hey, guys! glad to see you're all starting to look up from the apparent debacle that was the season finale
as promised,
here are some caps of their argument in "kill switch.".
inge, i noticed as i was capping that
she kept tugging at her clothes! i don't know if it was on purpose or not, but the first thing that went through my mind when i noticed it was that it was an anger thing more than a nervous thing. kinda like some people clench their fists when they're angry-- maybe she fiddles with her clothes to keep herself from smacking him :lol:
chapter 6 of "in too deep" is now up... but let's not talk about that now. *sigh*
best R/C episode? i'll have to agree with
need4speed and
nikki in saying "legal". i might be biased on this, because legal is my absolute favorite CSIM episode, but i honestly think they were flirting from beginning to end. and i can't forget about the scene when he tells her he took her course-- he's had a crush on her for that long! they have a history. you just gotta love that episode. "shock" would come a close second, though, if only for the way ryan's eyes were shining and the tone of his voice when he told her she's fantastic. damn, that was some good acting
dani, i noticed the watch thing too. struck me as weird because ryan handles his gun with his left hand. but yeah, they do assume similar positions often, don't they?
elevator scenes! you gotta love that one in "nailed." OMG i squeal every time i recall calleigh saying "you. in the elevator. with me. we're leaving now!" talk about a one-way ticket to gutterville :devil: and talking about elevator scenes, my personal favorite is
this one from "identity". it was really sweet how he was all confused and she leads him to the elevator by his arm
jelian! glad to see our ranks are still growing even though the writers' interest in our ship has gone down

i'm carla, resident annoying optimist; nice to meet you.
nikki, oh, it's so sad to hear that about maze

another one who falls victim to the second half of season 5, i guess *shrugs* but i'm sure you'll take good care of the C2, so no problem there

and the whole ryan feeling left out thing, that's a very interesting theory! yes, he
could be feeling left out. cal's attention is focused on eric and jake, he's reluctant to get close to natalia after "one of our own", and horatio's being really impersonal lately... he had no one to turn to, so he turned to gambling, which in turn got him fired. yes, i can see that. see? if he had been able to let it all out to calleigh, none of this would have happened
inge, i think his exact words were "doesn't this job ever get to you?" yep, he definitely fits the profile of feeling left out. and i agree with you, calleigh was definitely very angry, but it was out of disappointment.
her expression says it all.
heather, they definitely need that sit down. heck, they needed it in "kill switch." which is why i'm so eager to see it written on a fanfic

*pokes fellow authors* anyone? please? i'll give you cookies
i know i should probably ask this in the jon/ryan forum, but did anyone else think it was weird that ryan tells peters (i think it was in "silencer") that he failed organic? i'm assuming he meant that he didn't pass it and had to retake it, since he's a chemistry major and no university would let him graduate if he failed organic chemistry altogether, of course. it sounded like he didn't care much for organic at all. it just sounds weird to me, someone who's pursuing a genetics graduate degree and doesn't like organic. *scratches head* never mind, that's just the chemist in me speaking. but they really need to get ryan's background together! i mean, i'm still waiting for that "it's in his blood" comment in "under the influence" to come back up...
totally OT: i just saw "broken home" half an hour ago. poor eric

water always goes first! *shakes head* i feel so much for him right now.
will be back later on in the week with some icons and stuff. next up in my to-watch list is "rio" and the "beautiful" comment, so i expect a weekend full of R/C goodness