Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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Oh Mo, you should know, half of us are angst!whores
Seriously? Hmmmm, we'll just have to see what I can do about that...seeing as how I am a total FLUFFY! :D (Okay I like a little angst but only enough to cause my fluff to be that much sweeter! After that I draw the line! ;) )

what gets him in trouble...what'd he do? :(
I think you might have one or two fluffies in here.

Does he shot somebody does he kill someone? ruin evidence? what what???
Ok I've just watched 'Goin Under' and here are my thoughts. Loved the 'babe' part - only wished they'd given us a shot of Ryan's face after she said that (can you imagine him just smiling back at her *sigh*) ;) Nonetheless it made me happy - a nice CaRWash moment. Calleigh looked esp beautiful in this episode and I loved her when she took down Jake - she's a tough a@@ chick!! Yeah!

Ok so this Jake guy is gonna be her love interest this season?? I thought I read that he was supposed to be hot. Maybe I'm just Ry-blinded but he's nowhere near hot if we are comparing him to Ryan (there is no comparison in my eyes). There was one scene that was interesting to me in terms of CaRWash and that's when Calleigh asked for a moment and Ryan said he'd step out. There was a look in Ryan's eyes - like he was suprised and piecing things together - dare I say the beginnings of a little green eyed monster :D I think there is potential for some great CaRWash comforting when this relationship with Jake ends badly (and it will I think) and fingers crossed it will be the beginning of a much awaited and needed CaRWash romance :D
Wait what? The Jake dude is supposed to be a love interest for Calleigh, really? Huh, I must have missed that...but even so, there's WAY more chemistry between her and Ryan than her and Jakey boy. Huh, hopefully Ryan will act on that jealous streak you saw DC and ask out his girl before Jake can even get that would be cool! :D Or even better CaRWash could announce that they really are together (since it's pretty obvious!) and thus ruin any hope Jake has of having Calleigh! Yeah I like that even better! :lol:
Calleigh is supposed to be getting a love interest this season and I'm assuming it's this Jake character. There were subtle kinds of hints and smiles between Calleigh and Jake when she was interviewing/interogating him. It said in the article I read that it was someone from her past..
It's not nice to think of our girl with someone other than Ryan but hopefully it's the jump start that Ryan needs to ask her out already! Moriel21, jealousy can kick start things alright :)
Err... this outrages me! calleigh be with someone who isn't either a) Ryan or b) Me! Obviously this Jake character isn't anywhere near as attractive or as just good as Ryan. I hate the Miami writers so much right now!
KATIE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!! *hugs* And as a surprise, I bring: Caps! :eek: A lot of Going Under Caps! Ask me for a moment and I'll cap it. No phone caps, computer caps, so good quality too. :D

Inge, muhahahaha *evillaughter* You're still my PA, right? So practice on your evil CaRWash laughter. ;)

Think positive. Calleigh with new boy...shit spoiler.

Calleigh with a new boyfriend can only mean he's a jerk in the end, which gives us a nice CaRWash comfort scene. Yes I'm positive. Learned that from shipping Sandle. Trust me, there will be CaRWash, despite boyfriend.

Now me bring not one, not two, but MULTIPLE pics of the day!

CaRWash Pics Of The Day:
(From Going Under)


I capped it just in time, he turns to talk to her, and he smiles.
He's so worried for her when she asks if she can have a moment alone. Aww...
Lovely CaRWash pics! She's just so beautiful and he's just hot! They really are a beautiful pair.... and my official CaRWash song is:

For Calleigh: "I Should Be So Lucky" by Kylie Minouge
For Ryan: "What Do I Have To Do?" by Kylie Minouge

Yes people, I worship Kylie as well as CaRWash!
I'm still new here
I love Ryan and Caleigh They're just perfect for eachother!
He's so sweet! the just have to end up together!!!
In Belgium we're still watching season 4 so please tell me if something nice happens between C and R !
xxx sofie
In Belgium we're still watching season 4 so please tell me if something nice happens between C and R !

Well not exactly, sorry but you really need to watch "Deviant"- its my favourite CaRWash moment thus far. THEY WANTED EACH OTHER!
MikeW said:

Oh, yeah! That look definitely lasted longer than necessary and she was innerly shouting "Take me. Here. Now!". :lol: And his face just said "Ok." :devil:
Deviant is just amazing. I also LOVE the look she gives him after their little argue about the case, right after Eric goes out. Here, look:

If it isn't pure love and desire, then I really don't know how to call it.

And welcome ment_to_be! *hands CaRWash love cookies*
^ I think they started doing each other in secret right after "Deviant" ended. I mea you do not call someone babe unless your doing them! Lets see some actual CaRWash kissing! Come on!
Hey ment to be, neighbor! (I'm Dutch) Nice to see someone from Belgium here. Which language do you speak? Anyway, I can make more caps on request, and my fic is coming as well. I'm busy. :D

*Steals one cookie from Luna* :devil:
Oooh! Awesome caps, Dutchie! Calleigh is so beautiful, and that last cap of Ryan just makes me go all melty. :eek: :lol: *sighs* They do make quite a gorgeous pair, don't they?

ETA: Welcome to the thread, meant_to_be! Grab a bucket and enjoy CaRWash! :D
They do make quite a gorgeous pair, don't they?

That, Shadowfax is a massive understatement of epic proportions. They're my favourite CSI pairing! They are so totally meant to be with each other!
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