Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

i made a cap of it for you CalleighWolfe :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

CalleighWolfe i love that moment i remember watching that ep and saying aww he held the tape up for her :D

With all these pictures and talk of them slamming each other against the wall while alone in the lab :devil: i am like dying for more CaRWash and can't wait for September to come even though that means going back to school :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

sandersidle Thanks a lot!!! that's the exact moment!!! I'm gonna cry.

CaRWashLuvr school is good, 'cause you don't have to work :p :p :lol: :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

your welcome CalleighWolfe :D i love that scene too! there soo cute!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

CalleighWolfe said:
CaRWashLuvr school is good, 'cause you don't have to work :p :p :lol: :lol:

that's true... i'm only 16 so i have a long time before i'm gonna have to work...maybe having CSI:Miami and all my shows back on will make school better it usually makes the year seems like it goes by faster b/c i watch two or three shows ever night of the week sometimes more.. but when my shows are all on break at the same time that is when school really sucks b/c i have nothing to look forward to that night...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Shows don't break here in Holland unless it's holidays. I actually DO work and I'm fifteen, parttime job. I already hurt myself, but I already told you that. :rolleyes:

CalleighWolfe, I'm officially taking your angel wings. You're a devil, take it or leave it. :devil:

Wait a minute, Ryan is now slamming Calleigh against a door instead of me? Hmm...ah well, I can live with that. :D I'm getting Sandle flashbacks here, we're also talking about locker shoving. A nice subject for a shipper thread. Okay, I'm out. No wait: nice cap sandersidle :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Well, take my wings Dutchie what else can I do? :lol: :lol:.

Why don't we start a CaRWash POTD (Pic OF The Day) until next season starts? Like Thumpy did in Ryan's thread. Can we do that? Do we need permission or something? I say it 'cause Thumpy is an admin, isn't she? I guess you've done this before. I think I'll PM her to tell her that I'm taking her idea :p

Everyday the pic will be posted for a different person. We could make a list, so we don't get confused, and don't post 2 pics the same day, we could make a link (I'd prefer that) and maybe comment our own pic. What do you think?

I'll start looking for mine :p :p :p in s3 'cause I don't know a lot about s4. :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

ohhh i love that idea CalleighWolfe!! it will help to get through the summer! :p wow that sounds to get through the summmer? hehe :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW


Hey I found this pic and couldn't resist putting it up for you guys, it seemed like a carwash moment. I was going to put a little saying in it like I do Thumpy phone calls but I decided not to.

POTD here would be great. My next Thumpy call pic today you will all like :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Good pic Twiz. Will we make the list to post the CPOTD (CaRWash Pic Of The Day)? or just post one pic per day? or give the responsability to one person? I say just one, so we don't get lost. For example: today's pic is Twiz's, tomorrow??? We need some rules. Could all of you give some rules or improve the CPOTD idea? :D

Why don't we volunteer? I'll do it on Sunday (tomorrow I have to work all day :()
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

CalleighWolfe, I love the idea of a CPOTD and if Thumpy doesn't mind, I'm all for it. I have a (better?) idea though. Just like in the JT/Ryan thread, I think it's better to let ONE person do it. It's much easier, and less confusing. I'd gladly volonteer for that, 'cause I am online every day, and I'm not going on holiday, so I'm all free. :D If you wanna do it yourself, that's fine with me too, it's your idea after all. But I'm in! ;)

Sue, could in involve CaRWash by any chance? I'm guessing 'payback' Ryan/phone pic. Am I right??? :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

hhhmmm I'll be postin it soon.
I could sub for anyone for the POTD. If Dutchie takes it and needs a break I'm good to go. I've got tons of pics, since I came into this thread I've been finding lots of carwash pics.

Q's...will the POTD be a carwash pic or just a Ryan or Calleigh pic? I think a carwash pic would be best, fit the thread. What do you think? Maybe we should do a poll? Anyone?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

The POTD will be of them together. It's the CaRWash thread, what else would we post pictures of??? :D I'll just wait for CalleighWolfe's responce, and I wanna make sure Thumpy doesn't mind. It's her concept after all. (I think)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

{gasps} Cookies and teh CaRWash thread go together, like Milk and cookies. Yes. :D Its a way to bribe and a way to congratulate :D .. Its been our thing since thread one :D

POTD. Sounds fun!
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