Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Man, you guys post fast... but it's good for the thread, so carry on!

Ryan's gonna be there?! YES! *does happy dance* About time Ryan got more involved... Calleigh hardly ever sees him anymore. I totally agree with you CaRWash_Cutie, there needs to be a reunion scene... a 'thanks, babe' from Calleigh would really seal the deal.
Anyways, how do you guys get your hands on all these spoilers? The only ones I get are from the promos and this one is centred around Horatio... not that there's anything wrong with that, but it wouldn't hurt if TPTB gave us a couple of seconds of CaRWash. Hey, do you guys know if there are any CaRWash deleted or extra scenes? I think it's possible that TPTB might be leaving clues in them about CaRWash's progression ;)...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hestia, you can always come in here and sip a virgin cosmo, no matter how long you're absent. You get them on the house (or should I say on the thread?):lol:

Hooray! I probably shouldn't make promises I can't keep but I will try, really try, to come here more often! I feel like I should; I need to get more CaRWash "feel good vibes" from you girls. My Calleigh/Ryan love has dipped these past few weeks (mostly because of the hiatus and the... lack of CaRWashy scenes. Cursed PTB...

I need to get back into the bright t-shirt wearing, arm crossing, concerned looking (Calleigh), earring noticing (Ryan!), argue then make-up hotness that is CaRWash.

What happened in 6x10? *is curious* Show me? I wish I could watch the episodes :rolleyes: But yes, unfortunately, we haven't had enough remarkable moments, or else I would have known of some at least, and I only know of Cyber-Lebrity.

I think Dutchie is referring to that one scene we got of Calleigh/Ryan interaction. Yeah. Just one scene. It was nice. Alot like the scene from the most recent episode in that they were working on the case and talking amicably. A bit better though since we got a Calleigh laugh but Ryan barely even smiled. *sigh* He smiled at Natalia and there were a whole slew of E/C scenes in this episode which is why I almost forgot about that one scene.

Don't know if I should link this clip. If not, feel free to remove it mods and I apologize in advanced. :)

(SPOILER CLIP for those who haven't seen episode 6x10, CSI: My Nanny)

Ryan and Calleigh discuss laptops, check a hidden nanny cam and Ryan wants to "cover his eyes".
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey everyone! Haven't been able to post for a couple of weeks, I've had a lot of work on and then I went to France for a week.

But I come back and discover that the new episode has already aired! Since I won't be able to see it on TV until... well, I'm not really sure but it will be a while, I will catch up with what I've missed from that episode tomorrow.

From what I've gathered, though, we had some scenes of them working together, but the argument scene, and thus the 'don't let him divide us' line, was cut? I'll have to see the episode, or clips of it, to decide how I feel about that. But, after having read the review where there was no mention of Ryan at all, reading what you guys have had to say about the episode is making me feel slightly more hopeful than I was earlier. :) At this point in time, I'll take any Calleigh/Ryan interaction at all (although, obviously I would like some more of our flirty CaRWash back).
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

No worries Hestia, after what TPTB put us through, we're still hanging in there. By the way, thanks for the clip... my TV decided to malfuction at the moment and I missed it :mad:! I agree with you about taking what moments we can get, 'cause I think their relationship needs to build up from there before it gets to where we want it to be.

Salean, you're back! We were wondering where you were. Anyways, about your flirty CaRWash request, that may take a while... though apparently there's supposed to be a scene between them... I can't give any specific details though. The episode is supposed to be a two parter, I think, so cross your fingers for a CaRWash moment!

Oh, by the way, a couple of CaRWash fics have been updated on Go check 'em out!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks Karu, I was gonna say I posted chapter three of 'Best Day Of My Life', but you've told them already ;)

I'm gonna be smart here and expect nothing. That way the episode can only surprise me in postive ways. I mean, come on, judging by the rest of season 6, it doesn't seem very logical that we will get a scene.:scream: Though, one thing I am gonna say, did anyone else see that promo picture with Ryan, Eric and Frank at a poker table? If you look at their faces in close up, Eric mostly looks pissed as hell, but Ryan looks concerned and even a bit scared. That's our Ryan, no? He might be mad at Calleigh's kidnapper, but mostly he's concerned for her. And that's CaRWash!

I hope you had fun in France, Salean! Welcome back.:thumbsup:

I indeed meant that scene Hestia, thanks for answering Dani's question as I was too busy. I suddenly missed a lot of posts, that rarely happens. Let's just say I had an...interesting week.:wtf:

Karu, I get most of my spoilers from either promo pictures or information from the spoiler thread. I don't actually go in there, but I have friends who monitor things for me. Plus I have some connections 'up there' :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I haven't seen that promo pic, Dutchie, but I love the idea that it's not just Eric and Ryan, it's Frank as well. Little things like that, really showing how much of a team they are, makes me happy. But that's besides the point. I'm a little surprised that they're letting Ryan play poker (gambling?) after he was recently fired because of his gambling... Although, it doesn't surprise me that the guys are pulling out all the stops to get Calleigh back. Are the promo pictures in the spoiler thread? I may have to go and take a look.

Thanks for the 'welcome back's. I did have a fantastic time in France. :D

Technically I'm meant to be learning my French speaking presentation/doing my history coursework but I'm sure I can find the time to read some CaRWash fanfiction. :p Ah, the joys of procrastination...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I need your help guys... my TV is malfuntioning again so I might not be able to see tonight's episode :eek:. I'd appreciate it if someone tells me what happens, just in case.

Frank's at the poker table too? Oh, that's good because it'd be too suspenseful if it was just Ryan and Eric. And Dutchie, Ryan had the look? AWW! Anyways, I'm not getting my hopes up... I think I'll let the episode surprise me... if I'm able to watch it. *sighs* Wish me luck you guys!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So far we've gotten a couple of scenes. It looks good, and Nikki: Your ship is still hot!

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Okay that was weird. But yay! Ryan cared to see who was messing with Calleigh and he called her. I find it weird how it was Cooper though. But whatever. There were a lot of scenes with them working together.

But Ryan saw the note that Delko made about processing a crime scene and Calleigh didn't want Ryan to know it was Delko's, so when he said, "that looks like Delko's writing" Calleigh was all like, "let's just move on about it" or whatever.

But still. It's nice that Ryan cared enough to find out who made the website.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*is dying from lack of episodes actually airing*

Ok, I'm gonna find as many reviews/clips of this episode as I possibly can, and then I will return to talk about it.

Also, is the second part airing in America tonight, or next week?

Ryan called her? *has died* That makes me happier than I already was, which, considering I'm reading some really funny Dr Who episode recaps, is really quite an achievement. Yay for Ryan being concerned!!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

This episode sounds like one I should get a hold of. Ryan finds out that Cooper made the website? Wait, they actually brought back Cooper? Wow, is that...continuity? In CSI:Miami?:wtf: YAY for working together.

Procratination is like my middle name. No wait, Angst was my middle name. Ok but then Procrastinator can be like my second name. :p And there's nothing better than procrastinating homework to read CaRWash fanfiction.

Lynny, it's not just my ship:lol:! You make it sound like I'm the only one here, but we're still a big group. So, OUR ship is still hot!:thumbsup:

The second part airs tonight in the USA/Canada, Salean! So we'll know all about it tomorrow :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ok, I'm thinking that this doesn't need to go in spoiler boxes, as the episode has aired. If I'm wrong, correct me.

So, I have now seen the episode. My first thought was: Horatio in the lab? My second was: Why is Ryan wearing a suit and tie? It seems so reminiscent of 'Kill Switch'... and I don't ever want Ryan to go down *that* road again.

But, moving on from that. Calleigh and Ryan shared scenes together, so I am happy. And, they had scenes with a laptop, which just makes me think of that scene in Curse of the Coffin, which makes me laugh. But yes, I love the fact that, initially, it's Ryan who's doing all the investigating into who is messing with Calleigh. :) And you see, now he's glad that he picked a fight with Cooper all the way back in... um, 'One of our Own' was it called? He could say the biggest 'I told you so' known to man, but he doesn't.

I know, Dutchie, continuity in Miami does seem a bit of a novelty... but they seem to be doing well with keeping Eric's head injury in our minds. In fact, this episode was all about continuity, now that I think about it...

Procrastination is most definitely my middle name. And it's one that seems to get me into trouble a lot...

And indeed, our ship is still hot. :D :D :D Which makes me grin, as you can see.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

^ Hope you're right Salean (And I agree with all you said). In any case, Spoiler Warning for those who haven't seen the episode!


So last night's episode: Wow! :D

Hooray for finally getting some decent Calleigh/Ryan interaction! More than one scene plus a concerned Ryan: score! :) Calleigh looked so upset that her digital crime scene pictures were taken in the first scene these two shared. I was careful to notice when he leaned over, possibly brushing against her hand when he took a look at the computer himself. Now, personally I think he could've been a bit more sympathetic. He was concerened but had a hint of accusation in his tone. I'll still stick with my story that he's wary ever since he returned to his job.

I really liked the scene afterwards where they're all no-nonsense in confronting the two guys who stole the money from the car underwater. Calleigh and Ryan seemed pissed. Hot? Oh yes. ;) And then the third scene we got, with the evil website posted trying to discredit Calleigh, all I could say was poor Calleigh! She looked so distraught, almost teary-eyed! Ryan didn't seem too pleased that she was being made a fool of either but remained all business. Her embarrassment in front of Ryan was telling. The way she begged him to focus on the case instead of trying to find out who created that evil website, it was so sweet.

When Ryan was looking over the website (I can't help but wonder if he was secretly admiring the Calleigh web picture. I can only hope.
) I was pretty pleased. But when he finally found out who the scoundrel was, I was shocked. His voice when he called Calleigh, Oh MAN! If voices could kill... that's where his professionalism waned and genuine concern and need for revenge was seen, if only briefly. I bet he regrets Calleigh stopping him from finishing Cooper off in the season 4 finale episode (One of Our Own). Hell, *I* regret Calleigh doing that! So yeah, Cooper was the one who set up that nasty website because he's an ass who likes to be petty and spiteful. (When I say "ass", you know I'm upset! :mad:)

End Spoilery CaRWash scene analysis.


The two parter has me in anticipation for the next episode (Hooray yet again for the special showing today! :cool:) I've never been so enthralled by Miami! Thank you writers! Please, please, please just give me a decent CaRWash scene tonight and I won't complain about your show for the rest of the season, PTB!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh my god, thank you :D! So TPTB decided to cave in and bring on the CaRWash... *light bulb goes off in head* There are so many possibilities now. *drifts off* Anyways, I'm sensing foreboding imagery with the black widow reference and Jake. If the spoilers are right, we might not have to worry about him any longer.

I'm going off topic... anyways, Ryan was awesome yesterday... I mean who else would figure out who was messing with you, yet be caring enough to drop the subject if asked? Only Ryan when it concerns Calleigh. Though I would have loved to see him go ballistic on Cooper... hmm, that could still happen. You never know ;).
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

^ His voice when he called Calleigh, Oh MAN! If voices could kill...

Couldn't have said it better myself Hestia! I literally about died...the tone of his voice was as if he were calling her sweetheart or something equally endearing. He cares SO much about her and he let that voice slip when he thought she was in trouble.

I liked how they played the dynamic of her not wanting him to make a big deal of it and him being concerned for her. I kept expecting him to turn and give her a big hug...the tension in the scene demanded it gosh darnit! I think had he hugged her she would have allowed it. Missed your big chance lover boy..*shakes head*

And the touching! *swoon* I don't think they've actually had physical contact in over a season and in one episode they brushed fingers (I saw it too! :D) and she grabbed his arm:


I loved how Calleigh was willing to break down a little tiny bit in front of seemed to embarrass her slightly, which I think is a good thing, because I certainly wouldn't want my other half to see me in such a position, and I'm sure Calleigh's no different. I love this look of "Ryan make it all better!" :


I also think it showed his loyalty to her when he allowed the subject of the lost pictures to drop...he cares about her so much I want to burst from squealing! My favorite line though has to be the "Are you sure you took the lense cap off?" :lol: So Ryan to try to lighten the mood!

I think she really needed his support in all of this and he more than willingly gave it to her...

All in all, the lab scenes reminded me a lot of the "you're fantastic" scene from Shock in season 4. I'm not exactly sure why since the subject matter and the tone was completely different, but I think it was a very significant scene for our lovely couple. I think we're finally getting back to the season 3 and 4 CaRWashing goodness that we all love so much!

All in all, a wonderful epi and I can't wait for tonight, cause you know that Ryan will fight for her safety...and maybe even her heart. ;) (Total speculation on my part, I have no idea how its gonna go down)

Keep the love alive guys!
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