if they were bald. They have a link to bald male celebrities through there too.

EDIT: I forgot Jason Statham. I don't know how I managed that. I'm sure the floors of theatres were quite slippery when each of his Transporter movies came out. LoL
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Kimmychu said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Me too. Guess it's the old lady in me, but some of my favorite pics are the ones where you can see all the little lines and flaws in his face. There's a realness or honesty in that to me. I don't wanna see some airbrushed hottie. I want to see every year of his age reflected on his face. Same goes for the hair. Let that baby rescede all it wants. I like the look of age and experience.

Me three! :D Airbrushing guys is ... yeech. Let's just say I saw one picture of Billy Bob Thornton airbrushed for a magazine. It wasn't even a lot, but it was so obvious, it was laughable. And nobody believed for a second he looked so ... unwrinkly, anyway. :lol: Guys are airbrushable to a certain age, and then, it's just terrible if you even try to do digital enhancing on them.

I might have noticed the hairline (which is hawt to me anyway), but bald spot? Never noticed that. Too busy ogling the backside lower down. :devil:

Well there's that whole saying that women look old, men look distinguished. By that same token women can be airbrushed & stuff and pull it off while men just look phony. hehe
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