Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

DuDE in Greece is a reference to Calleigh and Erick.. really don't no why they call them like that never mind to ask!! I think it's from their last names DUQUESNE DELKO= DuDE....

Seriously? Here we just call them Hiphuggers... don't ask me why, I don't even know.

have we ever discussed their wedding? or even if they would be the types to marry? cause I have this picture of Calleigh in a wedding dress in my mind but Im not sure about Ryan

No, for some reason we never did. I guess that's our new discussion topic. They do seem like the type of people who would marry, but later down the road after they have more stability. Speaking of which I wonder who would be a part of the wedding party... you know, maid of honour, best man, all that stuff. I would like to see Horatio give Calleigh away. Do you guys have any ideas? Oh, and one more thing... where would they go for their honeymoon?

If I vaguely remember, I think I did saw some pic/manip of Calleigh, Ryan and baby Bethany together...somewhere...hmm...or my age's catching up thus I can't recall? :eek:

No way! *rushes off to look for it* I'll let you guys know if I find it...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I can see them getting married in a garden, with lot of flowers

Speaking of which I wonder who would be a part of the wedding party...

I think the team. and I like the idea of Horatio giving her away. I can imagine Alexx being the matron of honour and Ryans brother - if he has one, being the best man. not many people. around 20-30.

I see Calleigh in a mint green halter dress with an emerald green ribon under the breast tied on the back and going all the way down. fitting with flowing skirt, but not much. maybe a similar ribon in her hair. the hair loose and straight. the bouquet very colorful.

I too think they would be together for some time before he would popthe question. I can even see her being the one proposing.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think the team. and I like the idea of Horatio giving her away. I can imagine Alexx being the matron of honour and Ryans brother - if he has one, being the best man. not many people. around 20-30.

I agree... they don't seem like the kind of people who would have a big exravagant wedding. Alexx should definitely be there. After all, she's like a mother to Calleigh and Ryan. I can totally see her fussing over the two. About the best man, I not sure about Ryan's brother... I don't think he has one. I know that we do not know much about Ryan's background, but his niece had a different last name, so I'm guessing he has a sister. Maybe uncle Ron should be the best man! After all, he's the only family member we know that lives in Miami.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Discusion about CaRWash's wedding!! Sweet... As they live in Miami I could see them getting married at the beach, not a fiesta a close simple wedding, just like they'd love it to be. Calleigh with a long white dress beautifull as always and Ryan in an also white suit *close eyes and dreams*
Of course Alexx would be there and H.. H is important for both of them....
And after the wedding is their honeymoon!! Well I think it should be at an island probably Sardenia or even Rhodos ,here in Greece.....yeah I could totaly see them in those places
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

And after the wedding is their honeymoon!! Well I think it should be at an island probably Sardenia or even Rhodos ,here in Greece.....yeah I could totaly see them in those places

I can totally picture a wedding on the beach, dressed in white and surrounded by their friends and family... and especially the honeymoon in Greece! From the pictures I've seen, it seem like a wonderful country. Are there any places in Greece that Calleigh and Ryan should visit?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Well karu now you put me in some real thinking.....I think that if they would ever comehere they should visit as many islands as they can! Rhodos is bviously my first choise for them , the beaches are great just like the night life of the island... another island that I think it suits Ryan better Skopelos don't ask me way but I can definitely see him there.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Rhodos is bviously my first choise for them , the beaches are great just like the night life of the island... another island that I think it suits Ryan better Skopelos don't ask me way but I can definitely see him there.

Cool! I was thinking they could visit historical sites as well. Ryan does have a penchant for historical trivia after all. Oh, maybe have a big Greek feast... the Greeks have good food!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Well I just hope that they want run on a Greek feast.... I myself don't like them at all... As for the hidtorical sites I wouldn't like them in Athens looking for Akropoli.. I'd rather prfer them at Nauplio looking at Burgie, old castle... Anyway that's just me and my humble opinion...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

As for the hidtorical sites I wouldn't like them in Athens looking for Akropoli.. I'd rather prfer them at Nauplio looking at Burgie, old castle... Anyway that's just me and my humble opinion...

Oh wow, there's an old castle? I would rather they visited that than the Acropolis... I'd love to see them explore the castle. Everyone knows about the Acropolis, but I've never heard about Burgie. That makes it more interesting and out-of-the-way so Calleigh and Ryan would probably be more drawn to that. Are there any pictures of it?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Well probably there are... I know that there are about Nauplio but I am not sure about Burgie (our Bourgie have no idea of the English/American translation) and there is also Mistras in Peloponnisos , old chuple beautifull but not with a historical interest....
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

and there is also Mistras in Peloponnisos , old chuple beautifull but not with a historical interest....

Oh wow, there seem to be a lot of places that Calleigh and Ryan can explore in Greece. Okay, what about else where? Do you have any ideas where they could spend their honeymoon or even a vacation? 'Cause lord knows they need one badly!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yeah they need vacatrion.... As I said if they'd visit Greece I'd advise them to go in every island, I have kinda an obssesion with Greek islands. As for the mainland Nauplio would be a great choise.... Honestly I would prefer it if theyt choose to go in Italy. that's where I'll spend my holiday. Sardenia, Sicilia, Calabria and my personal favourite choice Venice....
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think they should go to Turkey or Egypt. Those are very cool places. Or Italy! I went there in March and it was fabulous.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Honestly I would prefer it if theyt choose to go in Italy. that's where I'll spend my holiday. Sardenia, Sicilia, Calabria and my personal favourite choice Venice....

Italy would be good for them... they'd have fun exploring all of the islands, though I would probably include Capri. They oughta go for a gondola ride in Venice... it'd be great for them to see Venice that way, plus it'd be romantic.

I think they should go to Turkey or Egypt.

Ooh, Egypt would be awesome too! They could visit the pyramids and the Sphinx and all the other great sites. Lucky them... curse my obsession with ancient Egypt!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Even though I have technically left school, it hasn't let go. My fault for getting too involved with all the music there.

Anyway. Welcome captain_nati! So we have another CaRWash/Sandle fan! :D

Italy would be good for them... they'd have fun exploring all of the islands, though I would probably include Capri. They oughta go for a gondola ride in Venice... it'd be great for them to see Venice that way, plus it'd be romantic.

I love Venice. Ryan and Calleigh should definitely go there. Although gondola rides are quite expensive, but if it's their honeymoon then I don't suppose that matters much.

not many people. around 20-30.

Yeah, I can't really see them inviting the whole of Miami to their wedding. Just the people that are important to them.
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