Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Yesh yesh us CaRWashers are very loyal and WILL NOT GIVE UP HOPE but what i think will happen is like IF the E/C think does happen it will Burn like dutchie said and Ryan will be there like he always is and she will realise how much she loves him and he would have always loved her (as we all already know) and they will be all AWW CaRWash time yay but thats just me :)

WEll ya i read a fic once for going under and yeah she was talking to ryan (Dutchie it might be yours im just to lazy to look right now) and yeah i have always thought it was Ryan on the phone becaus of the way she talks. She only talks to Ryan like that and i like to believe that :) buts thats just im so CaRWash optomistics

gosh i have so much to say today being away for so long

i know stupid question but if CaRWash is Cal and Ryan Wolfe Adicted Shippers (which i am)

what is the H in CarWash for or is it just like there to complete the word

Oh and btw id like it if all of you would call me Trigzy :)
I definitely want to see Ryan will do something about the E/C romance, but if he works “too hard”, considering how people would think of him, it might not be good. Anyway, of course Ryan should have something to say, because he cares. There’re too many things which have shown that Ryan and Calleigh are so close, more than coworkers and friends, how could the writers just deny all the trace put by them on purpose? It doesn’t make sense. Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m wondering if Ryan’s once leaving the lab (mostly because of the gambling thing) has anything to do with the E/C romance. :rolleyes:
Daniela, I kinda agreed with you. Sometimes when a so-called relationship builds up is not exactly what it seems, it might even be there just to prepare for something else to surface, same like in this case. We all know Ryan and Calleigh wasn't just common colleagues, yes Delko and Calleigh have been working for quite some years and have shared some memories together, but who can denied the fact that Ryan and Calleigh have a certain chemistry D and C don't have, and imagine Ryan's only been there for such a short period of time. Seriously, I am hoping for a twister thing about this whole relationship issue, what it seems it's not what it seems, and I am vvvv sure Ryan's not gonna sit there and do nothing and watch whatever relationship build up :D, for once, I hope he act on his impulsiveness! GO GO Ryan!

Nikki, don't be sad, who knows, this whole thing might be a blessing in disguise! It has to be! Do keep all our fingers crossed! :cool:
I was just watching a vid on YouTube. Would you believe Anastasia.:p Ya know the main guy, He kinda sounds like Ryan. Just sayin.'
I'm goin' with Jue here. Stay positive. Stay in the CaRWash bubble. Sorry, we use those over at Miami always does something, i don't wanna say screwy, but they always enjoy messing with our heads. Like jue said, just keep your fingers crossed.:) and hope for the best.
Hey guys! *waves* :D

I know the interview with Adam Rodriguez was quite upsetting for us CaRWashers. I'm disappointed too, so I thought I'd fill your minds with fluff and wicked romance in the form of an update to my eventually smut-tastic fic. :devil: No worries, so far the update's still PG-13.

Here's the link to "Supernova" Chapter 1 for anyone who hasn't read it, but Chapter 2 is also now up for your reading pleasure:

Again, this is dedicated to Dutchie and Twiz. Hope you ladies enjoy this.

I figured, what better way to up our spirits than a 'little' :devil: romance between Calleigh and Ryan? Read the fic and see for yourself. I hope the scenario/images would fill you with *cough* :devil: *cough* thoughts of CaRWash all day! Enjoy and please let me know what you think. :D
o___0 Shadow, You bet I did! *huggles to ground* Now THAT made my day. Along with the fact that I didn't have school and I posted three brand new CaRWash fics on :D

Jue, you know just what to say to cheer me up ;) And Dani too.

xTriggerx, I don't think that was my fic, as my Going Under fic took plays the night after the crash, not during the actual crash. I think it was Luna's then. Also very good.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Rio)


Ahh, Ryan, you are just too obvious. I love that. :lol:
Dutchie said:
o___0 Shadow, You bet I did! *huggles to ground* Now THAT made my day. Along with the fact that I didn't have school and I posted three brand new CaRWash fics on :D

Jue, you know just what to say to cheer me up ;) And Dani too.

xTriggerx, I don't think that was my fic, as my Going Under fic took plays the night after the crash, not during the actual crash. I think it was Luna's then. Also very good.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Rio)


Ahh, Ryan, you are just too obvious. I love that. :lol:
Love this pic! Dutchie - I don't think I knew you wrote fics. I will have to check them out. New episode next week correct? Hopefully we get to see some good interaction. I just saw the epsiode where H and Marisol were getting married. Ryan and Calleigh were talking about the wedding gift. I thought they were great together in that one.
Yea Dutchie when i checked out your new fics i re read the other one and your right it wasnt yours :)

i also wrote some fics a little while ago and now i have the courage to put them on here

if anyone wants to check them out :) it is appreciated :)

oh and Dutchie again beautiful new fics i <3 them and i love the new picture

<3 Trigzy
hellloooo! cal has no chemistry w/ eric. the writers have made it very obvious to me that her & ryan have way more juiciness there than her & eric. im banking on it not going far besides its much too complicating w/ nat being there. eric belongs w/nat & ryan w/ cal. wouldn't they all be so cute leaving the day & all going out on a double date ??
Dutchie and Shadowfax: You absolutely made my week with your CaRWash fics! I was so depressed after the infamous've given us all hope! We can live vicariously through fiction!

xTriggerx, I've read your work before, and I love it! Keep up the good work!

*sigh* Hopefully when my student teaching wraps up, I'll be able to work on a story I'm trying to write!
Shadowfax said:
Hey guys! *waves* :D

I know the interview with Adam Rodriguez was quite upsetting for us CaRWashers. I'm disappointed too, so I thought I'd fill your minds with fluff and wicked romance in the form of an update to my eventually smut-tastic fic. :devil: No worries, so far the update's still PG-13.

Here's the link to "Supernova" Chapter 1 for anyone who hasn't read it, but Chapter 2 is also now up for your reading pleasure:

Again, this is dedicated to Dutchie and Twiz. Hope you ladies enjoy this.

I figured, what better way to up our spirits than a 'little' :devil: romance between Calleigh and Ryan? Read the fic and see for yourself. I hope the scenario/images would fill you with *cough* :devil: *cough* thoughts of CaRWash all day! Enjoy and please let me know what you think. :D

Love Love Love this fic!

Maybe the tension will shit to C&R. They will have to talk about it, right? Then they will realize they belong together. They may fight.....but then they will have to make up! :devil:
You're welcome, aimsavol. Just doing my little part to spread some CaRWash love. Thanks for the feedback. :D Like I said, I was really bothered by that interview, but you're right... we can get our Ryan/Calleigh fix through fiction! *lol* I'd rather have those images and dwell on them than think about what might happen in the show. It keeps my spirit up too. ;)

And to answer the question you posted on my review, Dutchie... You asked for fluff, I gave you fluff PLUS some smut that's coming soon. Now, what would you get if you just asked for flat out smut? :devil: Why, that would be porn, my dear! :rolleyes::lol: Nah, just kidding! But I'm not so sure you want to find out. :devil: Or do you? :devil:;) :D

ETA: Thanks for reading too, katbug! :)
Shadowfax, I wouldn't be too sure about that. Innocent on the outside... :devil:

Same thing here though, I had those three fics I posted unfinished in my stories folder, and with the new depressing spoilers, I decided just to finish them and keep up hope for all shippers. aimsavol and xtriggerx, thank you so much for your wonderful reviews, they made my day.

mjszud, welcome here. Calleigh has more chemistry with Ryan, definitely. These are the moments I wish I really worked for TPTB :rolleyes:

Katbug, yeah I write fics. In fact, back in the first CaRWash thread, I think I was the first one to start writing, leading to the whole thread starting to write :lol: If you want to check them out, they're in my profile.

Shock was a FANTASTIC (hehe :p) CaRWash episode. Did you notice the victims name was Nikki? That's my name too. Ryan said it 16 times and Calleigh 10 :D That was a very nice evening. I enjoyed them flirting over my name indeed.

And yeah I like that pic too. Come on Ryan, we can all see you're not looking into her eyes. ;)

ETA: two things. One: Chapter ten is already up. Enjoy ;)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Shock)


He's the only one that can make her smile like that ;)
Love the new pic Dutchie and love the new fic too :) he he that rhymed

Okay yeah for one i agree Eric and Calleigh dont have chemestry. now Ryan and Calleigh have chemistry. I love eric and all but... no thats too wierd. He needs a good new female character because i dont like Natalia all to much.

Well back on the CaRWash subject. I just read a really cool fic. It had to do with fortune cookies and Ryan and Calleigh (hence CaRWash)it was really funny.

here if you wanna read it

btw not written by me written by Darkmagic-luvr
Ok,I'm happy to see that lots of you write fanfictions. It's always good to be able to read what we haven't seen yet on TV. Anyway, I haven't had time to read them all yet. By the way,Nikki,Hakuna Matata? :lol:

The pictures are all lovely, thank you for posting them, it's always nice to see them and then leave the computer with a smile :D in the face!
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