Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hi y'll good to see the threads being used-but of course that's cuz there's some CaRWash scene around the corner!:)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I know, the thread's come back to life! Nice to see you again togo2hot... looks like we're attracting old members back. We just need to work on Dutchie now...

Anyways, I was looking up name meanings on and I ended up finding out what CaRWash's names mean. Ryan is Irish for little king... I can totally see him crowing 'I'm king of the lab!' ;)

As for Calleigh, that took a little digging... her name is a variant of Kaylee, which is Kay and the suffix Lee combined. Kay, in turn, is short for Katherine, which is Greek for pure. Phew, that's a lot of work! I think those names totally suit CaRWash, don't you?

Hey, I might not be on the forum for a while... My English essay for Dracula is due soon :eek:. After I'm done, I might be convinced into doing a CaRWash essay... you never know.
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Well, if it sounds realistic to you, I'd say sign me up! Thanks Lucy!
Yeah, I'm back from Italy, and without turning this into the Nikki-went-to-Italy thread, I had a wonderful wonderful time, but I'm glad to be back, too.:)

I like your idea Karu_mila, it sounds like something that could be in my 'Family Portrait' series. But right now I'm too busy to write. Why don't you give your idea a shot? I'm sure you could write it out. I'll gladly beta read for you if you need it!:D

About the lack of fics, I need to post my last couple of oneshots to my fic livejournal, and then I will begin posting a new multichap that I have been working on. I'm pretty certain to say that you will enjoy it, so be on the lookout for that, ok?

Ahh, Carla, I did miss you and your long post. And I'm pretty sure I know what squeeing you're talking about.:rolleyes: I like your theories!

I've seen the promo for this episode...and I have to say CSI:Miami has overdone themselves in misleading promos. It shows Calleigh in a wedding dress, smiling, after which the image shifts to a grinning Eric.:wtf: Raise your hand if you think this is a Delko hallucination. *raises hand* There's no way E/C would really get married. There's (even though unfortunately there has been hinting) no real relationship, no confession of feelings, which means no wedding. I really think it's a hallucination. The promo can be found on YouTube. Besides that, I'm still very much excited for the possible CaRWash scene. You cut it, heads will roll, yes TPTB? (just kidding mods, I'm not getting violent, I ensure you:angel:)

ETA: Oeh, we have cool new smilies!!:thumbsup:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

im glad to see that most of us are back in action.i agree with dutchie if that is real sign me up also. lol maybe this is our ending season that something will finally go down between ryan and calleigh. just keep on hoping. oh ya by the way could someone tell me how to put a spoiler in it keeps on not showing up .
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie! *tackle and hug* Great to see you back! Anyways I would love it if you would beta for me... though it might take a while, I need to finish Dracula first! I will definitely look for your fics... I love your Family Portrait series.

By the way, I was watching Sunblock and this little idea wormed into my mind... I know there wasn't any CaRWash, (darn it!), but when Eric was asking what's so great about wolves, Calleigh had this knowing smile on her face... methinks she has a thing for a certain Wolfe ;).

Oh, and hahaguy, you click on Go Advanced on the Quick Reply box and click on the Wrap
Tags Around Text icon-- that's the smiley face with the X for the mouth-- and follow instructions from there... hope that helped!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hi y'll -long time no see!btw guess what?i have reached 100 posts so now i can post a picture-CaRWash picture of course!As for the CaRWash dictionary i can't think of anything so i'll post it in later.

The Look Of Love


The CaRWash Picture Of The Day

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*should SO be doing her French Coursework*

But... I couldn't help myself.

Those two picture are awesome togo2hot! I have to say... Ryan is always staring at Calleigh. It's... kinda stalkerish, but in a cute way. Because Ryan could never be an evil stalker. Heh, and that look between them at the hospital is... just... so sweet.

(On a side note, does anyone else *love* Ryan in that white jacket? It's been in a couple of episodes now, I think.)

Welcome back Dutchie! I am so incredibly jealous of you for getting to go to Italy. Stupid school and work and rain... *sigh* But anyway, it's good you had a good time.

Stupid lack of season 6 over here means that I have yet to see Sunblock, karu_mila, although I've seen clips of it/have read episode summaries of the episode/read all the spoilers. Never heard that piece of dialogue before, though. It seems to me that the writers are subtly implying CaRWash through the EC scenes. Wasn't there a scene in 'Miami Confidential' where Eric is saying that Ryan blew up the crime scene, and Calleigh defends her man... um, I mean, Ryan?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I know... I think it just goes to show that full blown shippy scenes are not as impactful as the subtly significant little ones because those little ones end up meaning so much more. Whoa, I just went all philosophical for a moment... guess I'm still in English essay mode.

Love the pics togo2hot, congrats on 100 posts... let's hope I'll be able to get there, I wanna post pics too. I love Ryan's hair in the first one! It's a good balance between the shaggy mop and the short crop... I was so mad when Ryan cut his hair! Now it looks like messy bed hair... anyways, getting back on topic, who's ready for some laptop combustion on March 24? (Sorry, couldn't resist using something from the CaRWash dictionary! :))

Hey, what happened to the thread? It's all wonky... did you break something happilyhappy?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks for the welcome back guys! *gets knocked to the floor* Yeah yeah Karu I like you too, haha.:p If you decide to write that fic feel free to send me a PM and I will give you my e-mail address so we can keep in touch off the board. You can do that regardless, too.

Togo2hot, posting a CaRWash pic is certainly a good choice! Congratz on making 100 posts. I remember when I ages ago.:lol:

Salean is right, Ryan is always staring at Calleigh, but honestly, can you blame him?:rolleyes: I can't. Besides, Calleigh stares at him too, an awful lot, and we know why. I wouldn't define that hospital look as sweet though, because they were both worried as hell that Eric was going to die. I loved how they wanted to donate blood, and how they were both so clueless. Oh, and I love that white jacket to death!:drool:

I like our little scenes, they leave much up to our imagination (and we have A LOT of imagination) and well, I love to write on them, haha. Speaking of writing, the reason I'm here is to say chapter one of my newest fic is up!

Best Day Of My Life; Chapter one: What's Your Name?

Please R&R.:D For the ones that have my fic journal on LJ, it's on there too.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks... I'll get around that as soon as I figure out how to send a PM... a little help for the rookie please? *puppy dog eyes* I might write in a CaRWash kiss after bonding over baby niece :angel:. Okay, I'm bribing, but I'll write the fic just for you guys... when should the deadline be? Don't make it too soon because I still have a couple of essays to finish for English :eek:.

I just read your fic... Calleigh really knows how to make an impression on Ryan, doesn't she? It's about time someone did a fic on the infamous seminar. It's like CaRWash before the CSI days... did that make sense?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Just click on my username, a list of options will appear, among which 'send a private message to Dutchie'. I think even rookies can send messages, I'm not sure whether I can send one back though. When I click on your name I don't have the option of sending it. But if you send me your e-mail address I can add you anyway.:)

There doesn't have to be a deadline because it doesn't have to be a challenge. You can just write it for fun, take all the time you need. Writing often works so much better when you take the time to. Write when you have time, we're a very patient bunch (what do you want, with a ship like CaRWash?:rolleyes:) and we'll wait.

That made sense. And Calleigh certainly knows how to make an impression on anyone, but especially Ryan. But we all know why that is, don't we?:devil:

Shouldn't the new episodes start soon? Like this monday or the monday after? I'm (still) excited for the next one. Where is everyone, btw?

Happy Easter Weekend!:D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*so should be working on her Sociology paper-- only half way done and due in three days!*

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday! It's a tradition in the (Catholic) family that we don't watch TV or go on the computer on Good Friday :mad:... but I'm back!

Apparently, sending a PM is not an option for Victims, sorry Dutchie... how about we swap emails? Mine's pendragon_assasinator on Hotmail. Anyways, I started the CaRWash fic, I'm making it a oneshot, but it may take me a while to finish... I got two papers due in the next week :eek:... wish me luck!

About new episodes, You May Now Kill the Bride will be airing on Monday--Yay!-- and of course all those delicious CaRWash moments... I'm on serious withdrawal and I'm counting on TPTB to give us a little something :D.

Ooh, by the way, has anyone come up with more stuff for the CaRWash dictionary?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'll add you now! Besides, as Queen CaRWash I have thousands of suggestions for a CaRWash dictionary, but we'll discuss it through mail, then. I wouldn't want to spam the thread, haha.:lol:

Oh, it's airing tonight? Goodie! I'll set up my spies to tell me everything about it after it airs...:devil: I hope there's some good CaRWash scenes. Although they probably cut them.:rolleyes: As always.

Anyway, real purpose of this post: chapter two is up! Go read and review.:)

Good luck on your papers Karu!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I feel guilty. I feel terribly guilty and regretful that I went on hiatus from posting on here. Although I needed it, and it made me realise how cool this is. But look at what I have missed:eek: We have new spoilers, new ideas and new shippers among us. Hello there Karu and Salean (looks like we share two ships, huh?) :D It's awesome to have you around, nice to meet you. I hope the rest of you still remembers me :rolleyes:

Anyway, on to the actual discussion...Pfeww, I barely missed the fact that the episodes were starting again. I wouldn't have wanted to only come tomorrow, after the ansiety to know what happens is gone. I love the hypothesis and scenarios and expectations. Although I won't watch the episodes anyway, as usual...
So I have seen the promo on YT. Yet another try of CSI:Miami to proove themselves as the best in misleading promos :lol: It's quite obvious Calleigh and Eric won't marry. There's just no way. As London pointed out, being in grey, it might be a reconstitution of the crime. They could have chosen a better groom *coughRyancough* Afterall, they already went in search of the ring already! I think that if it is indeed a reconstitution of the crime, then Ryan would have definitely been a better choice. Not just because it would be cool for us to watch as CaRWashers, but because Ryan and Calleigh have that special kind of chemistry that is always cute and makes them look picture perfect; and I bet the writers could come up with lines to make it, at least, funny. It would be a win situation. Eric hallucinating would be hilarious though, Nikki:guffaw:poor guy. Maybe he is just daydreaming.

Anyway, there's still a scene coming up, so I'm keeping my faith and trying to be optimistic for the moment, and hoping for great cute lovely dialogue and some intense looks between Miami's most adorable couple :) At least we are sure they have at least one scene together, from that pic (unless they cut it, please NO!), and although I hate Calleigh dressed in all white [/random], Yay for that!

A CaRwash dictionary? That sounds like a very good idea...I mean, we all know those little expressions that make us go *squeeeee* forever but no one else gets :p I think these should be added, although I'm not sure of a short perfect definition for them, as they could be interpretated in different ways...My thought anyway

Both from Nailed, one of the best episodes ever...
"You, in the elevator. With me. We're leaving now" - What Calleigh says when she is on Ryan's side but can't show it :p [although Ryan couldn't quite see it at the moment, could he?]

"Can you focus on the task at hand, please?" (after the famous line "Never pushed aside the dinner plates to get some?") = 'We'll talk about that later!' :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

It took a while but I'm done! No more essays :D... at least not for a while. The good thing is that it's got the creative CaRWash juices flowing... I'm gonna be overanalyzing every CaRWash detail in the new episodes. By the way, thanks for the email, Dutchie! I let you know as soon as I've written the fic... any ideas for the title? Anyways, I don't think it's considered spamming as long as you have a good post to go with those ideas. Keep 'em coming... we need 'em :thumbsup:!

I can't wait for tonight's episode... there are just so many possibilities to explore. Ooh, do you think you can sneak into the cutting room? That's where they keep all the deleted scenes.

Good to know we're luring you back in CSI Dani... that means there's still plenty of faith in the ship. Anyways, you're right about people interpreting CaRWash expressions in different ways. I'm thinking that TPTB are noticing this to because they're incorporating little things from previous CaRWash scenes in the new episodes ;). I can't give any specifics at the moment, but they're easy to spot.

Anyways, happy episode watching, people!
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