Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

You are all making me anixous for Season 5 and Season 4 just finished last night!

I hope that Calleigh and Ryan will at least have a hug - if we can get that, then maybe we can get a kiss in the next season (If these tightwad directors will ever loosen their pockets).

Oh! I went checking on the next - those who doesn't have Season 4 on DVD yet - we get NAILED on the first part! Whoo hoo, bring on the dvd - i just LOVE that epic.

I saw the last epic last night and Ryan looked hot when he was shoving Cooper into the wall for letting slip of the eye problem and how he smirked when he informed the FBI woman that they were all after the wrong lab (Hee, Hee) and i loved how he called Calleigh and how the pair of them were on the same track without even realising it!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OMG Bex can it possibly WOW where have you been? Yeah Reine and I were quite pleased with our CPOTD idea. (Her idea, I post them)

OMG now I can't wait for Man Down...I hope it doesn't disappoint me. But...

In the episode airing Monday there will be at least one CaRWash scene. Ryan tells Calleigh that Eric and Nick got into a fight and they were taking it outside for part 2. I saw it in the promo, Ryan breaks them up the first time, or at least he pushes Delko away (in a not rude way)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I love 'One of Our Own' ! Calleigh looks so pretty there (actually, she looks always pretty) and everything! Since I am not a good writer, someone should write a fic about it :D I have so many ideas but at the same time I haven't got the courage to write a fic. I am very self-critical :lol: And since this epi I don't like Natalia very much.. I'm off.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
OMG Bex can it possibly WOW where have you been?

In the episode airing Monday there will be at least one CaRWash scene. Ryan tells Calleigh that Eric and Nick got into a fight and they were taking it outside for part 2. I saw it in the promo, Ryan breaks them up the first time, or at least he pushes Delko away (in a not rude way)

I've been here the whole time!! Just... lurking in the background! Thanks to you guys CaRWash is now my favourite, most-obsessed-with ship! :D

Only one CaRWash scene?? Joking! I'll take all the CaRWash i can get....

Just remembering One Of Our Own (on last night), how hot is Angry!Ryan?!?! *drool* :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Calleigh always asks Ryan about the vic, when it's a cop. It happened in Cop Killer and One Of Our own, and I've always found it kind of cute, cause she always (not so) secretly takes of him whenever something affects him.
For instance, I believe you all remember Death Pool 100. Despite the CaRWash!Angst oozing from nearly every scene, it was a very good CaRWash ep, imo, because Calleigh shouldered the blame in front of Elliott just to protect Ryan.
I mean, Calleigh Duquesne, the stubborn/tough/proud Calleigh Duquesne, accepting to be blamed for something she hasn't done in front of the guy who basically cheated on her and whom she's mad at? If that isn't love, then I really don't know how to call it. :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OK I'm being dragged in here kicking and screaming again cause I've been mia for so long..sry Nikki, now let go.

nice manip Calleigh, now could you take her head off and put mine there hehe..
About the promo for this ep coming up I can't wait to see the ep, I've been missing csim new ep's and I'm dying for a new one and some carwash in it.It's been lacking carwash moments this season so it's time they start giving us something. I'm hoping maybe cal and ryan will work together on clearing boa's name,even though I'd loveeeeeeee to see her go down for it, but I know it's not going to happen.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
Welcome all newbies!! *hands out miniature CaRWash figures like on a bridescake* Oh, Nikki, that would be me, but Jue, are you expecting me to finish that scene for you??!! :eek: (not that I didn't :p)
yeah. I saw IT. :devil: That was a very "big" piece of their make out session evidence indeed. :p Do try to play more with your mediaplayer frame by frame function, am sure you can find some more! It's everywhere! :D

Calleigh would be very much upset, she's and Eric had been working together for so long, so either she would play it the silent-hurtful sadness, or the angst-upset sadness, either one Ryan would be beside her, caring for her.I think a comfort hug would be reasonably possible, but I am thinking more of a scene like this: Calleigh watching Eric through the room window, clearly upset, slight trembling, Ryan noticed it, quietly hold Calleigh's hand, Calleigh didn't look back at Ryan, but hold his hand even tighter, seeking for the last bit of comfort and strength she need from him...It might be the other way round too (as Nikki put it, "we don't know who's gonna comfort who just yet"), so it might be Calleigh hiding it well, but Ryan, on the other hand, goes all uncontrollably sad (we know he's just not the kind who hide too much of his feelings, other than the feelings to Cal of course ;)), and Calleigh turns to comfort Ryan instead, allowing her a way to let go of her own upsetness. Also, didn't the pair went for a parking garage investigation after that? there might be some CaRWash comfort scenes too.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I really, really hope they don't screw this up. The potential is boiling over the pan but I can see TPTB turning of the gas (figuratively speaking) and not have them show anything. In that case I will go e-mail Corey Miller personally and tell him to stuff the next episode up to the top. (that, and I'll probably write my own version of Man Down, and I'm already pretty close to doing that :rolleyes:)

*lets go of Sue* You needed that. :devil:

Luna, you're right, in Cop Killer and OOOO she asks him about the deceased officer. She can see how affected he was (cause he was, you could see it in OOOO how he was staring at the badge. :()

I totally forgot Jake is coming back in this episode... :eek: oh god...this can only be bad news, unless they decide to throw Jealous!Ryan in, but I doubt they will do that. PLEASE let there be some good CaRWash scenes, please.

A hug, holding hands, hell even a touch of the shoulder would be enough for me (of course I'd rather have a stress releaving passionate kiss, but somehow I doubt that's gonna happen :lol:) All I can say is that I have exactly in mind what I would do as the writers, and I just hope they agree. Also, I can't see a reason why they wouldn't put a comfort scene in it, I mean, even if you don't ship CaRWash you agree that they're good friends, no on can think they hate each other. SO even from a non-CaRWashing view it's totally possible. I just hope it will be Calleigh and Ryan and not Horatio or Alexx or anything.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
I totally forgot Jake is coming back in this episode... :eek: oh god...this can only be bad news, unless they decide to throw Jealous!Ryan in, but I doubt they will do that. PLEASE let there be some good CaRWash scenes, please.

I guess you remembered of that we you heard me squeal out while watching the promo. :lol: I'm going to love that ep, I swear! :devil:

Besides, when it comes to IAB, cool things always happen... Needless to say to madly I loved the scene in One Of Our Own when a rather bitchy and lovely Calleigh arrests that horrible woman (aka Peter Elliott's girlfriend) and shoves across her face that awesome "Oh, and... Ryan Wolfe send his regards." :lol: It was somewhat clear she was implicitly saying "Never mess up with Calleigh Duquesne... And with her secret love." :p
I swear, if Ryan doesn't propose soon, I'm going to marry this woman.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

_Calleigh_ said:
Needless to say to madly I loved the scene in One Of Our Own when a rather bitchy and lovely Calleigh arrests that horrible woman (aka Peter Elliott's girlfriend) and shoves across her face that awesome "Oh, and... Ryan Wolfe send his regards." :lol: It was somewhat clear she was implicitly saying "Never mess up with Calleigh Duquesne... And with her secret love." :p
I swear, if Ryan doesn't propose soon, I'm going to marry this woman.

Why did she say that "Oh, and... Ryan Wolfe send his regards." ? I find that she just wanted to get Peter jealous :D And oh my, Jake.. Maybe Ryan will talk to Jake about Calleigh.. or Calleigh and Ryan will talk about Jake.. or Jake and Calleigh will talk about Ryan..
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

PungoXmyXdarling said:
Why did she say that "Oh, and... Ryan Wolfe send his regards." ? I find that she just wanted to get Peter jealous

Nope, she said that because Peter's girlfriend had attempted to ruin the lab's reputation by compromising the evindence of the case and blaming that on Ryan. Calleigh was furious to her and she said that as some kind of evil irony, to remark she was somehow taking a revenge for Ryan. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Oh, thanks . I didn't figure that out myself..
I can't make any manips, because I can't find piccies! My whole computer is full of CaRWash pictures, but none of them fits for my manipulation. Can someone give me pics? :D
Here you go, some icons ;)

ryan plus calleigh makes love and carwash !!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

WOW! Those icons are just... WOW!
I snagged a bunch of them, hope you don't mind. (Will credit if used!)

I'm currently very excited as i just ordered Season 3 Part 1 on DVD! Can't wait to see Legal!
Also, very happy because I found a clip of the "Thanks Babe" moment (which i hadn't yet seen) and almost passed out from the amazing CaRWash cuteness! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Oh my, * feels special AGAIN * thaank you. I don't need any credit, it's my pleasure to make someone happy^___^ I only have S4 on DVD.. I completely enjoy the CaRWash moments! When I first saw "Thanks Babe", I was like 'whaaaaaattttt' and now.. oh my godd. I want more CaRWash epis, like they should have a little talk (like 'Driven') and a date :D
I wanna see Legal and Recoil again! oh, you may all use the icons.. I really don't care, as long as you don't claim them your own or edit them. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*jumps in squealing out loud*

Okey dokey, I just rewatched the promo for the probably millionth time and I caught a short but awesome scene... A CaRWash scene! I'd cap it, if I could, but my Mediaplayer seems to hate me, today, so maybe later. Anyways, the scene in the promo is very brief, but Calleigh's look toward Ryan is kind of intense, though pretty obscure, imo. :rolleyes: We'll see.
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