hey guys!! i bring a bunch of gifts for y'all, as per usual

like i said i would, i capped the R/C scenes from "death pool 100" and you can find them
here. i particularly like
ryan trying to be smart and
cal looking like she's about to spit fire. ohohoho, i just find their expressions funny, i swear i'm not rooting for them to keep fighting or anything
as i was feeling very fluffy last time-- still am, really-- i went and watched my favorite episode, "legal," and as i was watching i started taking caps. i ended up with 350 screencaps of not only the R/C moments, but the whole episode (wow, talk about being exact. i swear i wasn't going for that number!), so go on and
take a look at them! i figure since we've been talking about how much we miss season three, you'll be appreciative of each
flirtatious comment, each
shared glance, all the
words of comfort... my personal favorite, besides the usual "that's hot" and such, is ryan's oh-so-funny
"death to all airheads" expression. remember it from "shock"? this is the original, baby
also, since everyone's finishing their fanfics this week, i figured i might as well jump on the bandwagon
chapter 7 of "in too deep" is now posted, and it's the last one

please read and if you do, review, if only because it's done now...
welcome to this thread,
hestia! i'm carla, aka the annoying eternal optimist. nice to meet you!

yes, we do seem to be rather slow lately. it seems filling up two pages takes us the same time it takes other ships to go through one whole thread

i guess season 5 took a bit of a toll on us. however, in my defense, i haven't lost hope at all-- just been really busy. that, and the fact that i write so much on one post that i have nothing else to say for like a week after that :lol:
hestia said:
Too many triangles can get anyone down, but from what I've seen, CSI:Miami is melodramatic and the characters switch partners more than square dancers!
that's actually true, now that i think about it. i've been watching NY lately and i don't particularly think it's as character-focused as miami is. neither is vegas, IMHO. funny, this brings me back to corey miller's reply to
nikki's email... because things in miami are getting closer and closer to grey's anatomy by the second

hopefully TPTB will realize which direction they're going soon, and hopefully get back on track.
...have you guys ever get the feeling that somewhere the writers are just laughing their heads off because they know we weren't expecting their plot twists and they think they're geniuses? love them to death, the writers, but there's surprise, and then there's
surprise. jumping ship in the scope of just one episode, from out of the blue, is hardly a good surprise for most people. i rather prefer backstory. but oh well; like i said, other shippers gotta have their party as well. we can't hog all the joy to ourselves
hestia, i've seen the video (i re-watch most R/C fanvideos about once a week. i just love them) and yes, that banner is one of mine. more of that coming soon, too.
happy belated birthday to
luna, wherever she is!
i think this deserves to be said yet again: if you haven't read
heather's "first day back" and
nikki's "home is where the heart is," do so now. they're absolutely wonderful fanfics. same goes for
carwash_cutie's "darkest days," which was also just finished today
amy, i actually think i do better on paper, as well. however, i tend to forget where i put my notebooks so for that reason (and in the interest of saving trees as well, i guess

) i've taken to typing directly. but i know what you mean. and i shall be waiting for those fics. hope you have a good mini-vacation!
dani, the season finale ryan/natalia thing was pretty much non-existent if you're not a ryan/natalia shipper, really. they talked, she helped him with the files he was going through-- what was that, like half a second before the credits rolled? pretty tame and friendshippy, IMHO. i wouldn't worry too much about that, at least until season 6 starts.
i'm going to have to agree with basically everybody else in saying that what i want to see and expect to happen (and HAD BETTER happen :devil

in season 6 is the bubbles going back to their easy & flirty friendship. it's what they need right now, really. ryan to stop messing up for once, calleigh to go a little easy on him for once (the death pool thing wasn't as much of a disaster as she made it out to be, i really think she went too hard on him). i want to see them comforting each other like they used to (think "legal", "driven" and such).
not to say i want them to remain that way forever or that i don't want them to get together ever in the show. i think they should get together at one point. after grissom & sara in vegas and danny & lindsay in NY, i don't see why it would be weird at all. i just don't think it's going to happen in season 6, and if it does i'll most likely be pissed, even if they are my favorite couple. the timing is just not right, they haven't resolved their issues and they need to build up their background again. maybe towards the end of the season, if all their problems are dealt with early on, but i doubt they'll be.
other things i think will happen in season 6? well, my gut tells me jake's going to kick the bucket, though i don't want him to
things i want to happen but i don't know if they will? like
carwash_cutie said, i think ryan needs to say
something about the whole calleigh triangle thing. or at the very least voice his opinion about jake. he did it with hagen and with peter elliott, i think he should do the same with jake. and i would looooove for him to tease eric about it, maybe in a "hmmm, i guess you'll have to do" sort of way, but i know that won't happen

i also want to see calleigh be
happy again. like season 1 happy. the two plaits hairstyle should come back as well

(and that's entirely your fault for reminding me,
i've been reading "harm for the holidays: misgivings" these past few days. i'm about halfway through. not as shippy as "riptide," but i've read some cute R/C moments, and the book overall is just absolutely HILARIOUS :lol: <<"and your assistants don't have to dress like showgirls," calleigh said. "which is probably just as well. i mean,
i'd look great in fishnets and a top hat, but i really don't want to see ryan wearing anything featuring sequins...">> ack. killed me right there! :lol: highly recommend it so far.
i'll be back soon with some graphics and caps. because now that my fic is done, i've nothing but free time to watch episodes and play with photoshop...