Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey WolfeWhistle, I'm loving the shirt! Think you want to go into business making a bunch of them for this rowdy crowd? :lol: Just kidding! Awesome shirt anyway!

I think the deadline is past for talking about the epi, but if it's not I'm sorry mods!!! Anyway, no CaRWash scenes except for this one where Ryan and Calleigh are quite a distance apart for about ten seconds. They never speak; he just says somthing to Natalia and leaves. Other than that we got zilch tonight. :( Even though we didn't get any tonight, the epi was still wonderful, and I have high hopes for the future!

I like the "official drink" idea too! I'll vote for it! It's about time we had a real designated beverage or food item! :lol:

Well, goodnight everyone and I hope to see you in here tomorrow! Don't you dare jump ship overnight or I will hunt you down! ;) CaRWash Forever!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I for one am not going to let it bring me down!!! We still have 23 more epis to go....plenty of time for some CARWASH scenes. Yes, they barely had a scene but there was ALOT going on in this epi so I wont let it bug me just yet!

**gives CARWASH CUTIE a Dirty Martini!!**
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

OMG!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! i just read this!!!

I just read that they are still going on the love triangle thing!!!!!! GGGRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! and they daid it was going to continue throught out this season!!!!!! :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

People, come on! If anything should be the official CaRWash drink, it should be a cosmopolitan!

Calleigh: "If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan."
Ryan: "Total chick drink."
Calleigh: *evil glare*

Their first kiss, damn...I write about that more often that I say 'hello' :p So if you wanna know my view on that you might wanna open my fanfiction account. But, elevator = big NO! We're CSI:Miami, we don't want the drama (we get it anyway, but we don't WANT it)

Hestia, I will keep on writing, in fact, my new fic You only live twice is on right now!

Daniela, you don't have anything special, but you're special just because you exist ;) ("Because you live girl, my world has twice as many stars in the sky")
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

mjszud said:
I for one am not going to let it bring me down!!! We still have 23 more epis to go....plenty of time for some CARWASH scenes. Yes, they barely had a scene but there was ALOT going on in this epi so I wont let it bug me just yet!

**gives CARWASH CUTIE a Dirty Martini!!**

That's great thinking! I feel the same way. Yeah, we got no CaRWash love (or interaction, for that matter, which sucked), but we've got a ways to go. I'm hoping that this will just help build dramatic tension and it will work itself out later...that's what I'm hoping for, at least. No way am I jumping ship! Never! CaRWash forever!

If there is going to be a love triangle involving Calleigh and two other people *coughjakeandericcough* this season, I say that either someone gets knocked out of it or we add Ryan and make it a love square. All in favor? ;) Although, who knows? Maybe Ryan will get jealous and angsty and get in there somehow. Just as long as this whole thing doesn't get too involved. I don't want CSIM to become a soap opera...

Oh, and I LOVE the idea of making our official drink the cosmo. I'm not opposed to the dirty martini, but everyone's favorite "Chick Drink" *evil glare* would be perfect!
So, I would also like to raise a cosmo (*sigh*...a virgin one) in hopes that good things are to come... *clinks glass*

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Need4Speed said:
OMG!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! i just read this!!!

I just read that they are still going on the love triangle thing!!!!!! GGGRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! and they daid it was going to continue throught out this season!!!!!! :(
I actually read otherwise... the interview on the front csi files page said that none of the actors would imply on whether or not it would evolve into a trianglt. Adam said its anybodys guess if the writers drag it out further & he said eric is done fighting. I think we all have to live w/ her new relationship for a while, I can do w/out Eric being thrown in though, gimme a break! Im still not 'sold' on them going anywhere. Jake at least is not directly in teh lab, she can still get in her carwash scenes...try not to be so bummed!! It'll turn around.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

First of all, WolfeWhistle, your CaRWash shirt made my day! Great job!
It was a nice welcome after watching the... "interesting" season premier. I really needed something to make me smile. (Not that I was mad or sad. More perplexed than anything. Horatio has a son? Ryan works at a gun range? Calleigh's still in that blasted triangle? :confused:)

I don't care what the CaRWash drink is. I don't drink alcohol. (Partly because I'm underage but mostly because I don't like the taste. Why does alcohol have to taste so... alcoholic? :p)

Nikki, I will go read that fic now. Enough "will I"/"won't I" (there's enough of that in my ships!)
Time to check out a new fic and get the CaRWash juices flowing. Heh. (Did that last part sound a tad suggestive to anyone else? Just me? Nevermind, then! :lol:)

With that in mind, I'm staying positive and hoping for better scenes (you know, with interraction! And dialogue! And, dare I dream, flirting?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

LOL!! how'd i miss that!? :p oh well!!! now i'm happy :D cause in an upcoming ep Eric hugs 'Talia and who knows if that will respark their relationship!? and Calleigh i think will soon get frustrated with Jake, it happens everytime the hook back up and then the end up breaking up. it really does happen everytime...wich means that there will be some more hope for CaRWash!!!! sorry for the rambling i hope you can understand what i just said...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Okay, fine Nikki, you win on the drink thing... ;) I kept thinking that there was some sort of something mentioned in an episode, but it's been a while since I've seen that one so thanks for the refresher course. I agree with Hestia though, I don't drink either. Nasty stuff! There's got to be something me and you could sub for it Hestia (and anyone else who is interested)

I liked the fic a lot Nikki! Good work keeping the CaRWash alive in the fanfic world! RL has kept me too busy lately to do anything about it, but I promise I have not forsaken my writing. (okay, when I start using words like 'forsaken' in an online forum, you know it's past my bedtime! ;))

Well, I hope everyone has a fabulous day and keep the CaRWash faith!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I had to be in the hospital few days but now I'm finally home. Doctors gave me general anaesthetic and I hoped I see dreams of my favourite ships but nope. Nonetheless I was thinking about CaRWash and my other favourite ships. Ok back to the topic.

mjszud, I absolutely loved it how you described Cal/Ryan first kiss. It was so lovely.
WolfeWhistle, I'm loving your shirt very much, it's great! I'm so jealous. :devil:
I've done two shirts, one is House MD and other CaRWash one, but they are not much to look at. I was just bored.
I hope my head is clearer soon;)
Of course CaRWash forever!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

How can we forget about Legal? If you want a virgin Cosmo, its orange juice, cranberry juice and lime juice, yum. :p Just so you know. So, now that we have our official drink out of the way *sips on cosmo*. ;)

I'm disapointed in the fact that Ryan and Calleigh were in the same room, but they didn't do anything in the Season Premiere.

I'd make a Carwash shirt, but no one would know what I mean and would think I'm starting a Carwash business, and would ask me to wash their car. So, yeah, uh, no. :) But I do love the idea.

As for first kiss, I would love to see an elevator scene, just because I know that with those two it would involve fighting (And let's face it, I love it when those two fight). Another favorite of mine is having Calleigh sad and vulnerable (which I'm using in a fic right now), because it takes her out of her comfort zone and into a situation that is unknown to her (at least to us). The kiss, however, would have to be accidental.. very much so. Just because it adds comedy to the situation, and we love romantic comedies.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

first CaRWash kiss - hm, would it be too cliché if it involved mistltoe?

I love the elevatior idea. but not in a lab. maybe on a scene in some abandoned building and one of them would have a slight panic attack and the other one would try to comfort him/her and they would kiss and enjoy it and then there would be an awkward moment and then they would kiss again
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*huggles Nikki*

Yeah, official CaRWash drink needs to be a cosmopolitan ;) I don't drink (er, underage) and I have no idea what it is really, but it sounds good just because it makes me think of CaRWash :)

Hestia said:
With that in mind, I'm staying positive and hoping for better scenes (you know, with interraction! And dialogue! And, dare I dream, flirting? (*insert that adorable simile that made me laugh*)
Yeah, I too am disappointed to hear they did not have a single scene together. I officially think now that all the premiere should have everyone interacting with each other...that way they would leave everyone happy...a little bit at least :p Glad that you're staying positive, I'm trying to as well.

carolina, I don't know wheter the panic attack scene would fit them really, but I don't know much about panic attacks. But, it's just slightly so maybe it could happen and it would be sweet...
Anyway, my point here is, either way that Calleigh would be vulnerable would be a good moment for it to happen (good suggestion Heather) I think that because we are not used to see Calleigh that way, or showing it, so I think it would be nice :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yeah, I hated that they didn't even speak, but what I hated even more than that was the scene where Calleigh had projected the profiles from the victim's Blackberry up on the wall and Jake came in and they started working together. I didn't like that because it seemed like they had substituted Jake for Ryan. There are SO many episodes that have scenes just like that, where Ryan and Calleigh work on something together in the lab, and to me it looked like Jake was the new Ryan for a minute there. Not cool.
I know that they have to have someone working with her, and sorry if anyone here is a big Jake fan, but that scene was a bummer for me.
*Deep breath...sigh*
...but I'm still trying to stay positive. We've got 23 more episodes of Miami goodness to get through.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Cosmopolitan it is! Although I don't care much about alcohol, I think Cosmo is the best choice.
I just watched CaRWash scenes from Legal and I have to say that the Cosmo and evil glare scene is great moment between them.
It seems to me that even though she is giving that evil glare, she still smiles with her eyes to Ryan. Or is it just me that it seems to me that she is smiling with her eyes?
Sorry about the quality.
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