Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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*runs in* I... I miss this ship so much! Seriously, I'm so nostalgic right now.

Well tonight was more angsty then cute but Cal asked if Ryan was okay and he said he was. That was about it but that made me so... sad. It reminded me of season 4 and Driven and now I'm listening to CaRWash songs and getting all teary eyed. I suck, lol. Season 4 come back!!

Gosh this ship is awesome when it has scenes. *huggles Nikki* I need a hug too. :(
Sure you do..

I'm glad she still asked him if he was okay, thats more then what alot of ppl would've done, really. I'm hoping things go better in the next episode for them then this one did.
*huggles Katie*

CSI Files: Do you have anybody in particular you'd like to see her with? La Rue: At the end of the season, it looks like instead of having the hots for somebody, [she] actually [has] more of empathy for [someone], a real honest-to-goodness caring about somebody. CSI Files: Can you give us a hint who it might be? La Rue: It's one of the boys, one of the regular boys! It will be [in the season finale] a little bit. They kind of allude to it.

So, after reading the interview Eva La Rue gave, I'm pretty sad. I mean, one of the regular boys to be with her? The only one I can think of is Ryan, now. Because Horatio does not seem the type of man she would be with. Now with the love triangle between Calleigh, Eric and Jake, I guess these two wouldn't either...Am I missing someone? I don't think so, then Ryan is the only one who can be :rolleyes: Plus, I think they work together in a case, so, it woudl be easier to happen. Maybe it's nothing really serious. Maybe one of them is sad and the other one comes and shows some afect and the scene ends up sort of lovely and sweet. I also read in the Ryan/Natalia thread that Eva said that during the filming to that scene, Jon held her hand, even though it was not supposed to. But as it was just improvise, they might have cut it out. I dunno, but all this stuff leaves me sad. *needs a hug, too* Calleigh is between two guys and kissing one of them and Ryan is almost holding hands with Natalia. Is there anything left for CaRWash?! Sorry for being so negative, but I really can't help it. Maybe I am just assuming things wrong because I am so afraid of them to happen, and maybe this is something a lot less important, but I feel like this anyway...So, what do you think about all this? (btw, I tried not to include anymore smilies, so people who don't read spoilers don't know that it's a sad one for CaRWash.)
Ok, guys, I am just going to say names right now. Lynny, Need4Speed, animequeen23, Kate, would you all PLEASE start to post a minimum of 3 on topic lines? I'm feeling like a mod, a police officer in here, and I'm not, nor do I wish to have to act like one. There's enough to say about CaRWash even though we're not having the best end of the season we can have right now. Seriously, guys, I'm getting a little tired of reminding everyone all the time. Look at Katie, Dani, Inge,'s possible to post 3 lines or more. If you don't know how much 3 lines is, tick the 'preview reply' box on the left side of the quick reply box and you'll see exactly how your post will look.

Ok. This sucks. We're gonna have Jake kissing Calleigh, Eric being jealous, and Ryan grabbing Natalia's hand (Thank you Jonathan Togo :eek: ) Seriously, where did the previous 2 seasons go? One minute it's all CaRWash and Eric/Boa and now BAM! HH and Ryan/Boa. It's like a 180 degree turn. One I don't appreciate, too.

*hugs Katie* And you know you'll get one ;) We'll figure it out.

Inge, I thought it was: "Oh, you brought a friend this time." Did you think of me when they talked about Nikki? :p

animequeen, just telling you that your banner is too big, it can't be bigger than 220x75 pixels and you can either have text or a banner in your signature, not both ;)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Identity)


Look me in the eye and tell me that is nothing.

Well, CaRWash might not be so good on the show right now, I'm not stopping with writing them. In honour of all my CaRWash shipper mates, here's chapter 11 of 'Home is where the Heart is'.
eek, i have seen the preview for the season finale. I DO NOT like it! dont watch! :eek: but, everyone, keep the faith.. we all know CaRWash will happen in the end! hopefully!
well, it says there is an officer down, im thinking its Natalia. Nowm, hopefully Eric will realise how much he cares for her and go off Calleigh. Which leaves us only one problem:Jake Berkely. Let youre imaginations run wild with what we can do to him* evil giggle*
*huggles Dani*

Yeah, we will, Nikki. ;)

Okay, HH and Boa/Ryan. *is speachless* I don't even know what to say about it. It's not realistic. I mean, no effence to the other ships but you have to admit, it's random. The beginning of the season was still CaRWash. I swear it's like the writers decided on HH and then BAM, episode after episode, they just load on the scenes so they can get together. It's too fast, imo. Oh and yeah, thanks to Jon for that hand holding scene. I really don't like the fact that they're setting everyone up at the same time. So we have Cal and Eric, for gosh sakes leave it at that for now. We don't need Boa and Ryan, too.
People can't look back at season 3 and 4 and say nothing happened between them.

If the writers are so eager to pair up people they should have gone with Cal and Ryan. I'm not just saying that because I ship them, but it would be more realistic and believable.
Haha, I love the CPOTD. Ryan looks so akward like they're on a first date or something.
this is a sad day for me, not only am i a carwasher but a NED shipper so this just sucks at every angle. its like my ships are swapping mates. what is up w/ that. i will say this tho, i thought last night it seemed as though cal was backing off eric a little. when shes on the phone talking about wednesday , didnt she fib about who she was talking to? & next week she says " you know i trust you w/ my life" i think shes talking to eric & that maybe theres a big BUT afterwards. so what to do w/ ryan & nat. we just need to hope that it doesnt go anywhere. seriously id rather have NO romances on the show than to have these 4 people mismatched the way they are!
OMG!!!! *cries*
OMG!!!! I can't beileve it!!! Natalia and Ryan...eww!! and ilike how they just dropped Calleigh and Eric by havving Calleigh be on the phone with Jake and saying they were going out to dinner. but grrr!!! because that date is not with Ryan!!! i mean sure last night there was some angsty CaRWash that made me *squee* a bit, but i'm still not liking Eva's little spoilers in her intwerview!!! is there any hope for CaRWash!!!! *sobs*
Well it's not confirmed that Ryan and Boa are really going to get involved and besides, they are known for cutting some scenes. I don't think it would make sense to hook up Ryan and Boa while in the beginning of this season Ryan almost begged Calleigh not to let her work with him. But yeah this doesn't have much to do with CaRWash. It did seem in the promo that Jake is pretty much forcing himself on Calleigh and maybe, through the shock, she doesn't pull back immediately. But if Eric gets jealous...who knows what he'll do. Isn't it possible that maybe Calleigh says the 'I trust you with my life' thing...only to add that 'but you have to stay out of it.'? A.K.A mind your own business.

Ah well there's really nothing we can say about it. We all know we don't like it (multishippers excluded) so yeah I think that's clear now. What we could do, is make possible CaRWash scenarios. Spoilerfree ones. Example:

I saw Identity yesterday and it would be awesome to have a case like that again. Horatio can take Eric and Boa and get out, and Calleigh and Ryan would have a case of their own, of course including some flirty comments. Because, lately it seems like every case is Eric/Calleigh.

Even in the season finale preview it says 'Calleigh and Delko are the leads on this case'.
Wouldn't worry too much about Calleigh/Eric taking the lead on the case. It sort of makes sense; Ryan, assuming he gets his job back, will undoubtedly but on some kind of probabtion and/or supervision. Natalia doesn't have the experience, so a high profile or compicated case would require the most senior/experienced people. Well, I live in hope...
hey everyone! took me a while to get here, innertube wasn't letting me watch the episode properly and i didn't want to post until after i'd seen it so i wouldn't be spoiled :)

anyway, to cheer you guys up (you certainly sound like you need it) i bring some gifts: first off, a new batch of CSIM icons w/ R/C included, of course :D so you can take a look at them and remember the great times we had :) and also, chapter 5 of my fanfic "in too deep" is now up, and it's the one you've all been waiting for! so please read it, and make sure you review if you do, pretty please? :D

now, about "kill switch"... surely i can't be the only one who was ecstatic about the episode! OMG, did you guys seriously watch the same episode i did? i don't think we did :eek: i just watched it and was ready to come here and squee like crazy, then i start reading the thread and find out that you're all acting like you're in a funeral! i mean, really, is it me the one that's just way off? (it could be, i'm weird like that, but i don't think it's just my eternal optimism speaking here...)

i thought the episode was soooo gooood. of course, it seems like i always love the episodes where corey miller's had a hand in the writing (though i only found that out a couple days ago) so i knew it wouldn't disappoint. it completely made up for "burned," which you know i hated. at least he didn't go fleeing to erica sykes' TV station, and now ryan's back in his job after finally figuring out what's important and what's not (is it THAT easy for horatio to undo what stetler did?), and i got a nice, heartfelt conversation between my two favorite characters :D (can you tell how not worried i am about R/N? i love those two, i'm just glad they're getting storylines, period).

and then there's what we're here for-- ryan/calleigh. yes, with all the eric/calleigh/jake stuff going on it's hard to see, but i for one was giddy all through their argument. not that i'm an angst whore (*blinks* i don't think i am... though it would certainly not be a bad thing if i were) but i think they're at their best when they're at odds. for two reasons: 1) it only happens to them. it's the way they function, since season 3. they wouldn't BE ryan and calleigh if they weren't fighting over protocol. and 2) look deeper, you'll see the affection there. for calleigh, she doesn't act that way around almost anyone else. and she gets really worked up about stuff when ryan's involved. it always seems to me like whatever he did actually hurts her on a personal level; it's not just about the job when they fight, she really feels let down-- in a "he should be better than that. why can't he be better than that?" kind of way. she wouldn't give it a second thought if she didn't care. and boy, was she pissed! ryan, on the other hand, he only realizes the consequences of his actions when he sees he let calleigh down. just look at this episode, it wasn't natalia who convinced him-- he was already feeling awful enough before the whole death trap thing happened, that is, after he spoke to calleigh. and she DID ask him if he was okay, which made me flashback to the "thanks, babe" scene in going under :p

i'm no multishipper, but i've no problem with E/C. it might just take jake outta the way, like i've said previously. so we'll have to sit down and take it? we probably will. at this point i'm almost glad we're just getting flashes of R/C instead of it coming full force. think about it, if calleigh suddenly started displaying an actual interest in ryan right now, she would've had a thing with just about every male character in the show, save for horatio. we don't want her to seem... loose (to avoid using another word). so it's good. let them take their time, i say. baby steps. they're better than just a simple attraction :)

i'm not upset about eva larue's interview. i love natalia too much and i'm glad she's getting some character development. i used to see no point to her character if eric wasn't with her and that's no good. and BTW, let me say that i find it absolutely hilarious how y'all refer to her as "boa" :lol: in my mind i can't separate her last name into two, especially because if you just call her "boa" you're basically calling her "good" ;) which i don't think was what any of you were going for, haha.

oooohhh, so THAT'S jake! (i haven't seen "going under," sorry :p he doesn't look half bad, though ;)) speculations? "officer down" sounds like calleigh to me, but i'm notorious for being wrong about these things. it could just be jake *shrugs* and the whole ryan/natalia holding hand thing? that's just funny, she's taller than him :lol: i would take seeing them together just because it's so off, it's funny.

yes, i know you're all just staring at me like i'm crazy for being so optimistic in the face of impending doom. maybe i am :rolleyes: i don't know, it was just my gut reaction, being giddy as i watched the episode and the preview. maybe i just love this show too much :) i can try to be depressed if you guys really want me to, though... cheer up, guys. *hugs* after hitting rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up :)

nikki- great CPOTD! identity was a great episode, i loved how he looked up to her as her "senior" officer. BTW, i read HIWTHI11 and it was very heartwarming. just what everybody needed at the moment :) everybody should just keep writing. that's the best attitude-- shipmates, keep writing! *hums to the tune of "just keep swimming"*
Good CPOTD as always, Nikki :)

carla said:
and BTW, let me say that i find it absolutely hilarious how y'all refer to her as "boa" :lol: in my mind i can't separate her last name into two, especially because if you just call her "boa" you're basically calling her "good" ;) which i don't think was what any of you were going for, haha.
The exactly same thing goes for me. And, 'boa' can mean 'hot' too, besides of 'good' for me :lol:

I couldn't talk about that episode because I haven't seen it *cries* Can you tell how looking forward to it I am? :p

Yeah, I know I was the one who brought up in first place the Ryan/Natalia thing here, and all the negativity firstly, but it's just then when I saw it, I was really feeling scared, and as it was all so quick, I was still in 'shock' *realizes she's exagerating* and was feeling and noticing every bad part of it. Now I can see maybe it's not that important, and just a false alarm, I really hope so anyway. Thank you carla for the optimistic words! I would love to think like that, anyway. But let's wait and see, all this Jake/Calleigh thing has to be a lot less than they are giving away :rolleyes: *crosses fingers*

CaRWash in the lab
See, everyone in that lab, they work perfectly together...Don't they look adorable...oops, sorry, I mean, focused? yeah, they do, they are both good in their jobs, put them working together again, I am sure they would promess not to show what they feel for each other while working. Afterall, they both know how to be professional. And, you know, 'love' stuff goes home with them (together) :devil:

Edited because there was something not so right with the picture. Thank you Nikki
They look almost as though they've been practising 'Synchronised Lab Work', don't they? ;) :lol:
They spent a couple of series mirroring each others moves, something people attracted to each other do, but from what I've read they don't have much air time together S5 :(
carla, how the hell do you make your posts so long? :lol: Seriously, I'm jealous. And YAY for optimism! This thread needs it. :rolleyes:

Okay, so this probably won't happen but hey, it's positive. :p So, lets say Ryan finds out about Jake and Cal, so then he's sad because Calleigh kissed him, so he's like wtf? And then goes after Boa just so he can make Calleigh jealous and then she gets jealous and breaks up with Jake because he's an ass but then Delko makes his move because she broke up with Jake, right? So Calleigh goes out with Delko because she obviously can't go out with Ryan and then both of them are like daaamnn. And then they just can't find their feelings anymore so they FINALLY get together and are happy. Then Boa and Delko get together because, well, I like them together.
:lol: It could happen. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. :p
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