boy, is page 16 taking forever to be complete or is it just me?
before i start talking C/R & replying to previous posts, i have one thing to say: NATALIA BOA VISTA, YOU'RE AWESOME! there. poor girl doesn't receive much love from the fandom, and it sucks

but hey, i like her just fine, so i had to say it to balance the karma around here.
now, back to our regularly scheduled C/R-ness.
--> new batch of icons & graphics this way! <-- just uploaded, fresh from the oven
i think it's quite possible that calleigh will keep ignoring ryan in favor of her little love triangle... (though, like
hestia said, it doesn't really make sense) but i really don't think ryan will "take refuge" in natalia. i really didn't get that vibe from "born to kill"... if anything, i felt it was natalia trying to make peace with him. i don't think he can forget everything that happened that easily. of course, i may be way off base here.
horatio saving the world on his own sounds pretty accurate, though

there's one man that seriously needs to get laid. after all, his marriage lasted for what, a day? no honeymoon, that must've sucked...
hestia- (have i mentioned i love your name?

) happy belated birthday! posting queen? doesn't sound half bad

but believe me, if you knew me in real life you'd be annoyed in three seconds flat, i talk
that much :lol: and we sure should bake industrial amounts of those positivity cookies, they're needed around here pretty often! BTW, the episode you were asking about is "shootout," aka episode 3.12. it's one of my favorite episodes, so sweet

season 3 ryan at his best. like it so much, i had to reference it somewhere in my fanfic...
nikki- i should congratulate you now, 'cause i don't know if i'll be around in two days. so happy birthday, m'dear! i hope it's a good one. it's your sweet sixteen after all
inge, awww, i really like that scene in "crime wave" too! so sweet. oh, i think right now i'll go cry a little for season 3... j/k
hahaguy (brian, right?) i don't think you're the only guy who likes CSIM this much, you're just the only brave one who ventures into shipping-land
carwash_cutie, you're welcome! *munches on cookie* and oh, i know the feeling, that's why i never make bets like that, i just answer with conviction that yes, i am addicted and nothing anybody does will change that

my mom is resigned by now that i would never survive without my laptop.
and which would i choose? i would have to go with option one, if only because it would be hilarious

first, calleigh seems more likely to me to burst into the scene, guns blazing (after that maneuver she pulled on jake in "going under" i believe she can do anything!). second, ryan is just OCD enough to keep freaking out about having to be saved. and third, can't you just picture eric teasing him about having to be rescued by a girl? completely hilarious, i tell you :lol:
i'll be back by tuesday at the latest, hopefully with more graphics for y'all. see you, guys!
EDIT: page 17, yay!