Can I ever put my past behind me

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sarahSidle1981, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I hope she feels better soon! Poor Sara in the flashbacks :(
  2. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Correct grammar and spelling vision of chapter 10.

    * made up the local of the school nurse station, I have no idea where the nurse station is really at in Vegas Verder Elementary school.

    Chapter Ten: Bethany first visit to the school nurse!
    Sara takes her jacket off and hangs her jacket on the coat rack, then takes her shoes off. She tiptoes over to the staircase, as not to wake her dad up. She stops and leans up against the wall when she reaches the staircase. She is all congested and is short of breath. After a few second she tiptoe the rest of the way upstairs. She opens her bedroom door and set her book bag in her room. She then slower walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind her . She open the medicine cabinet and pulls out the glass thermometer. She shakes it until it read below 95.9 degrees, then puts the glass thermometer in her mouth and under her tongue . She set down on the edges of the tub. After three minutes she takes the thermometer out of her month and sees she has a fever of 102.9 degrees Fahrenheit. No wonder I feel so exhausts and can’t seem to stay awake. Stands up and clean the thermometer and puts back away, then heads into her bedroom. She closes her bedroom door then changes into her black nightshirt and black shorts. She has just lay down on her bed when someone knocks on her bedroom door.

    Sara: Coughs, What?
    Mrs. Sidle: It’s time for dinner!
    Sara: (Clear her throat) I do not have appetite, and I’m exhaust can I, Ah-Choo, skip dinner to night?
    Mrs. Sidle: No, you know your dad rules you have to come to dinner every night in less you have the stomach flu and can’t keep anything down.
    Sara: But I do not feel good Mom!
    Mrs. Sidle: Sara, you do not want to make you dad mad, you know how he get when he is mad and he already grump.
    Sara: ( Started to sound hoarse) Fine, I will be down in a few minutes.
    Mrs. Sidle: Ok, baby.

    Sara sets up in bed and rubs her eyes before stands up. She slower walks toward her door and opens up. She starts to walk downstairs, but she turns around and walks into the bathroom and grabs a box of tissues from under the sink. She then heads downstairs and walks into the kitchen. She takes a set at the table and set the box of tissue down next to her, she grabs a tissue and blows her nose . No soon then she has set down and started blowing her nose.

    Mr. Sidle: Sara do you know who I talk to today at 3: 17p.m. ?
    Sara: Coughs, no!
    Mr. Sidle: Your Teacher Mrs. Dew, she called and told me that you do not get any schoolwork down today. She also told me that you keep put your head down on your desk and fall to sleep. You know that school is a place to learn not to sleep! After dinner you are to go upstairs and finish all the schoolwork before you can go to bed.
    Sara: I do not feel good and I have a fever of 102.9.
    Mr. Sidle: I do not care, your teacher also told me that the lunch lady sent her a note say you threw your food out, without even touch it. I’m not made out of money and I do not buy the food for you to take to school then wasted it by throw away. If you are not going to eat your lunch. Don’t take a lunch to school.
    Sara: I could not eat the peanut butter and grape jelly, coughs, sandwich my throat hurt too much and the sandwich looked unappetizing.
    Mr. Sidle: Stop play with you food and eat you dinner Sara!
    Sara: (Crying) I can’t it hurt to swallow

    Mrs. Sidle, stands up. She then walks over to her daughter and feels her forehead. She then take Sara right head and Sara grabs the box of tissue with her left hand and the two of them head upstairs to Sara bedroom. Sara set down on her bed and rest her head against the headboard of her bed.

    Mrs. Sidle: Baby, what else is wrong beside the fever and not be able to swallow because it hurts too much?
    Sara: I am ache all over, my nose is all stuffed up. Mom can you take a look at my throat it’s really bother me a lot?
    Mrs. Sidle: Sure Sara.

    Sara up her mouth and her mom takes a look inside her mouth and at her daughter throat. She sees that Sara tonsils are swelling and has white spots on them. She then feels her daughter neck to found that her lymph is also swelling.

    Sara: What wrong mom?
    Mrs. Sidle: Your Tonsils are swelling and have white spots on them and your lymph are also swell.
    Sara: Coughs, can I go to bed Mom, I will finish my schoolwork when I feel better?
    Mrs. Sidle: Sure, baby, you can go to bed.

    Sara lays down and gets under the covers. She close her eyes and falls asleep right away. Her mom walks towards Sara’s bedroom door. Mrs. Sidle, looks at her daughter one last time before leave the room. Mrs. Sidle close her daughter bedroom door behind her and heads back downstairs to deal with her husband. Sara is brought back to present time when a fellow shopper drops a glass jelly jar and it makes a loud creak sound as it hits the floor and breaks. Meanwhile, an hour and half later Bethany has finish take her social study tests and is half way through taking her math test, when she starts having a cough fit. Her teacher Miss. Korn walks over to her and kneels down next to Bethany desks and looks at her with a concern look on her face.

    Miss. Korn: Bethany, are you feel ok?
    Bethany:( Coughing and voice sounds hoarse.) Yeah, my throat just dry is all, coughs. Can I go get a drink of water, coughing?
    Miss. Korn: Sure Bethany.

    Bethany stands up and starts coughing again. She slower walks out of the classroom and closes the door behind her. As soon as she is clear of the window that in the door of her classroom. She starts rubbing her throat with her right hand and cover her mouth with her left hand because she is still coughing. She gets to the drinking fountain and takes a long drink of water. Which does make her throat feel a little less sore, but it still hurts. She slower walks back to the classroom and takes a set at her desk and starts take her math test again. It takes her the rest of math class to finish the test. When the bell rings. Bethany gets up with the rest of her class and head to the lunchroom, because it is lunch time. Bethany set down at her normal table she set with Cassie and lays her head down on the table and close her eyes. Cassie came back from buying her lunch and set down next to Bethany, who has started to cough again and is starting to look really flush.

    Cassie: Bethany, you not look to good, maybe you should go see the school nurse!
    Bethany: (hoarse) I fine Cassie, Ah-Choo

    Bethany pulls a tissue out of her jean pocket and starts blowing her nose and Cassie gives a concern look, then rise her hand and the lunch lady walk over to her.

    Suzie Green (Lunchroom lady and Cassie mom): Yes Cassie?
    Cassie: I think my friend Bethany needs to see the nurse she keep cough and sneeze and her voice sounds really scratchy when she talks and she very flush looking.

    Suzie Green takes a close look at Bethany who has lay her head back down on the table and close her eyes again. She see that Bethany does look really flush, so she puts her right hand on Bethany forehead and finds Bethany is burn up.

    Suzie Green: Bethany Maybell, I am writing a note for you to go see the nurse.
    Bethany: Ah-Choo, I do not need to see the nurse I’m feel fine.
    Suzie Green: You are going to go see the nurse you are run a fever.
    Bethany: Fine, but I do not know where the nurse station is.
    Suzie Green: Cassie will you go with Bethany and shower her where the nurse station is?
    Cassie: Sure, Mom.

    Cassie and Bethany stand up from the lunch table, Bethany picks up her book bag which she brings with her just incase the lunchroom lady made her go see the nurse. Then Cassie and her walk out of the lunchroom. They walk to the very end of the hallway and turn right then walk to the first hallway in the build and turn left and walk to the very end of the hallway. The two girls walk into the last room on the left-hand side. Cassie looks at Bethany as she hands the nurse the note from the Lunchroom lady had give for the nurse. The nurse takes the note from Bethany and unfolds the piece of paper it write on and starts read the note.

    Caisse: I am going to go back to the lunchroom and finish eating my lunch Bethany.
    Bethany: (sniffling) Ok

    Cassie walks out of the room and Bethany takes a set on one of the recovery couch. The nurse walks over to Bethany and put the ear thermometer in her ears. When it beeps, she takes out of Bethany ear and write down what the thermometer say on the forum she has to fill out that state why the student come to see the nurse.

    Nurse Pen: You have a fever of 103.9 Bethany. What other symptoms do you have Bethany?
    Bethany: My throat is really sore, stuffed up nose, ache all over and I’m really cold.
    Nurse Pen: I need to take a look in you mouth can you open your mouth for me.
    Bethany: Sure

    Nurse Pen, takes out her penlight and shines the penlight into Bethany mouth and find that her tonsils are swelling and have white spots on them. Her throat is also bright red. Nurse Pen, write down what Bethany throat looks like. She then feels Bethany neck and find her Lymph are swelling too. She notes that on her forum then looks at Bethany.

    Bethany: Can I go back to class now Nurse Pen?
    Nurse Pen: No, Bethany’s I have to call Sara Sidle and have her come pick you up. You are to sick to be in school.
    Bethany: Ok, Can I lay down then?
    Nurse Pen: Sure

    Bethany lays down on the recovery couch and Nurse Pen walks over to her desk and takes a set in her desk chair. She then open up her desk drawer and pulls out the emergency contact forum for Bethany Maybell. She then dials Sara apartment number get the answering machine so she tries Sara cellphone next.
  3. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Chapter Eleven: I am taking you to the Doctor Bethany!
    Sara had just finish bring all the groceries into the apartment and was starting to put them away when her cellphone starts ringing. She pulls off her hip and sees that it the nurse stations at Bethany school. She flips her cellphone open.

    Sarah: Sarah Sidle speck.
    Nurse Pen: This Is Nurse Pen from Vegas Verder Elementary Bethany is in my office and has a fever of 103.9 and she also has swell tonsils there are also white spots on then, her throat is bright red and her lymph is swell.
    Sara: I be there to get to pick her up in ten minutes.
    Nurse Pen: Thanks.

    Sarah flips her cellphone closed and put away the ice cream and lunch meat and other freeze and refrigerate Sara then grabs her purse and keys and heads out the door. She runs to her car and gets into her car and drive to the school. On the way to school she calls the doctor Skipnuts and makes Bethany an appointment for twenty minutes from now. She has just hang up for making the appointment when she pulls into the school park lot. She parks her car and runs into the school and to the nurse stations. Sara can hear Bethany coughing and sniffle as she walks into the nurse room. When she walks through the door, she sees Bethany lay on the recovery couch.

    Nurse Pen: Miss Sidle?
    Sara: Yeah
    Bethany:( Very hoarse sounding) I tell Nurse, Ah-Choo, Pen’s I fine and can go back to class.
    Sara: You not going back to class, I am taking you to the doctor.

    Bethany coughing and sneeze at the sometime at the sometime as Sara sign Bethany out on the sign out sheet on the nurse desk.

    Sara: Already Bethany’s we can go now.
    Bethany: I really do not need to leave school, Ah-Choo
    Sara: No you going to the doctor.
    Bethany: Fine

    Bethany stands up and grabs her book bag and fellow Sara out off the nurse then out off the school build. The two of them get into Sara car and she drive Bethany to doctor Skipnuts office.
  4. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I just hope she's okay. Post soon!
  5. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Chapter Twelve: I hate being sick Sara!
    Sara and Bethany are setting in Dr. Skipnuts wait room, for the nurse to call Bethany back for her appointment. Bethany’s rest her head on Sara shoulder and her eyes closed. She is trying not to cough because it hurts too much to cough. Sara sees that Bethany is force herself not to cough and hands her a cough drop. Bethany takes it from Sarah. She then unwraps the cough drops and puts the cough drop in her mouth. Sara put her hand on Bethany forehand and feels that Bethany fever has gone up since the school nurse take it. Just then the nurse open the door lean to the examine rooms.

    Nurse Lawson: Bethany Maybell.

    Bethany and Sara stand up and heads to the door and fellows the nurse. The nurse wight Bethany. She then shower in to examine room two and has Bethany’s take a set on the examine table. The nurse put the ear thermometer in Bethany ear and waits for it to beep. Nurse Lawson take the thermometer out of Bethany ear when it beeps and write 104.6 down in Bethany file.

    Nurse Lawson: So what are your symptoms, do you have?
    Bethany: ( Nurse Lawson writes down what Bethany says.) I have a very sore throat, swell tonsil, white spots on my tonsil, coughs, and swell lymph.
    Nurse Lawson: The doctor will be back in a few minutes to have a look at you.

    After a few minutes Dr. Skipnuts comes into the room and takes a set on the stool next to Bethany and takes a look at her throat, the feel the lymph in her neck. He then does a fast acting strep test on Bethany. After a few minutes the test comes back.

    Dr. Skipnuts: Bethany has a tonsilitis and strep throat . Are you allergic to drugs in the penicillin family?
    Bethany: No
    Dr. Skipnuts : I am going to write Bethany out a prescribe for amoxicillin. You need to take it three times a day for ten days. I want you to get Bethany prescribe filled on you way home and start taking it right away.
    Sara: Ok, Is there anything else we should know?
    Dr. Skipnuts: Yeah, Keep her out of school the rest of the week. Strep throat is very contagious, she will be contagious for the next forty-eight hours, which is when the medicine start working. Make sure that Bethany gets lots of rest and drink lots of fluids.

    On the way to the drug store Bethany fall asleep in the backseat of Sara car and Sara let her sleep till she parked the car at the apartment build. Once back inside Bethany take her amoxicillin. She then goes into her bedroom and puts her PJ on then goes back to sleep. Sara has gone into her bedroom and has set down on her bed. She is stare into space and is having a flashback to 1979 and the Tuesday morning the day after she first start feeling sick. She wakes up when her alarm clock. She set up in bed and start having a coughing fit. She put her feet over the edge of her bed and thinks to herself. I feel awful, but I need to go to school today. She stands up and puts on a pair of jeans and a tank top because she feels like she is on fire. She grabs her book bag and heads into the bathroom. She brushes her tooth and pulls her hair into a ponytail. Sara heads downstairs and looks around. She sees that her parents are a sleep so she heads to the bus stop and gets onto the bus and goes to school. Once at she set down at her desk and she pulls her schoolwork out of her book bag and gets to work, but she keeps having to stop to blow her nose and can’t stop coughing. Mrs. Dew walks into the class room and pass out the math test. Sara taking the test from her teaches and starts to take the test but get light head and has to put her head down on the desk. Mrs. Dew walks over to Sara and feels her forehead and feels that Sara is burning up.

    Mrs. Dew: I’m sending you to the nurse Sara!
    Sara: ( Sounds hoarse) No, I am, Ah-Choo, fine
    Mrs. Dew: You are run a fever and are very pale.
    Sara: Coughs. Fine

    Sara goes to the nurse only to get told her tonsils have white spots and are swelling. The school nurse also says her throat is bright red and that her lymph is swell too. The only new thing she learns is that her fever is know longer 102.9 it has went up to 104.9.

    Sara: Can I go back to class now?
    Nurse: No, I have to call your mom to come pick you up.
    Sara: Fine, I just lay down till she gets here.

    Sara lays down on the recovery couch and closes her eyes. The next thing she know is that the nurse is wakening her up. Sara looks at the clock on the wall and sees she has being sleep in the nurse station all day .

    Sara: My mom never come to pick me up?
    Nurse: No, you are going to have to take the bus home.
    Sara: Ok.
    Nurse: Here your book bag, Mrs. Dew drop it off her doing lunch hour.
    Sara: Thanks

    Sara stands up and gets on the bus. The Bus Drive Amy sees Sarah and has her take a set right behind her. Amy then drop Sara off first. Sara stand up and walk towards the bus door, but stop in front of Amy.

    Sara: Thanks for drop me off, Ah-Choo, first today.
    Amy: Just feel better Sara.
    Sara: Coughs, Thanks bye.

    Sara get off the bus and heads inside to find her mom laying on the living room floor unconscious and can hear her dad in the kitchen. She runs upstairs to her bedroom and closes her bedroom door. She put her PJ back on then gets into bed. She then gets under the cover because she is freezing cold. She felt this way since the school nurse waken her up to get on the bus and go home. Sara is bring back to the present when Bethany cough and feel Bethany taping her shoulder with her free hand.

    Bethany: Sara do you have any cold medicine to relive this cough so I can sleep.
    Sara: Sure.

    Bethany fellow Sara into the kitchen and Sara give her Robitussin cough, cold and flu. Then both of them go to bed for the night
  6. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    eewwww robitussin is awful lol

    I've had penicilling lots of times, the pink stuff they give kids even tastes good lol wierd though my dad was allergic but I'm not.
  7. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    * correct grammar and spelling vision of chapter twelve.

    Chapter Twelve: I hate being sick Sara!
    Sara and Bethany are setting in Dr. Skipnuts wait room, for the nurse to call Bethany back for her appointment. Bethany’s rest her head on Sara shoulder and her eyes closed. She is trying not to cough because it hurts too much to cough. Sara sees that Bethany is force herself not to cough and hands her a cough drop. Bethany takes it from Sarah. She then unwraps the cough drops and puts the cough drop in her mouth. Sara put her hand on Bethany forehand and feels that Bethany fever has gone up since the school nurse take it. Just then the nurse open the door lead to the examine rooms.

    Nurse Lawson: Bethany Maybell.

    Bethany and Sara stand up and heads to the door and fellows the nurse. The nurse wight Bethany. She then shower them in to examine room two and has Bethany’s take a set on the examine table. The nurse put the ear thermometer in Bethany ear and waits for it to beep. Nurse Lawson take the thermometer out of Bethany ear when it beeps and write 104.6 down in Bethany file.

    Nurse Lawson: So what symptoms do you have?
    Bethany: ( Nurse Lawson writes down what Bethany says.) I have a very sore throat, swell tonsil, white spots on my tonsil, coughs, and swell lymph node.
    Nurse Lawson: The doctor will be back in a few minutes to have a look at you.

    After a few minutes Dr. Skipnuts comes into the room and takes a set on the stool next to Bethany and takes a look at her throat, the feel the lymph nodes in her neck. He then does a fast acting strep test on Bethany. After a few minutes the test comes back.

    Dr. Skipnuts: Bethany has a tonsilitis and strep throat . Are you allergic to drugs in the penicillin family?
    Bethany: No
    Dr. Skipnuts: I am going to write Bethany out prescribe for amoxicillin. You need to take it three times a day for ten days. I want you to get Bethany prescribe filled on you way home and Bethany needs to start taking it right away.
    Sara: Ok, Is there anything else we should know?
    Dr. Skipnuts: Yeah, Keep her out of school the rest of the week. Strep Throat is very contagious, she will be contagious for the next forty-eight hours, which is when the medicine start working. Make sure that Bethany gets lots of rest and drink lots of fluids.

    On the way to the drug store Bethany fall asleep in the backseat of Sara car and Sara let her sleep till she parked the car at the apartment build. Once back inside Bethany take her amoxicillin. She then goes into her bedroom and puts her PJ on then goes back to sleep. Sara has gone into her bedroom and has set down on her bed. She is staring into space and is having a flashback to 1979 and the Tuesday morning the day after she first started feeling sick. She wakes up when her alarm clock goes off in her ear. She set up in bed and start having a coughing fit. She puts her feet over the edge of her bed and thinks to herself. I feel awful, but I need to go to school today. She stands up and puts on a pair of jeans and a tank top because she feels like she is on fire. She grabs her book bag and heads into the bathroom. She brushes her tooth and pulls her hair into a ponytail. Sara then heads downstairs and looks around. She sees that her parents are a sleep so she heads to the bus stop and gets onto the bus and goes to school. Once at school set down at her desk and she pulls her schoolwork out of her book bag and gets to work, but she keeps having to stop to blow her nose and can’t stop coughing. Mrs. Dew walks into the class room and pass out the math test. Sara taking the test from her teaches and starts to take the test but get light head and has to put her head down on the desk. Mrs. Dew walks over to Sara and feels her forehead and feels that Sara is burning up.

    Mrs. Dew: I’m sending you to the nurse Sara!
    Sara: ( Sounds hoarse) No, I am, Ah-Choo, fine
    Mrs. Dew: You are run a fever and are very pale.
    Sara: Coughs, Fine

    Sara goes to the nurse only to get told her tonsils have white spots on them and are swelling. The school nurse also says her throat is bright red and that her lymph nodes are swelling too. The only new thing she learns is that her fever is no longer 102.9 it has went up to 104.9.

    Sara: Can I go back to class now?
    Nurse: No, I have to call your mom to come pick you up.
    Sara: Fine, I just lay down till she gets here.

    Sara lays down on the recovery couch and closes her eyes. The next thing she knows is that the nurse is wakening her up. Sara looks at the clock on the wall and sees she has being sleep in the nurse station all day .

    Sara: My mom, never come to pick me up?
    Nurse: No, you are going to have to take the bus home.
    Sara: Ok.
    Nurse: Here your book bag, Mrs. Dew drop it off her doing lunch hour.
    Sara: Thanks

    Sara stands up and walks outside then gets onto the school bus. The Bus Drive Amy sees Sara and has Sara take a set right behind her. Amy then drops Sara off first. Sara stands up and walks towards the bus door, but stop in front of Amy.

    Sara: Thanks for drop me off, Ah-Choo, first today.
    Amy: Just feel better Sara.
    Sara: Coughs, Thanks bye.

    Sara gets off the bus and heads inside to find her mom laying on the living room floor unconscious and can hear her dad in the kitchen. She runs upstairs to her bedroom and closes her bedroom door. She put her PJ back on then gets into bed. She then gets under the cover because she is freezing cold. She felt this way since the school nurse waken her up to get on the bus and go home. Sara is brought back to the present when Bethany coughing and she feel Bethany taping her on the shoulder with her free hand.

    Bethany: Sara do you have any cold medicine to relive this cough so I can sleep.
    Sara: Sure.

    Bethany fellow Sara into the kitchen and Sara give her Robitussin cough, cold and flu. Then both of them go to bed for the night.
  8. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Chapter Thirteen: Three days before Christmas 2003
    It December 22, 2003 at ten a.m. And Sara is at the mall Christmas shopping for Bethany. Bethany and Lindsey come to the mall with her but the two of them are off shopping. Lindsey shopping for a gift for her mom and of cause Bethany looking for a gift to get Sara and one for Ali the boxes. As Sara looking around Claire, she thinking to herself, I can’t believe how much better Bethany feeling after only being on amoxicillin for three and half days. She never felt that good after being on penicillins for three in half day when she got Tonsilitis and Strep Throat. She would still be in bed and coughing up a storm, not wanting to go to the mall to go shopping. Sara sees a pair of hop ear rings that had butterflies charm on them, she knows that Bethany would love them so she puts them into the basket she is carrying and then continue to look around some more. She also found a CD case that had butterflies on the cover and a purple butterfly saucer chair she also finds a throw the chair. Sara goes and pays for the four items. She then looks around other stores that are in the mall. Meanwhile, Lindsey and Bethany have finish Shopping and are at the food court. Lindsey has got herself five peanut butter cookies and Mt. Dew. Bethany has bought herself a bowl of strawberry ice cream and a Mt. Dew. They are both set at a table wait for Sara to finish shopping. Bethany gets into her purse and take out the prescribe bottle and take her second amoxicillin pill for that day. Lindsey looks at Bethany and then takes a spoonful of her ice cream.

    Bethany: Linds, I’m still take amoxicillin for Tonsilitis and Strep Throat.
    Lindsey: So, you been on it for over four-eight hours!
    Bethany: Yeah, I being on it for three and half days.
    Lindsey: Then you been on it for over eight-four hours. It’s safe you not contagious anymore.

    With that Bethany reaches across the table and breaks a piece of Lindsey cookie off and eat it. Both girls start laughing. Sara is walking towards the food court and sees the girls laugh and is happy to hear Bethany laughing and to see her smile again the last few days. Bethany has been tire, grumping and not feeling good. Lindsey and Bethany sees Sara walk up to them and gets up and throws the empty pop cups and the rest of their trash away and Joins Sara. The three walks outside and get into Sara light-blue Ford Focus. Sara drops Lindsey off and home then Sara head toward their apartment. When she has to stop for a red light she looks through the review mirror and can see that it been a long morning for Bethany and the trip to the mall has wear her out. The light turns green, so Sara starts drive again.

    Sara: So did you and Lindsey have fun shopping together?
    Bethany: ( Sound a little hoarse.) Yeah, I had lots, Coughs of fun Sara thanks for take Lindsey and me with you.
    Sara: The both of you had shopping to do for Christmas and I do not know what nights I have to go into work since I’m on call this week and beside the next two days will be total crazy at the mall so I felt today was the best today to go.

    Sara pulls into the parking lot and parks her car. The two of them get out of the car and grab they bags them head inside the apartment build they live in and up to the fifth floor. Bethany looks at Sara.

    Sara: What?
    Bethany: How much longer do I have to wear the cast on my left wrist and right leg for?
    Sara: For three more weeks counting this week.
    Bethany: So till January 12, 2004?
    Sara: Yep

    The two of then head inside the apartment and Bethany set her bag down inside her bedroom, as Sara puts her bags in her bedroom room closet. Bethany knocks on Sara door frame.

    Sara: Yes Bethany?
    Bethany: I’m going to laying down and take a nap. The trip to the mall and all the walking I did wear me out.
    Sara: Ok, I going to laying down and take a nap to incase I get call into work tonight.
    Bethany: Ok, See you when I get up then.

    Bethany goes into her room and gets into bed and closes her eyes and goes right to sleep. Sara lay on her bed and Ali lay next to her. Sara thinking to herself as she falling to sleep with her arms lay on Ali, I hope I do not get called into work tonight. I feel exhausted and my throat is really scratchy and I feel feverish too, that the last thing she thinking about before fall to sleep.
  9. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I forgot, who's Ali? Sorry, my memory stinks sometimes lol
  10. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Sara dog, she is a Boxes.
  11. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    * correct spelling and grammar vision of chapter thirteen.
    Chapter Thirteen: Three days before Christmas 2003
    It December 22, 2003 at ten a.m. and Sara is at the mall Christmas shopping for Bethany. Bethany and Lindsey come to the mall with her but the two of them are off shopping. Lindsey shopping for a gift for her mom and of cause Bethany looking for a gift to get Sara and one for Ali the boxes. As Sara looking around Claire, she thinking to herself, I can’t believe how much better Bethany feeling after only being on amoxicillin for three and half days. She never felt that good after being on penicillins for three in half day when she got Tonsilitis and Strep Throat. She would still be in bed and coughing up a storm, not wanting to go to the mall to go shopping. Sara sees a pair of hop ear rings that has butterflies charm on them, she knows that Bethany would love them so she puts them into the basket she is carrying and then continue to look around some more. She also found a CD case that had butterflies on the cover and a purple butterfly saucer chair she also finds a throw that match the chair. Sara goes and pays for the four items. She then looks around other stores that are in the mall. Meanwhile, Lindsey and Bethany have finish Shopping and are at the food court. Lindsey has got herself five peanut butter cookies and Mt. Dew. Bethany has bought herself a bowl of strawberry ice cream and a Mt. Dew. They are both set at a table wait for Sara to finish shopping. Bethany gets into her purse and take out her prescribe bottle and take her second amoxicillin pill for the day. Lindsey looks at Bethany and then takes a spoonful of her ice cream.

    Bethany: Linds, I’m still take amoxicillin for Tonsilitis and Strep Throat.
    Lindsey: So, you been on it for over four-eight hours!
    Bethany: Yeah, I being on it for three and half days.
    Lindsey: Then you been on it for over eight-four hours. It’s safe you not contagious anymore.

    With that Bethany reaches across the table and breaks a piece of Lindsey cookie off and eat it. Both girls start laughing. Sara is walking towards the food court and sees the girls laugh and is happy to hear Bethany laughing and to see her smile again the last few days, Bethany has been so tires, grumping and not feeling good. Lindsey and Bethany sees Sara walk up to them and gets up and throws the empty pop cups and the rest of their trash away and Joins Sara. The three of them walk outside and get into Sara light-blue Ford Focus. Sara drops Lindsey off at home then Sara head toward their apartment. When she has to stop for a red light she looks through the review mirror and can see that it been a long morning for Bethany and the trip to the mall has wear her out. The light turns green, so Sara starts drive again.

    Sara: So did you and Lindsey have fun shopping together?
    Bethany: ( Sound a little hoarse.) Yeah, I had lots, Coughs of fun Sara thanks for take Lindsey and me with you.
    Sara: Both of you had shopping to do for Christmas and I do not know what nights I have to go into work since I’m on call this week. Beside the next two days will be total crazy at the mall so I felt today was the best today to go.

    Sara pulls into the parking lot and parks her car. The two of them get out of the car and grab their bags them head inside the apartment build they live in and up to the fifth floor. Bethany looks at Sara.

    Sara: What?
    Bethany: How much longer do I have to wear the cast on my left wrist and right leg for?
    Sara: For three more weeks counting this week.
    Bethany: So till January 12, 2004?
    Sara: Yep

    The two of then head inside the apartment and Bethany set her bags down inside her bedroom, as Sara puts her bags in her bedroom closet. Bethany knocks on Sara’s door frame.

    Sara: Yes Bethany?
    Bethany: I’m going to laying down and take a nap. The trip to the mall and all the walking I did wear me out.
    Sara: Ok, I going to laying down and take a nap to incases I get call into work tonight.
    Bethany: Ok, See you when I get up then.

    Bethany goes into her room and gets into bed and closes her eyes and goes right to sleep. Sara lay down on her bed and Ali lay down next to her. Sara thinking to herself as she falling to sleep with her arms lay on Ali, I hope I do not get called into work tonight. I feel exhausted and my throat is really scratchy and I feel feverish too, that the last thing she thinking about before falling to sleep.
  12. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Chapter Fourteen: On call
    It 10:15 p.m. on December 23, 2003 Bethany setting on her bed wrap Sara and Ali Christmas gifts. The cordless phone is laying next to her on the bed. Sara had asked to take the phone into her bedroom with after dinner because she really tire and she going back to bed and too only come get her up for a phone call if It’s someone from the lab calling her into work. The phone starts ringing. Bethany picks the phone up to sees its Cassie from three apartments down. She hit the talk button.

    Bethany: Hi, Cassie’s what up?
    Cassie: Hi Bethany, I just want to call too see how you are feeling?
    Bethany: A lot better, my throat still a little scratchy, but other wise I feel good my fever gone.
    Cassie: Is your Tonsils still swelling?
    Bethany: A little, my lymph nodes are still a little swelling too.
    Cassie: You think I could come over a hang for a little while?
    Bethany: No, Sara Sleep I don’t think that she feeling good. We had are favorite meal for dinner tonight which is vegetable stir fries and she just push the vegetable around on her plate and hardly ate any of the stir fry that she put on her plate.
    Cassie: MY mom needs, the phone so I have to get off now.
    Bethany: Ok, I see you around.
    Cassie: Ok, Bye.

    Bethany hangs up the phone and no soon then she set back down on her bed it starts ringing again. She picks back up and sees that it Gil Grissom office number. She hits the talk button.

    Bethany: Hello
    Gil: Bethany This Is Sara Supervise Gil Grissom, can I talk to Sara.
    Bethany: I have her call you back after I wake her up.
    Gil: That fine, have her call me back, when she is awake enough to dial the number.
    Bethany: I will, Mr. Grissom.

    Bethany hits the off button on the cordless phone then puts her feet over the edge if the bed then stands up. She limps towards her bedroom door and slowly opens it. She walks to Sara bedroom door and knock on the door, she then open the door and heads into Sara Bedroom and over to her bed and shakes her. Sara rolls over and looks at Bethany who has the cordless phone in her right hand. Sara set up and rubs her eyes and picks up the bottle of water off the night stand and takes the cap off, she then takes a few sips of water.

    Sara: (Sounds sleepy) What do you need Bethany?
    Bethany: You need to call Mr. Grissom, he called for you. I tell him and would have you call him back after I wake you up.
    Sara: (Take the phone from Bethany.) Thank

    Bethany leaves Sara Bedroom and goes into the living room. As Sara dial Gil Grissom office number. Bethany goes into her bedroom and grabs a change of clothing for the morning and her book bag so she can work on the school she is behind in. She set on the couch wait for Sara when she walks out of her bedroom and Ali right behind her. Bethany notice that Sara has put on a pair of good jeans and a long sleeve white shirt, with a black blazer. She also has a light-blue scarf wipe around her neck. Bethany watch Sara walk into the kitchen and grab and travels mug out of the cabinet and full up with water the puts the mug into the microwave to heat the water up. She grabs the box of herbal tea down and takes two tea bags out. When the microwave beeps she takes the mug out and puts the herbal tea bags into the travel mug and lets the tea bag set for a few minutes.

    Sara: Bethany are you ready to go to Catherine Willows house?
    Bethany: Yeah I am ready Sara. But are you sure you should go into work tonight you look flush plus your voice sounds a little scratchy and you hardly touch you dinner tonight.
    Sara: I have to go into work, we are short since Nick out of town and it all night shift CSI on deck to night if they are in town.

    Sara throws the tea bags into the trash can and puts the lid on the mug. Then the two of them head out to Sara Car and get in. Sara’s drops Bethany’s off at Catherine houses and makes sure Bethany’s gets into the Catherine house before pull out of the driveway and head to the crime scene. As she drives to the crime scene, she starts to think about how sore her throat is. God it hurts really bad to swallow a sip of the tea. She pulls up in front of the house the crime happened at, she turns her car off then get out of the car and open up the back door and grabs her kit. As she walking up to the house, she pulls a cough drop out of her jean pocket and puts into her mouth. Jim Brass sees Sara walk towards the house and that she has just put a cough drop into her mouth, he also notices Sara looks a little flush. He walks up to Sara and take her kit and then the two of them walk into the house together.

    Jim: Sara you looking flush and I see you put a cough drop in your mouth are your feel all right?
    Sara: (Clear her throat)Yeah My throat is just a little scratchy and I feeling a little run down.
    Jim: I think you might be coming down with a cold Sara?
    Sara: I hope not, So why in the house did the crime happen?
    Jim: In the dinner room.
    Sara: (Clear her throat again) How many die?
    Jim: Eighteen, the whole family was over here celebrating Chanukah.

    Just then Sara and Jim walk up to the door way of the dinning room and Sara sees all the victims were all shot in the back of the head and was face down in they soup. By the amount of bullet cartridges she know that they was at lest eighteen shoots and by the type of cartridges on the floor she know that the guns used were from world war two eras Handguns. Sara takes her kit from Brass and joins Catherine, Warrick, Gil in take pictures of the crime scene.
  13. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I hope they find the guy and that she feels better fast!
  14. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    correct spelling and grammar for chapter fourteen.

    Chapter Fourteen: On call
    It 10:15 p.m. on December 23, 2003 Bethany setting on her bed wrap Sara and Ali Christmas gifts. The cordless phone is laying next to her on the bed, because Sara had asked her to take the phone into her bedroom after dinner. Since she is really tired and is going back to bed and too only come get her up for a phone call if It’s someone from the lab calling her into work. The phone starts ringing, Bethany picks the phone up to sees its Cassie from three apartments down. She hit the talk button.

    Bethany: Hi, Cassie’s what up?
    Cassie: Hi Bethany, I just want to call and see how you are feeling?
    Bethany: A lot better, my throat still a little scratchy, but otherwise I feel good my fever gone.
    Cassie: Is your Tonsils still swelling?
    Bethany: A little, my lymph nodes are still a little swelling too.
    Cassie: You think I could come over a hang for a little while?
    Bethany: No, Sara Sleeping I don’t think that she feeling good. We had our favorite meal for dinner tonight which is vegetable stir fries and she just push the vegetable around on her plate and hardly ate any.
    Cassie: MY mom needs, the phone so I have to get off now.
    Bethany: Ok, I see you around.
    Cassie: Ok, Bye.

    Bethany hangs up the phone and no soon then she set the phone back down on her bed it starts ringing again. She picks it back up and sees that it Gil Grissom office number. She hits the talk button.

    Bethany: Hello
    Gil: Bethany This Is Sara Supervise Gil Grissom, can I talk to Sara.
    Bethany: I will have Sara call you back after I wake her up.
    Gil: That fine, have her call me back when she is awake enough to dial the number.
    Bethany: I will, Mr. Grissom.

    Bethany hits the off button on the cordless phone then puts her feet over the edge of the bed then stands up. She limps towards her bedroom door and slowly opens it. She walks to Sara bedroom door and knock, she then open the door and heads into Sara Bedroom and over to her bed and shakes her. Sara rolls over and looks at Bethany who has the cordless phone in her right hand. Sara set up and rubs her eyes and picks up the bottle of water off the night stand and takes the cap off, she then takes a few sips of water.

    Sara: (Sounds sleepy) What do you need Bethany?
    Bethany: You need to call Mr. Grissom, he called for you. I tell him that I would have you call him back after I wake you up.
    Sara: (Take the phone from Bethany.) Thank

    Bethany leaves Sara Bedroom and goes into the living room. As Sara dial Gil Grissom office number. Bethany goes into her bedroom and grabs a change of clothing for the morning and her book bag so she can work on the school she is behind in. She set on the couch wait for Sara, when Sara walks out of her bedroom with Ali right behind her. Bethany notices that Sara has put on a pair of good jeans and a long sleeve white shirt, with a black blazer. She also has a light-blue scarf wipe around her neck. Bethany watch Sara’s walk into the kitchen and grab and travels mug out of the cabinet and full it up with water then puts the mug into the microwave to heat the water up. She grabs the box of herbal tea down and takes two tea bags out. When the microwave beeps she takes the mug out and puts the herbal tea bags into the travel mug and lets the tea bag set for a few minutes.

    Sara: Bethany are you ready to go to Catherine Willows house?
    Bethany: Yeah I am ready Sara. But are you sure you should go into work tonight you look flush plus your voice sounds a little scratchy and you hardly touch you dinner tonight.
    Sara: I have to go into work, we are short since Nick out of town and it all night shift CSI on deck tonight that are in town.

    Sara throws the tea bags into the trash can and puts the lid on the mug. Then the two of them head out to Sara Car and get in. Sara’s drops Bethany’s off at Catherine houses and makes sure Bethany’s gets into the house before pull out of the driveway and heading to the crime scene. As she drives to the crime scene, she starts to think about how sore her throat is. God it hurts really bad to swallow a sip of tea. She pulls up in front of the house the crime happened at, she turns her car off then get out of the car. She open up the back door and grabs her kit. As she walking up to the house, she pulls a cough drop out of her jean pocket and puts it into her mouth. Jim Brass sees Sara walk towards the house and that she has just put a cough drop into her mouth, he also notices Sara looks a little flush. He walks up to Sara and take her kit and then the two of them walk into the house together.

    Jim: Sara you are looking flush and I saw you put a cough drop in your mouth are your feel all right?
    Sara: (Clear her throat)Yeah My throat is just a little scratchy and I feeling a little run down.
    Jim: I think you might be coming down with a cold Sara?
    Sara: I hope not, So where in the house did the crime happen?
    Jim: In the dinner room.
    Sara: (Clear her throat again) How many die?
    Jim: Eighteen, the whole family was over here celebrating Chanukah.

    Just then Sara and Jim walk up to the doorway of the dinning room and Sara sees all the victims were all shot in the back of the head and was face down in they soup. By the amount of bullet cartridges she knows that they were at lest eighteen shooter and by the type of cartridges on the floor she knows that the guns use were world war two era Handguns. Sara takes her kit from Brass and joins Catherine, Warrick, Gil in take pictures of the crime scene.
  15. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Chapter Fifteen: Hate Crime
    After Sara finish taking pictures she goes over to her kit and pulls out a pair of latex gloves and put them on. She then gets to work collect the bullet cartridges that are all over the floor. As she collect the cartridges she thinking to herself. I should have taken my temperature, before I left my apartment, she pulls another cough drop out of her jean pocket and puts into her mouth. It takes her a hour to collect all the bullet cartridges off the floor and to put them into evidence bags. Both David and Dr. Robbins had just finish checks the body temperatures of all the victims and gives, the CSI the clearing to collect the evidence off the body. Before they take them back to the lab. Warrick, Catherine and Gil stops what they are doing and helps Sara check the victims for any trace evidence that could have been lift behind but there wasn’t any.

    Gil: David and Dr. Robbins you can take the bodies now there is no trace evidence on them. Dr, Robbins, can you remove the bullet from the eighteen victims heads and sent them to Bobby Dawson to run.
    Dr. Robbins: I, sure will Gil Grissom.
    Sara: Grissom, I need to go outside and get some fresh air.
    Gil: That fine Sara.

    Sara takes her gloves off and puts one into an evidence bag and put in her kit with the rest of the evidences she has collect then walks outside. As she outsides she takes a walk around and notices that lots of the cars and vans park in the driveway and on the street by the house have infant carseat and boost seats in them. She runs back into the house and gets a new pair of latex glove out of her kit and puts them on her hands. Warrick, Catherine and Gil walk over to her.

    Catherine: Sara what wrong you have that look that says something terrible has happened?
    Sara: We need to check all the other rooms in the house and the basement for babies, children and they stuff.
    Gil: Sara, there no babies and children in the dinner room are in the house accord to the offices that clear the scene!
    Sara: When I was outside I walk around and take a look in the vans and cars in the driveway and park on the street by the house and lots of them have infant carseat and boost seat in them with items in the car that says that the children come here with them tonight.
    Gil: You hear Sara Catherine gather up all the victims keys and let start go around to all the cars and open them up and seeing which victim they belong to and bag any of the children Items that could have the children smell on them. Sara help Catherine do that and Warrick and I will search the house.

    Sara and Catherine take the keys out off the evidence bags and then head outside and the two female CSI are still look through all the vans and cars a hour and half later when Gil and Warrick walk over to them.

    Warrick: The children are not here, but there is evidence that there was babies and toddler here along with the adult and teenage that was at the table having dinner.
    Gil: The killer move all the toddler and babies stuffs downstairs in the basement. Catherine and Sara I want you to go back to the lab and take the evidence we collect so far with you. Then go to the coroner lab and check in with Dr. Robbins and David.
    Sara: Ok
    Catherine: But that mean we have to take the evidence in Sarah car since will all rode here in the one crime lab SUV.
    Gil: That fine because the two of you are going straight to the lab.

    Catherine and Sara bag the last item out of the car and van they are working on then go inside and get their kits and all the evidence then the two of them walk back outside and puts their kits and the evidence on the backseat of Sara Car then the two of them get into the car and Sara drive to the lab. As Sara driving Catherine notices that Sara keeps rubbing her throat with her left hand and looks a lot more flushes then she did when she first got to the crime scene at 11: 02pm. When Sara stops for a red-light, Catherine reaches over and feels Sara forehead. Sara pulls Catherine hand off her forehead.

    Sara: What are you doing Cath?
    Catherine: Checking to see if you have a fever!
    Sara: I am fine
    Catherine: I was just check because you look flush, but you do not seem to be running a fever, but you are a little clammy Sara, I think you might be coming down with a cold.
    Sara: (Clear her throat) I not get sick.

    Sara pulls her car into the crime lab parking lot and pulls into the free space by the door. After Sara has put the car into park and turn, it off Catherine gets out of the car and starts getting the evidence bags off the backseat. Sara pulls a cough drop out of her pocket and puts in her mouth then she gets out of her car and help Catherine getting all the evidence bags off the backseat of her car.

    Catherine: Sara, I have watches you put cough drops in you mouth all evening and the whole ride here you keep rubbing her throat with your left hand, are you sure that you feeling ok?
    Sara: I am fine, my throat just a little scratchy is all!

    Sara locks her car doors after they have everything out of the backseat, then the two of them head into the lab and go to the evidence room. Sara sings the evidence in then both of them put on a pair of gloves then go through the evidence to figure out what needs to go to trace, DNA, Ballistic, toxic and the fingerprint lab.

    Sara: (Clear her throat) I take the DNA evidence to Greg.
    Catherine: Ok, I will take the fingerpaint to Mia, and the bullet cartridges too Bobby. Then the two of us will meet up outside the coroner lab.
    Sara: Ok

    Catherine heads to the fingerprint lab and Sara puts away the evidence that does not need to go anywhere, then grabs the bags of DNA evidence and slower walks towards the DNA lab. She then starts having a coughing fit, so she rise her right arm up and coughs into her elbow.

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