Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*waves* hi guys!!! sorry i haven't posted in a while. i've missed so much!!!! and i'm tiffed that Ry and Cal were in the same room and didn't so much as look at each other!!!!! WTF is up with that!?

and in honor of the new drink here's a present...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey guys! i'm back, having finally seen the new ep. and ready to comment. but before that...

cooki- glad you liked the graphics and feel free to use them anytime you want! that's what they're for :)

mjszud, your husband is SUCH a closet R/C shipper. you should ask him about that one, just to see what he thinks ;)

heather- OMG YOU SAW JON TOGO! *jumps up and down* you are the luckiest person on the face of the earth. i would've just died, i swear.

nikki said:
Carla, Hestia has the emoticons, you animate your posts with your graphics? But then what should I do? Use my fics?

i do! i'm a compulsive linker :lol: i can't help it :p

a very warm welcome to catheline! come on in, grab a chair. i see you've made yourself at home, great! it's so nice to see that we can still get some new R/C supporters even with the draught we're going through :) oh, and were you sick, you had to go to the hospital? i hope it was nothing bad, and that you're feeling better now!

danielle- glad to have you back! nikki's not only our official recruiter, but also a rescue worker for lost shippers ;)

wolfewhistle- (think it would be easier if you gave us a name or nickname :)) actually, they stand close together quite a lot. just off the top of my mind i can think of one scene in... i think it was "blood in the water"?... where they're standing by a door, calleigh's back to ryan's front and it's really too close for normal-- rather suggestive, actually. and OH! i love your t-shirt! that is so cool! awww, i wish i had one of those now, so i could wear it while watching the new eps. :(

london- yeah, they're very physical, actually. i think, more than the dialogue being flirty, the feeling is given by the smiles, and the looks. that's what really makes us think "they have chemistry," more than the actual dialogue. or, well, at least for me.

hestia, that was "kill switch," second-to-last episode of the 5th season. it's the one where ryan's working at a TV station after being fired, and his comments about the case could've gotten a man killed. he calls cal down to the station to give her something and they have a big (juicy, IMHO) blowup. that's where the pic comes from.

as for our official drink... well, i'm not underage, but i don't drink... maybe we should just have virgin cosmos all around ;) i totally agree on the choice of drink (i love "legal," as you know), though ryan would complain, i'm sure :D

i think their first kiss should be outside of the elevator. as in, they have one tense scene IN the elevator, where they realize that they could have so much more than friendship, but they don't kiss until later, when they're out. i know, i'm such a rebel :devil:

and now, for the season premiere comments:

wow, this is like "kill switch" all over again. remember that i came in all hyper and you were all moaning about how it was terrible? well, i watched "dangerous son," was all excited, then came back to find y'all feeling down :confused: come on, guys!

seriously, you should've seen me as i watched the episode, i'm such a show when i'm watching CSIM. there i was, sitting in front of the computer, completely wide-eyed and hanging on the edge of my seat, not blinking as i kept my eyes on calleigh's expression and her NOT looking at ryan. after the scene was done, i almost screamed, it was so good.

now you're all looking at me like "WTF? they didn't even look at each other, she's crazy!" and i say YES! they didn't! AND IT WAS TOTALLY ON PURPOSE! she wasn't just NOT looking at him, she was AVOIDING HIM altogether! and do you know what that means? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? it means that we may still get our "make up" scene! *flails arms*

wasn't that what we all wanted? to see ryan apologize and calleigh welcome him back into the fold and have them start their friendship from scratch, which may lead to something more? i know it was what i wanted! i was honestly expecting TPTB to just have them get back to their usual routine without giving their fight any sort of closure, but they didn't! we might just get that scene! and oh, i'm loving it.

as much as i don't like to see them fighting, i took it as a sign. everything was so incredibly tense from that scene: i mentioned the calleigh thing, she was reluctant to even look in his direction-- which is unusual for her, because she usually faces her problems head-on-- and then there was ryan (though i can't be sure of this because of the camera angle) who wasn't really looking at her either-- he just basically stared at the suspect, they both did-- and looked uncomfortable about being there, like he only did it because it would help the case but if it were up to him he wouldn't be in calleigh's presence at all. the discomfort certainly had nothing to do with natalia, for sure, so it had to be calleigh. and i thought that was a very subtle way of letting us know that the issues between them haven't been resolved and that they WILL be resolved throughout the season.

so rejoice, fellow R/C fans. we might just get our second deviant this season :)

jesus, this "love triangle" thing is going to become a parallelepiped soon enough if we keep adding people :rolleyes: hehehe. but as long as ryan & cal are in there somewhere, i can't get mad. but honestly, i didn't get much of the triangle feeling from this episode. i think they were putting emphasis on jake/cal, and eric was sort of... resigned. which i think is a good thing, really, because if it turned out that eric's only storyline this season is being jealous, i will be one pissed off girl.

see you later, babehs! i'll come back next week, when i watch the next episode...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

CARLA ,don't worry, as soon as these 2 get some scenes again i'll try to recruit my husband! As long as hes not for the ones I DONT like then im good, otherwise I'd have to smack 'im!

I see your point on tehm 'making up'. I think Ryan was uncomfortable because he really didn't want anyone to know he worked at the gun range & he basically had no choice but to step up to save his own behind. Im just giving it a little more time & hope we get something. There seems to be a crapload going on w/ all the characters right now( & from future plots)it seems like too much but hopefully it'll all unfold & they'll get more interaction. I was peeved at the how they didn't interact the main characters enough in the first epi also, but I keep in mind its JUST THE FIRST EPI, give it time, CARWASHERS!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

CARLA! How nice to see you! You know, you're right. I thought about that too. About how Calleigh kept her eyes to the table, or to the suspect, but never once even looked at Ryan. Ryan doing the same with her. He did look relunctant to be there, and he doesn't look good with a visitor badge on, by the way, it just doesn't fit him.

I do hope we get out make up scene between the two, and I hope we get it soon.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

carla said:
now you're all looking at me like "WTF? they didn't even look at each other, she's crazy!" and i say YES! they didn't! AND IT WAS TOTALLY ON PURPOSE! she wasn't just NOT looking at him, she was AVOIDING HIM altogether! and do you know what that means? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? it means that we may still get our "make up" scene! *flails arms*

wasn't that what we all wanted? to see ryan apologize and calleigh welcome him back into the fold and have them start their friendship from scratch, which may lead to something more? i know it was what i wanted! i was honestly expecting TPTB to just have them get back to their usual routine without giving their fight any sort of closure, but they didn't! we might just get that scene! and oh, i'm loving it.

Wow...I hadn't considered that! I think you made a lot of us feel better about it (I know I do...) ;)

I'm Meredith, by the way... :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks carla! Yes, I had to go to the hospital and I had an operation but now I'm feeling better day by day. BTW I love your banner very much!
Now we have official drink but do we have official CaRWash colours?
Don't know why but green & yellow reminds me of CaRWash. Take it or leave it;)
And about season premiere (although haven't seen it) I agree with carla. Maybe there's a reason why Cal/Ryan didn't talk and look at each other. I hope we get make up scene or some really good scenes in exchange.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

well orange and green makes me think of CaRWash because if you haven't noticed Ryan wears lots of orange and Calleigh wears lots of green.

and it would be even better if that make up scene ended in a make OUT scene :D :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Um um um um...

She took his hand! Even though it's because she needed to process it but still! And I swear, when the camera panned out, I swear his hand was still on hers. Or maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Anyways, AWW: "I was starting to miss this place." "Don't be fooled, we can't wait to have you back."
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*squees with you*

I had a sudden spark of an idea from last weeks episode. I know it's like a week late, and we don't have any interaction in that episode, but yeah. *light bulb* I'm not going to give too much away, because I'm going to use this inspiration I got from tonights episode and use it for this story idea *runs off*

Don't forget to mention that smile that Ryan gave to Calleigh. It was just, the first real smile he smiled this season, and it was for Calleigh. Then again, should we really be all that surprised? She's practically the only one he smiles for anyway. *sigh* I need to get to sleep, but I'm too hyper.

So, I'm going to go write that story then. ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think we're across the time line but in case we're not:

WE HAD A SCENE! OMFG WE HAD A SCENE! I KNEW I was holding on to my faith for a reason. We're alive! It might not be a big deal but at least she can't wait to have him back! You know what that means? Even though she's with Jake and she has Eric breathing in her neck, she still thinks about Ryan and how she wants him back at the lab! Because duh, he's her partner. WOW I'm totally hyper now. Awesome. *kneels down to writers of this episode* You're great, for once. I have no idea how the rest of the episode was but I can't wait till I see it. (I give it a week)

On a whole other note, I watched the premiere yesterday, and we're not sure Calleigh doesn't look at Ryan. Because when he comes in, the camera focuses on him, then the suspect, then Natalia. By the time the camera gets to Calleigh she's looking at the suspect, but we cannot be sure she didn't look at him when he came in. I mean I would if someone walked in.

Katie, did you make your banner? It's beautiful.

Why is this page so full? Oh, wait, Carla came by. Man if she's optimistic about last episode then I don't want to know what her reaction to this one's gonna be. I think I'm gonna find a place to hide for when she comes stumbling in here :lol:

Dani, you know what I said is true.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'm so happy now *does her happy dance*
I was sure that sooner or later we get something. A smile and hand touch! Wow that's something! Is there a kind soul out there willing to upload the scene to YouTube?
IMO it's obvious that they make each other smile. And they do smile alot around each other. Or maybe it's because I only see what my eyes want to see;) Oh sweet smiles.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

OMFG!!! She took his hand!!!!! *squee* and the smiles they were giving each other and the whole "don't let him fool you, we can't wait to have you back" Just OMG!!!!!! you could so tell that Cal missed him so much!!!!! it was great!!!!!! *squee*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I knew we'd get something! :) Positivity works, my shipper friends! We got no Jake, a lovely handhold, some sweet words, and not only does Calleigh miss him, so does Eric. Heh.

BTW: Through the power of loopholes, since Horatio hired Ryan to be the girl's body guard, I deem Ryan officially working under Horatio and I don't have to be an H fangirl! :cool:

Woo! The posting queen is back!
carla said:
hestia, that was "kill switch," second-to-last episode of the 5th season. it's the one where ryan's working at a TV station after being fired, and his comments about the case could've gotten a man killed. he calls cal down to the station to give her something and they have a big (juicy, IMHO) blowup. that's where the pic comes from.

as for our official drink... well, i'm not underage, but i don't drink... maybe we should just have virgin cosmos all around ;) i totally agree on the choice of drink (i love "legal," as you know), though ryan would complain, i'm sure :D
Thanks for the episode info! Now I know the episode. How could I forget? And hooray for another non-alcoholic drinker! You, me, CaRWash_Cutie, and Dani will toast with Virgin Cosmos! Supporting CaRWash scenes with citrus and cranberry juice!

As for "official CaRWash colors"... do Highlighters count? :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

As for "official CaRWash colors"... do Highlighters count?

I vote for green. with orange dots :)

can I join the Virgin Cosmo Club? not that I ever tried it but it sounds nice.

so the new epi was good? when will I find the time to watch it all. seems like all my favorite ships caught good wind this season. I still havent seen S5 so Im sometimes clueless of what you are talking about but it seems there is a lot to look forward
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey, I don't drink either! I just made up the CaRWash drink, lol. You make me sound like an alcoholic, haha.

Highlighters? Okay, now you make me think of Carla, who highlights her books. Freaky.

So, are there spoilers for next week? What's gonna happen? Where does Ryan work this episode? :rolleyes:
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