Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Thanks Nikki, you sure brightens up my day, or should I say, brightens up my tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and so on? :D

I don't think we are just building pretty dream castles here. I like the fact that no matter how real or how true CM's reply will become in future (for all we know, they can always change directions along the way), at least our message and thoughts are being put across, and Nikki, I believed you have firmly delivered not only yours, but our madness to him too lol :devil:.

Meanwhile, we would just 'watch and see'.

P/S: Anyways, since CM mentioned Grey's Anatomy, I have to say, I do loved GA, and meanwhile, "It's the End of the World" epi's my fav. I just have to say it out, yep :p

PPS: Also, this is my 100th post! Yeah! It's been a long way(ok, it's not that longgg, just about 4 months or so, but it still feels like it's been quite some time)...and I am really glad we've shared our views over here. :)

I started my first post in this CaRWash forum, and here's my 100th, still in here, allow me to have the honour to use my 100th post to wish all of us, "Our CaRWash dream will come true, eventually".
Oh yay look at the responses I got :D

Aww Jue, you can have an avatar now! And I'm glad I can brighten your every day ;)
No Inge, I did not mention Grey's Anatomy once, he made that comparison all on his own :lol: I do know what he means though. There will be no elevator sex on CSI:Miami :p (kidding)
Thanks Vave, but I was just messing with you ;) Go do your...stuff.
Dani, I don't think it has to be, but my resonse probably has to! :eek: And you're making a lot of sense!

So I actually think this was a good reply. Don't jump to conclusions. Ok, I won't.
Hey WeWantTogo, welcome to the board and the CaRWash thread. If you ship them, you're in the right place here. Hop on a chair. I like your wallpaper, though now I'm wondering how you can smell bells :lol: Just kidding. Good job ;)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Free Fall)


I just *adore* the glances they share all the time. Like this one here. I'm wondering if they notice them from each other. I mean, if someone stares at you, you just feel that right? Especially if it's for a long time. Maybe Calleigh just knew he was staring at her here. I wonder what she'd think of it then. Would she like it? Would she feel uncomfortable? Anyone wanna share their thoughts?
Hey hey hey! That CPOTD is the same one as in my banner. :p I love that pic.

I'm happy about the email, too. I'm glad he realizes they aren't Grey's because I don't think I could handle that. :lol:

I love the wallpaper WeWantTOGO, and welcome to the board. :)

There will be no elevator sex on CSI:Miami :p
I think there already has been elevator sex on Miami... Like in Nailed, Ryan was totally waiting to make up so he could jump her. :p Besides, weren't we all hiding in there with cameras? :rolleyes:

Woops I missed Nikki's question. I think she's used to it by now. I mean, they *always* stare at eachother. I doubt they even mean too. I think they do it subconciously. :lol:

Oh I have another question too. It has to go in a spoiler though.

Okay, so if Calleigh and Eric actually get together, do you think Calleigh will act differently to Ryan? I wonder if he'll notice. I mean, Cal and Ryan flirt soo much, you'd think Calleigh would stop if she was seeing someone else. Unless it's a subconcious thing like I said. :p
Thoughts? :)
sandersidle, You totally read my mind! When Calleigh said, "You. In the elevator. With me. We're leaving now," I just assumed that there was some action happening in the elevator...*giggle* But then again, I have a very vivid imagination. Great minds think alike!

Nikki, thanks for posting your response. Now I don't feel so depressed about it! Maybe this is just going to be the butt kick Ryan needs to motivate him to realize what Calleigh means to him!

I don't think Calleigh will treat Ryan any differently, unless she has a major change in attitude. With all the rumors about Ryan getting fired and Calleigh going after him to get him to come back, I think that's blatantly obvious that she cares about Ryan...a lot. I'm probably going to get shot for saying this, but I think the rumors about flirting with Eric is a pity issue. She feels bad for him because he had the major injury, and she's going into mother hen mode. I'll be anxious to see who does the flirting...Eric or Cal. Plus, they've never addressed how much of his memory Eric got back. Maybe he's holding onto old feelings for her, and maybe it's just my wishful thinking, but I think that, if she does flirt with him, it's because she doesn't want to hurt him anymore than he's already been hurt.
I have a couple thoughts...

In a recent interview CSI:Files had with Adam Rodriguez, he says that they BOTH "flirt with eachother. Also, he says something about the friendship between Delko and Ryan and how we could maybe see the whole relationship plunge later on in this season or next season. In addition, I don't think Calleigh's attitude will change towards Ryan, but maybe his will change towards her? Because if he has feelings for her like we all THINK he does, it may be awkward for him and maybe even hurt to be around her.
im on the verge of puking thinking about what were going to see tonight w/ eric & calleigh. the thought of them two flirting really makes me want to harf!!! i just hope its not real obvious & that it doesnt last long. RAAUULLLPPFF!!
Nikki -- quit being mean and picking on ppl :lol: Crazy chica. You know I love ya though. Nice picture/quote you picked out. :D

I don't think she'll treat him differently if she is with Eric. Cause they have so much still that they can chat up about. I don't think the flirting will stop.
oo if cal and ryan got trapped in an elevator... :eek: just think of the possibilities

someone should write a fanfiction about it he he i would so read

edit: grr my friend pushed enter on me :mad:

okay so i was saying just think of the possibilities of them being stuck in a elevator between floors. Things could get pretty... *wink wink, nudge nudge* if you know what im saying (without going above the content rating of the tread)
mjszud said:
im on the verge of puking thinking about what were going to see tonight w/ eric & calleigh. the thought of them two flirting really makes me want to harf!!! i just hope its not real obvious & that it doesnt last long. RAAUULLLPPFF!!
Potentially offensive posts like this are uncalled for. There are multi-shippers who frequent many different threads, and we should respect all posters here at Talk CSI, regardless of their 'shipping' preferences. Here's a reminder of part of the Shipper Central rules:
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Here's a link to the Shipper Central Rules which we would ask you to read if you haven't done so already. Thanks.
xTriggerx, I would SO be right there with you in reading that FanFic. Lols!

I thought maybe something might happen in "Nailed", but I guess I was wrong. :(

i want that fic so bad but i just cant seem to write it man ive been trying to for the past two hours!! :mad:

yeah i believe something happened in nailed in a hospital room when Cal went to go get the nail from Ryan but the cameras werent in the room ;)

<3 kendall
MiamiDade, thanks for that reminder :) Alrighty people, can we get back to posting three lines of good posting please? I know that we're all excited/scared for these new spoilers. but when Corey e-mailed me, the most important thing of his mail was 'watch and see'. That's all we can do, because we don't know what's going to happen, and even if we did, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. ;)

CaRWash_Cutie, that is one HOT manip. Reminds me of the CaRWash RP :)

@Lynny: yes mommy. sorry mommy. I love you too mommy :p

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Open Water)


Ryan: "We're not obviously standing way too close, are we?"
Calleigh: "No, I think we can pull it off without looking suspicious."
Nikki: "Wrong" :p
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