Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Well, a new thread for the lovely CaRWash ship! I've never opened a shipper thread so I'm glad I got to do so with this one. (Got the okay from Dutchie) These two are fantastic and maybe # 7 will be this ship's lucky number!

A simple graphic made by me:


And if you have a better picture/banner/fanart to post, go ahead and do it! :lol:

Final note:
Keep watching CaRWash, keep hoping CaRWash, and keep posting CaRWash. That is all.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yay! I suppose this calls for a thread warming party, right? *throws obligatory confetti*

Good's to another fabulous CaRWash thread *clinks glass*... :)

Need4Speed said:
OMG!!! know that pic you posted of Ryan's a** over in the Jon?Ryan thread...well the person that's blury in the scene is Calleigh...and if you look at the direction she's facing you can so tell she's looking at his a**.... :devil: naughty naughty girl!!! :D
Calleigh lookin at Ryan :D

I'm so glad you posted this in the shipper thread! I came this close to mentioning exactly what you did over in the Ryan/Jon thread, but I decided to hold it until I got here.
But yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing? It looks like Ryan is thinking "Like what you see?" :lol:

And as for your final note, Hestia: Will do! ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

YAY, new thread!! Great job on it Hestia, and you really don't need my OK to open a thread, lol. On the other hand, yes you do :devil: J/K.

So the thread title I suggested was chosen and I'm glad because besides the fact that I suggested it I just think it's perfect for our ship!

Maybe I should get that CaRWash quote list and give it a quick add and then post it in my next post. Will do.

CaRWash Cutie, I watched a few scenes from Kill Switch like 2 days ago and noticed exactly the same! Someone had told me that there was no real CaRWash in it, that she was just mad at him, but she was actually joking with him, and telling him how betrayed she a weird way. It was so cute, I loved the scene at the TV station where she wants to leave and then he's like: "wait! wait." Lovely scene. And later when she asks him if he's sure he's ok...:D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Wow, new thread!
Congratulations CaRWashers and thanks Hestia for doing it!

Ok, I did my very first animation, and I chose our memorable "Deviant" moment. I know the quality is not really good and that, but oh well, the intention also counts right? I hope it's ok to post it there, as an opening thread gift

I love the thread title, and I am hoping that in the next thread, there will be many options coming from the great scenes we hope we get in season 6

I suddenly feel I have to watch Kill Switch so I can join the discussion. I had also heard/read that there wasn't really CaRWash anymore in season 5, so I am glad that there is, just not everyone can see it ;) We know it, there's CaRWash love everywhere

Btw, Hestia, I'm not stealing your original smilie thing, I was just playing a little with it. You're the Queen on that one ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yay! new thread!!! New season!!! New CARWASH lovelyness! Heres to the cuteies of Miami!!

HESTIA, :lol: or shall I say 'babe'. Don't freak on that. I didn't mean it like how we all wish Cal meant it towards Ryan. Im a mom & a wife so sometimes those kind of names slip out when I "talk/type" to people. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

yay!!! new thread!!!! *passes out cookies and sodas* :D

i'm sad in the us tonight they are only showing a s2 ep... :( no CaRWash :( .....but on another note...Yay for Speed!!!

anyways love all the CaRWash cuteness!!!! so great!!!! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hellohoo! :D

OK, I didn't post in here for a veeeery long time now, and perhaps some might think I don't believe in CaRWash anymore - you're wrong!
Though I don't have much to say I always stop by in this thread from time to time, and now that there is a new one - #7 already - I just wanted to leave my congrats here and tell you: never let this ship down, hope dies last and always believe in the chemistry! :D ;)

Bye, bye!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yay everyone! Congrats on the new thread! Have some Baby Ruth candy bars and snickerdoodle cookies on me! *throws confetti and dances around before collapsing into an extra large chillow*

*high fives Nikki* Yes! At least I'm not alone in my CaRWash thinking! :lol:

Hey guys, I'm working on a new short fic about our lovely couple which should be up in a few days; I'll let you know when I finish it. Pure fluff of course!

I was wondering, who came up the the shipper name CaRWash?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

greenfieldcsi's friend did. I don't know if any of you know her, uh, I don't know her, but I just went back to the first thread to read. So, she did. And then everyone voted for it.

*high five* No one is ever alone in CaRWash thinking, CaRWash Cutie! And YAY for writing. I'm making a video right now but after that I certainly will return to writing as well.

Vera, I would never think that, and I know you're a busy, busy woman. But please pop in from time to time! We still have your chair standing here. ;)

I know I'd get that quote list...but no time yet. season, new chances (although they seem slim.) Question: Are there gonna be any significant CaRWash moments this season, in your opinion?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

congrats on the new thread

and here is a little something


I just love that look on both their faces :) but I couldnt find what exactly the guy told them and I just cant remember

as for the S6 CaRWash moments, I really hope there are at least some. but I have yet to see the S5 ones
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie's Question: Are there going to be any significant Carwash moments this season?

I think we will get a few. Probably dealing with Ryan's job situation or his gambling problem (I don't think thats over). I think that will be Ryan's arc for the season, him dealing with his bookie, it seemed like it didn't really 'end' to me...who knows. Or with Calleigh & her relationship w/ Jake (dodges flying bullets). Somewhere along the way I think they'll throw in something; an ounce of something to show that they care for each other, however I don't think it will be a romantic thing! They just aren't quite there yet, but we'll get something to go on & that in my eyes is better than nothing!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

how aewsome would it be if towards the end of S6 if they showed a promo and showed Ryan leaning to towards Calleigh and like and inch from kissing and then leave us hanging untill the ep were we'd actually get to see them kiss!? that would be the best CaRWash ep ever!!!! well maybe not the best..there's something else they could do to make it the best CaRWash ep ever if you know what i mean :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks for the info Nikki! I've always wondered...

Anyway, as for the question... I think there is potential for CaRWash scenes, but I'm not sure if they will be written as such. Any scene with Calleigh and Ryan is a meaningful scene for us CaRWashers! :lol: I think they'll work together again (when and if Ryan gets reinstated ('m spoiler free so I have no idea)) and I think they'll deal with other things, if Calleigh lets him in that is!

Well, it's a little late, but I have a new thread-warming gift! It's a fanfiction dedicated to all you girls (and lurking guys) who keep the CaRWash love alive! It's angsty and fluffy: you'll see when you read it! You can find it here: Please read it and let me know what you think!

CaRWash Forever!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ooh, nice fic! I liked the angst, and it had me in suspense for a while there. (the kid's name was clever, too ;))

Nice job!

As for my predictions on CaRWash scenes this seasons, I'm really just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. I agree with CaRWash Cutie in that every scene is a meaningful one (I just love seeing them interact and whatnot), and I think that Ryan will have some sort of arc dealing with gambling and rejoining the team (hopefully...I'm spoiler free, too, so I guess we'll see on that last one).

I guess the only thing left to do is just sit back and see what happens!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yaaay! New thread! I realized I haven't posted in here for the longest time. I just have a hard time writing more then 3 lines in the summer. :p Hopefully, when the show starts I'll have more to say! It's in... 11 days, btw! :)

Question: Are there gonna be any significant CaRWash moments this season, in your opinion?
I think there will be. Not necessarily little flirty moments, but deeper ones. Hopefully. I really want to see Calleigh be there for Ryan this season because he's obviously going through a lot and could use a friend. (Other then Natalia :rolleyes:) Besides, we all know Calleigh is one of his closest, but I want to see that now!
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