So I have seen the promo on YT. Yet another try of CSI:Miami to proove themselves as the best in misleading promos :lol: It's quite obvious Calleigh and Eric won't marry. There's just no way. As
London pointed out, being in grey, it might be a reconstitution of the crime. They could have chosen a better groom *coughRyancough* Afterall, they already went in search of the ring already! I think that if it is indeed a reconstitution of the crime, then Ryan would have definitely been a better choice. Not just because it would be cool for us to watch as CaRWashers, but because Ryan and Calleigh have that special kind of chemistry that is always cute and makes them look picture perfect; and I bet the writers could come up with lines to make it, at least, funny. It would be a win situation. Eric hallucinating would be hilarious though,

oor guy. Maybe he is just daydreaming.
Anyway, there's still a scene coming up, so I'm keeping my faith and trying to be optimistic for the moment, and hoping for great cute lovely dialogue and some intense looks between Miami's most adorable couple

At least we are sure they have at least one scene together, from that pic (unless they cut it, please NO!), and although I hate Calleigh dressed in all white [/random], Yay for that!