Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

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The writers may not have intended to "dumb down" Ryan (as someone else on another thread put it), but, that is certainly how it sounded. Ryan, not paying attention in the interrogation of the girl (out of character), not knowing what a cougar is (out of character), especially when he is aware of other terms. Example: "when taking pictures of a vic noticed "a little ring around the collar". :guffaw: This shows that Ryan knows whats going on.

I thought the scene in the locker room needed more time for Calleigh and Ryan to talk, but enjoyed what I got. Whether she appricates it or not Ryan is a good friend. :)

Want to see more of these two together. :scream:

I will not be posting for the next week, going to California visit my brother. I haven't seen in over a year.

Keep the conversation going. CaRWash forever. :lol:
I didnt see the cougar thing as Ryan being dumb. TPTB needed to explain the term, and its just that they had Ryan do it.
That term is pretty well known here,it wasn't appropriate that Ryan be the one asking,that is why on some message boards(not here) people were stating it was kind of dumb.Ryan did get a scene out of it of course,but we want quality scenes for Ryan.Even a review I read commented on the cougar thing.It's okay to explain,but it would be nice to be character appropriate.I can actually see an older character,like Frank not being aware of the term.
As far as the locker room scene,it's nice we got the scene.Ryan was honest with Calleigh,even if she didn't want to hear it,sometimes no one but a friend can be that honest,even if it hurts.

Well, im in the UK and I suppose 'cougar' isn't so well known here. So I didn't see it as Ryan being thick. But I see your point- it would have made sense to have another character say it.
I agree about the locker room thing- Ryan was being a true friend, and making her aware of all possible outcomes. He does care alot for her.

Want to see more of these two together. :scream:

I will not be posting for the next week, going to California visit my brother. I haven't seen in over a year.

Keep the conversation going. CaRWash forever. :lol:

Have a good week, Slower !
Ok, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought they were making Ryan look dumb with the whole 'cougar' thing! As someone else said, they should've made another character ask about it, not Ryan. I think he would've known. He is pretty damn good looking himself, no doubt older women hit on him during his college days! :lol: So more likely than not, Ryan would have known what it meant. :shifty:

I loved the Ryan/Calleigh scene in the locker room! I don't ship R/C but I think they have such an amazing friendship and it feels like it's been forever since we've gotten to see their great friendship! :(
Hi everyone, I just got back from California and had a great time.

Watched "In Plain Sight", too little screentime for our pair. Is it me or is there a chill in the air between them? :(

This is not what I want to see. Hope someone can pursuade the writers to restore their great chemistry. Once again I beleive the producers and writers are trying to put the nail in that coffin and stear her towards another - Jessie!!! :rolleyes:
Hi everyone, I just got back from California and had a great time.

Watched "In Plain Sight", too little screentime for our pair. Is it me or is there a chill in the air between them? :(

This is not what I want to see. Hope someone can pursuade the writers to restore their great chemistry. Once again I beleive the producers and writers are trying to put the nail in that coffin and stear her towards another - Jessie!!! :rolleyes:

i thought too that they were cold to each other since season 7...especially calleigh is cold towards ryan:(...does anyone know whats up?is it just their characters or did jonathan and emily have an off screen fight..?:(i too want to see the scences of season 4 and 5..even season 6 was ok...but in season 7 calleigh's just so cold toward ryan..:(hopefully that will change in future episodes...:)
I feel that the writers saw a lot of chemistry between them and decided to cause a rift to fulfill their agenda of bringing Calleigh and Eric together,but this is just my opinion. :)

I am hoping that this season will turn around, after Delko leaves, and we can see some of their great friendship return. :)

At this time they are just concentrating on the newbies and giving Adam his send off.

As for Jonathan and Emily friendship, its possible it has spilled over into their work, but tht wouldn't be too professional. And this wouldn't say a whole lot for Emily's personal character, since others speculate about her working relationship with DC. :shifty:
Her working relationship with DC?what do you mean?what happen between her n dc...n togo n her?care to elaborate..anyway i hope to see more CaRWash screen time in the NEAR future....
I'm sorry, I can't provide specific details. All I am saying is on other threads there has been speculation from other fans, about the reasons behind Emily and DC having no scenes together, and when they do, it appears strained compared to eariler seasons. I am sure everything is alright between her and Togo, they are just not in scenes together, and when they are the writers are not showing any personal scenes.

I am holding out for the rest of the season, 4 episodes into the season hasn't given me much hope. :( But, there is still time to see them together. :)
I think Emily and Jonathan are fine.I heard an interview that Emily recently gave and she was playing a pretty funny joke on Jonathan and he didn't know who was playing the joke on him.They looked friendly enough in the last CSI magazine in the behind the scenes pics.
it's ok thanks for the reply...anyway could you please give me the link to the video...i would love to see it..thanks a lot...
oh alright thanks...btw if you do happen to find me with the link..anyway i am now going to try to keep my hopes up for more scences of CaRWash...
*Ahem* Guys, can we please keep on the topic of Ryan and Calleigh, and not bring the actors personal lives into the thread. This thread is for discussion on Ryan and Calleigh, not Jonathan and Emily... Also, I see there's been some chattyness, can we please remember to stick to the 3 line rule... All posts MUST have at least 3 lines of ontopic discussion.

Many thanks,

Now back to Ryan and Calleigh.
*Ahem* Guys, can we please keep on the topic of Ryan and Calleigh, and not bring the actors personal lives into the thread. This thread is for discussion on Ryan and Calleigh, not Jonathan and Emily... Also, I see there's been some chattyness, can we please remember to stick to the 3 line rule... All posts MUST have at least 3 lines of ontopic discussion.

Many thanks,

Now back to Ryan and Calleigh.

Sorry, Steph. I at least will try and not let it happen again. :lol:

I have been trying to fire up a few folks to talk about Ryan/Calleigh. But, there really hasn't been much to go on.:( I had hoped that since they had such a touching scene in "Seeing Red" that maybe the writers were toying with the idea. I believe at that point they may have had some idea that Adam may be leaving (IDK).

So, I am holding out for the rest of the season to see what happens. But, as some others have stated the scenes may not happen this year.
There is still plenty of the season to go. As said earlier TPTB are busy at the moment introducing new characters and dealing with the Delko thing. Hopefully after all that is settled there will be some good scenes with our pair.
So dont give up hope!