Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

i know its the oppisite but that was my version. it just popped into my head to i had to say it :) i was saying i lovee your version too. either way ryan shall end up with calleigh and thats all that matters :D

here, this can keep up all the wishful thinking:

there soo cute.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

they are standing really close together. that is like the pic that got me competly hooked on CaRWash...seriously cute.


Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

whoa you guys are really making me think about this seasin hard. I was already barfing today over thinking that reporter bitch was back and now I know Calleigh is going to have a love interest, and so is Delko, who's left???? Ryan and Friggin Boa, eh. Hopefully Ryan is still taken a time out of dating, like he said in that one ep. I don't see Calleigh relationship with this guy working, the writers don't want them to be happy, so I dont see them doing our carwash either. We can only hope it happens.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

i know! thats why i love that pic! they are standing sooo close!! but i dont understand why? we're they just waiting for something? was Calleigh upset?she looks kinda sad (havent seen the episode) can anyone answer my ?'s. thanks :D

i know...ew just Ryan and Boa..*barf* he better tell her (if she asks) that he doesnt want to see anyone. yeah the writers never make anyone happy. when Horatio was gonna get married, they killed the bride! (yup hes gonna live happily ever after, after that one :rolleyes:)

but in this case i want them to make Calleigh's relationship with this guy bad, so then she can run off to Ryan. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

ya i'm with everyone...

So i definitley found out that i can't get to a comp during school so i can't get on till i'm at my dads!! but whatev...

TV guide said that in the next season H and Delko are going to go to somewhere across the border and try and find Marisol's killer but first H runs into some family problems (ya go figure :p) and has to stop the search... but anyway... it also says that Ryan's going to make a big mistake and i THINK it said something about him saying too much but dont quote me on that. Maybe that's what the Retarded Reporter is there for... hmmmm

we should like write an angry letter to the writers of the show and request a CaRWash!! ;)

Twiz!! You've exceded the message limit!! now what am i going to do!? :eek:

only 4 more posts!!! come on y'all we gotta post so i can hit 100!! please?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Oh I fixed my pm's, I didnt realize I had a limit, 200 and most just in the last few days. In that pic I'm not sure why Calleigh looks so sad but was from 3 way I think and at the end all the " good friends" turned out to be not friends at all and were mean to each other. They were watching the friends giving each other mean looks.
So coroner you can get now...
not sure if these has been posted in here yet, but I found a new promo pic, and then I fixed the one, made it a carwash for you guys.

web page web page
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

The first thing I noticed as I saw the pics was: cool, Ryan stands behind Cal. :D
Thanks for the pics Twiz.
The second pic means: she's my girl!
That's a warning for the new guy.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

i know eh. the new guy has been warned. calleigh is ryans, and he better not mess with with ryan..:devil: :D

does anyone know when knew promo pics are coming out?? not just of Horatio and Delko but of Calleigh and Ryan? Becuase i heard NY already has a lot of promo pics
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

im curious about new promo pics too, bcuz this is the first one ive seen yet. i need new Calleigh & Ryan pics - all ive seen is H & Delko or H & Yelina.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Guys, you will not believe how friggin sorry I am! I was away yesterday all day, and I couldn't post a CPOTD. :( I wanted to mail Sue to get her to post one, but my parents wouldn't let me! I feel so ashamed and I will make up for it, I promise. How does the word 'ficcie' sound? ;)

I want PROMO pics too, I'll look out for them. Can you imagine how you would react if you EVER saw a PROMO pic of them kissing, or even hugging? OMG I would go: :eek:

About boyfriend: I have a really good idea of how to get this CaRWash. but it's also my idea for the RP, So I'll get it to Sue first and you will find out. :devil:

Well then here's an extra nice:

CaRWash Pic Of The Day
(from Deviant)


Where it comes from you can see :D Again I'm so sorry for not being here yesterday.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Twiz... like the first pic.. second one he's standing to close to the devil :devil:... he's gonna get burned!! :mad:

ya the look on his face is pretty much DON'T MESS WITH MY GIRL!! :mad:
ha ha love it! :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

He's got his arms crossed like " my property stay away..

That's ok Dutchie we all forgive you and understand. It you need to me post a pic just let me know, i'll be glad to. I'm sure I have one or I can make one.

I only seen promo pics with H and Delko in them, lots of them from them in Rio, on the set. They are on csi miami online I think. BUt I know someone has posted some of them in a thread on this board but I can't remember which thread.

As for the promo pic they have Ryan in between Cal and Devil, gesh I hope they don't end up with a triangle. Say since Cal get b/f Ryan starts seeing Boa then Cal breaks up and Ryan is torn between them...eeekkk Bad thoughts get out of my head...ooooo good fic plot.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

I got some new pics, If you go to the bottom of the page, their are pics of the cast celebrating their 100th episode, of course that little snake Natalia is trying to push herself in between Ryan/calliegh:

100th episode party (bottom of the page)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

good lord!! She's like in between them in like every freaking picture!! ahhhhhh!! :mad:

ahhhhhhhh one more post and i hit my hundreth post!!! :D :D :D
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