pinkpotatopie- well, that's your call but it seems to me that if you hate ryan you're kinda in the wrong thread

i have to agree with my shipmates on that.
in other news... *cue superman music* oh no! we can't let this thread slip to the second page like that! we have to save it!
annwn & nikki- don't lose hope. they might start throwing us off course but there's ALWAYS the possibility. i'm not one to read the spoilers thread, but i do know that TPTB sometimes contradict themselves. i do remember reading something about E/C not interacting in the previous two seasons being a fluke? this might just be semantics on my part, but that's not possible. no fluke can last two seasons. and the C/R was definitely deliberate

so never EVER lose hope! (at least until the very last frame is aired, that is).
dani- awww, i love that pic! the episode escapes me at the moment but i do know that i love it. it looks like they're almost holding hands
nikki- awww, that's my absolute favorite C/R picture ever. the one that started it all

i miss season three, and i miss my season3!ryan. bring back season three! *holds up banners and waves flags*
and in the interest of reviving the thread i bring you
more CaRWash pics of the day! (because we're so cool, we need more than one. i hope you guys don't mind).
my personal favorite is
this one (from "shock"), which i would post directly if i could, but for now you guys just click on the link, mmkay? :lol: i like it because it throws my mind into the gutter-- ryan, calleigh, and a hot, steamy bathroom with a tub... ah, tell me i'm not the only one who thought this way
there's actually a story behind this pic. i saw "shock" for the first time last night, and while i was aware there were a couple of shippy moments in it, i was not prepared for the onslaught of shippiness that was actually coming! wow, this episode was like heaven for my ships (or most of them, anyway)

the "you're wonderful" scene left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, that was so cute. and C&R stared at each other so much, there could be no other conclusion: yeah, they want each other. haha
i liked the episode so much that i took a bunch of C/R screencaps, which you can see
in this album (ah, the wonders that happen at 3AM. i was actually going to post this last night but the threads were under maintenance, but that's okay because their maintenance notice comes with a pic of jon togo included-- the really yummy one with him wearing the leather jacket-- so it was fine with me). you'll see in the album many different phases of C/R, like them
sharing some not-so-subtle sexual innuendo,
the "death to all airheads" pause (that scene was too much, i mean, "i'll have to google it"? TPTB want to kill me, i'm sure :lol

, their
"they did NOT just DO that" expressions (calleigh's is hilarious!), and of course, how could i forget
ryan's "you're fantastic" smile 
and what's better, some more
intense gazes across the bathroom

i really need to pull my mind out of the gutter.
feel free to use these any way you want (i know i for one will make some icons, and if you're like me you probably will add them to your screensaver to make it prettier

haha). are there C/R scenes in "rampage"? because the same thing might end up happening...