Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

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ok now time for voting!!!!!

here's the image again....

and here's the captions....

1.Frank: It's the truth, Horatio. In a few years, you will be as bald as me. (Dynamo 1)

2. H: Can't you see it? Right there?
Frank: Woah! SOMEbody got drunk.
H: I can't believe I let Calleigh mak me get my ear pierced. (SpeedsDaughter)

3. Frank: what do you mean loose the tie?!
H: It clashes with my hair damn it!! (KellyGirl)

4. Frank: Im not jelous of your hair, or you sunnies!
Horatio: well frank *puts on sunnies* you should be..(miami85)

5.Horatio: Frank...*hands on hip, sunnies on*....get this back to lab.
Frank: Thats bear s***, take it back. (Mjszud) (and Mj please remember to censor any bad words you use.....thanks.)

6. Frank: What do you mean I can't go out on the beach with you?
Horatio: Well, Frank.... the last time you went out there you nearly had your leg blown off, and I'm afraid that this time my sunnies are too dirty and I won't be able to save you. (Charity)

7. Frank:You smell that, Horatio?
H:*sniff* Smell what, Frank? *hands on hips*
Frank: Smells like a gii-gantic fart, man, you can't smell that??
H: Er, no...? (HoratioStalker)

8.Horatio: Look! It's a bird! No, a plane! Could it be...
Frank: What? What are you talking about?
Horatio: Right there!
Frank: *looks at H* That's a spot on your glasses.
Horatio: *looks down* Oh... (sarahXsullivan)

9.Frank:What the hell are you looking at at a time like this!
Horatio: I wanted to intensify the moment by *Puts on sunglasses* putting on my hott new shades. Yes, with *Takes them off and puts them back on* 2 "t"s (CSISidle)

10. Frank: Horatio, is that a wig you've been wearing all along?
H: *places hands on hips and speaks menacingly* if you ever tell that to anyone... (Hrockz)

11. H:Frank what we have here is a secondary crime scene..
Frank: why do you say that Horatio...
H: because Frank *put's on sunnies* that tie is killing me.. (flgal)

12.Tripp: Horatio, you think SPEEDLE did this?
H: Well you know what they say Frank - Speed Kills (dogbert14)
Do we have enough votes to declare a winner? There hasn't been a post in several days. If we do sarahXsullivan got the most votes.
So is the game over already?? Did I win???

Guess not, now I'm not a victim anymore... I'm sad.. I had such a promising life ahead of me...
Hm, there aren't that many votes as it is, however it's been over a week since the last vote was posted. I think in the interest of moving the game along, we should declare a winner. That is if Need4Speed doesn't have a problem with it. ;)

Either that or we can let this go for another 24 hours.
I sent Need4Speed a PM about this, and she has replied saying she's having internet problems and asked if we could post the winner. So, the winner is....

saraXsullivan. Well done! :D Your turn to post the next picture. :)
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