Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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^ yeah, I agree with you, stop fooling around. ;)

OMG, she said babe! I'm still a little bit shocked about it.
we have 'you're beautiful' and 'babe'. I'm also turning slowly into 100 % CaRWash. I can hear your evil laugh, Nikki! stop it! :lol:
maybe next episode:
'last night was wonderful, can we repeat it?'. :D
the writers are playing with us.
Okay I have to say I officially love Lol! :lol: I've been sitting here wishing I could see Ryan make his "Beautiful" comment from last week and then it dawned on me...that I can cuz innertube is showing the full episodes now! YAY!!! :D Lol...I'm a dork, but what does it matter...I loves my ships! :D, Hi Lynn! :lol:
:D S :D Q :D U :D E :D E :D E :D E :D E :D E :D E :D!!!

the look of a lovers concern

"and hey... i'm glad you're ok"

"thanks BABE!!"
eh cell phone pics... ok... for now!

Caderyn said:
But talking about smiles, if you see the last scene of Calleigh & Ryan, as the perp was being led out of the interrogation room and the scene was about to cut to the next one, you could see Calleigh & Ryan facing each other and talking while smiling...

Subtle scenes are the most important, imo. They're meant to let you know (implicitly) that there's something going on, but you are not supposed to realize (but we do :evil). It hugely reminds me of GSR and I do hope it's going to end up like that. :9

*joins Nikki's hands and dances around with her* SQUEEE!!! Going Under ficcie! :D Hurry up!

*gives general hug to everyone cause CaRWash rocks*

Someone dared me writing a fic? *winks at Kate* Ok, I will. :D

Thanks for the pics, btw, they're pure love! C'mon, look at her expression! She's totally screaming "I love you!" inside. It's not cause I'm a CaRWasher. It just shows.
I couldn`t see the episode "Going Under" but I hear that it was a very good CaRWash episode..damn me :mad:
The Coroner thanks a lot for this screencaps!! :D

But i can´t believe that she said to Ryan "babe" that´s fantastic this Ship is going to something more, the writer is making me nervous!!
I want to see this episode!!.
Now I wouldn´t miss one episode of Miami!!
Yay, Luna's gonna write fic! *gives her cookies*

aww poor Saya *huggles* You'll get to see it soon.

The writers need to quit teasing us with those little babes and looks.
Hello my fellow CaRWashers! :D How was your day!? (Can you tell im in a good mood? :lol:)

YAY!!!! I can't wait for the fic Luna!!! :D I love your banner btw.. Hehe "Love line - Do not cross." Thats great.

Thanks for the pics, TheCoroner :)
OMG!! Last night was amazing.. i was already happy that he was all worried about her.. but when she called him babe i almost died i am so happy!! I am completely convinced they are going to get them together.. with him telling her she was beautiful in the 1st ep and now her calling him babe i mean come on it's gonna happen :D They are so amazing together!!
Okay I saw the "You look very beautiful today!" comment...Totally cute! (And I think he did say the "very" didn't he? I swear he did!) And she did look amazing by the way, not many woman could pull off that look...but she looked stunning! :devil: And then yeah with the "Babe" last night...something is totally stuff! :D
OMG! I haven't been on for a couple of months and we're already on thread #4? Wow, I love it!

And let me just say, I for one, am still waiting for Calleigh and Ryan to tell everyone that they are together. Because I have a theory and it is just made up on all of the clues and things that the two of them exchange in their conversations.

But ya know, I just can't wait! And there need to be even more CaRWash moments during this season because I'm thinking that they really are secretly doing something. Whatever it is, I'm still uber happy :)
Who am I by Will Young

Remember this song?

I've got a new version...
And who am I to tell that I would never let "my beautiful" down
That no-one else could love "her" half as much as I do now
And who am I to tell "her" I'll always catch "her" when "she" falls "in the water with a Hummer" 'cause I wouldn't be "her babe" at all.

*blushes* I'm obsessed!!! (and crazy, btw :p)

I love CaRWash!!! :D :D *sighs*
Hey Katie once again Happy Happy B -Day. I bet last night "babe" comment was your B-Day wish and you got it a day early.
I hope with next weeks ep if Ryan does get in trouble that Calleigh backs him up or cheers him up from it. You know she will have his back, I hope. I think there may be a sweet carwash moment, at least one.
*blushes* I'm obsessed!!!
Lol, C.W. you are...but that is ALL good hon! You're in totally the right place for that! :lol: :lol:

I didn't get to see the previews for next week...what happens Twiz? Or what's supposed to happen? :confused:
CW, you are completely obsessed, but no worries, your amung friends :D (in other words, we all are)

Oh Mo, you should know, half of us are angst!whores ;)

Happy birthday Katie!

Explainy on that one he gets in trouble?
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