Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

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Ok I know I haven't been here in a while but I'm not giving up on this couple/ friendship. Ryan has an effect on Calliegh that makes her think outside her box and makes her realize that not only is it ok but that she doesn't always have to be right on her theories. She also doesn't have the same rough edge that she does when she interrogates a suspect when they hold an interrogaton together. The chemistry between thw two can stay at the friendship level and work but it could also got up to the romantic level. It depends on if tptb will play on it.
^ I agree. These two have too good a chemistry to give up on. I could see them as a couple, and a very cute couple at that. But I also like seeing them as friends. They play off each other so well, and Mrs. DW - you are right, Cal acts differently around Ryan- happier, more carefree. I like seeing that side of Cal!
Hi all! Long time no posting, I know... well I got a summer job and any free time is spent enjoying this crazy sunshine/rainy weather. That also kept me from catching up on half the season I missed like I said I'd do. :( It would help if I got a list of all the episodes worth watching (aka: the ones with Ryan/Calleigh interaction) after that episode with Calleigh on the horse or Ryan and Calleigh in the fire... I can't really remember which was the last episode I saw.

In any case, I will try to re-watch some episodes and, oh! Does anyone know a good place with Ryan/Calleigh fanart? I'd love to get me a new shippy banner to show my support. :) No matter how infrequently I visit, as long as Cal and Ryan are still on that show together, I'll try and watch. Keep the dream alive, ladies!
Welcome back Hestia! We are trying to keep the dream alive, but it is difficult 'sigh.'

Here in UK we only justed started s7 a few weeks ago, so im afraid I dont know epis with CaRWash interaction.

I saw the epi last night where Eric and Ryan play a prank on Tara. Calleigh did seem impressed that Ryan bought Tara flowers to say sorry. I bet she was wishing he would send her some.........

Reading spoilers for next season, im optimistic about some good CaRWash moments!
i haven't been here in a while, but neither has anybody else! :( where is everybody? i hope nobody's lost their faith on CaRWash!
I do think there's some major withdrawl when it's time to think of "our" fav. ships which isn't E/C, except for them, no one is getting what they want. Probably that's why most of us do not post in this thread...along with the fact that it's summer time LOL.

Anyway back on topic, surely Calleigh and Ryan's friendship isn't what it used to be till some months ago, but I do think that Ryan is still such a good frined for the girl, look, for example, how he cheered her up during the season finale. It's not like anyone is able to cheer Calleigh up, especially in an episode like that. I'm glad they decided to use Ryan because hell yeah he was the best choice!

He's such a true friend to her and he'll never, and I'll repeat, never betray her.

As for Calleigh she betrayed him (though, I'd like to think that she'll never knew anything about Billie), but I don't see their friendship as truely gone.

I've also read the casting sided for the first two episodes
Even if it's absolutely inconsistent (at least IMO knowing Ryan), it looks like Ryan and Calleigh already met back in 1997. He was a high school teenager and she was at the MDPD for her first work day. It looks like they're gonna share a scene together when Ryan asks her where his friends went and she answers that she has no idea since she's the first one who got lost there.

I know I know it's absolutely crazy also because it sounds like Calleigh's gonna replace someone else in that scene. Yep, originally someone else should have shared that scene with Ryan. Anywho, I like it. Just give me something with both Ryan and Calleigh and I'm done. I love any kind of interaction between these two and I want to see it.

There's gonna be a crazy driving scene when Ryan and Calleigh are in the middle of the traffic and are rushing so that they can get the money H needs for his negotiation. It looks like Ryan is the one who drives like a mad woman in this scene and they almost collide with the car in front of them...then they'll have to run by foot in the middle of the traffic till they get to a patrol car.

This must be so hilarious. Plus I can't wait for a comment of Calleigh about Ryan's driving skills LOL.

So it looks that nothing happened to their friendship :D

Remember in Legal, Ryan told calleigh that he took her class...maybe they want to change the fact that he never met her there and show that he met her at the seminar she gave a lecture :rolleyes:
Ive long given up on TPTB and continuity. I think with regards to the season premiere its a case of wait and see. It could be ok.....
Looking further ahead into the new season, what does everyone want to see happen with our favourite couple?
I'll be happy with lots of scenes together - happy and flirty scenes mostly!
I'm back! *does face plant* God it's been forever and I've missed you guys to pieces... hopefully I'll be able to hang around a little longer! Anyways, where was I...?

Looking further ahead into the new season, what does everyone want to see happen with our favourite couple?

Oh, where to begin? More teamwork is a must and I hope that they'll at least have more talks! And I totally agree about the need for more flirty moments... I wouldn't mind seeing a little lighthearted teasing between them. They need a break from the drama for a while.
Karu ! Good to have you back. Hope everything ok with you.
'hands out cookies'
I completely agree, less drama. They both need a break. They definitely need to work together more, thats a given.
Good to have you back. Hope everything ok with you.

Everything's good, but university and family gatherings are driving me nuts... let's hope I get through both!

I completely agree, less drama. They both need a break.

Though they might not for a while since Eric is leaving the show... that's gonna be hard on the both of them, but at least they have each other's backs. And I think it'll be a slow progression from there because we don't want them to rush things.
Isn't today the season premier of CSI Miami for the United States? I should know because I made a little reminder timer on my TV (the summary for the episode says that apparently there's gonna be a flashback scene via Horatio reminiscing on how his team first met or something. That might be good news for Speedle fans but even so I think we'll still get some Ryan screentime. :))

In any case, I won't be able to watch it today because of a previous engagement :( (and I was actually excited about this episode too!) If anyone sees it, let me (and others who aren't from the U.S) know if there's any form of 'Ryan comforting Calleigh' scenes in there. Otherwise I'll see if I can watch it on their official site tomorrow.

So yeah. (Or rather yeaaaahhhh! :cool:)
Hestia! welcome back. I am going to see if I can watch the epi later this week, fingers crossed.
Im not expecting much CaRWash in this epi, although a little comforting would be very good. But I am hopeful for the rest of the season!
Hi All,
With the premiere just hours away, I wanted to remind folks of some things...

First, remember the three line rule. We don't want people coming into the thread going OMG! and that's all. It's spammy and also against board rules.

Second, please put all discussion of current and future episodes in spoiler boxes. It's for those who have not yet seen the episode. There are some viewers who don't want to be spoiled. The boxes are for their consideration.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. :D

Back to Calleigh and Ryan.
Hestia! *tackles* Great to have you back... and I love your siggy. I wasn't able to watch the premiere yesterday so I have no idea if there was any CaRWash interaction, but I hope that there will be in later episodes. Some comforting would be nice though...
There was no CaRWash interaction in the epi. Mainly because Ryan was only in the epi 10 seconds, and he didn't say 1 word! I didnt expect much of him but I thought there would be more than that.
So hopefully we will have that comforting scene next epi, because the whole Eric in hospital thing wasnt resolved. And then we might have something to talk about in here.......................