Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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You know I don't pay attention to words that they say.. :lol: I'm to busy screaming at them to kiss already.

You know you want them to dirty dance ;)
Yes, I'd love to see that. IHNC, I'm gonna join you in screaming they should kiss already. I did make up a funny cap though:

CalleighDuCaine said:
present from CDC

Ryan: I hate it when Valera walks in on us.
Calleigh: I know. For once, can't she be busy?
It's easy to see them dance because he seems like he wouldn't mind it. Most guys hate dancing and if they do wouldn't tell anyone. But Ryan not like other guys so we think he would not only know how but would like it. And Calliegh would like it because she has not being having any good relationship lately and why not give Ryan a chance because he isn't like other guys. ;)
Ryan's basically the sweetest guy ever. He's kind of awkward too, but that's okay. I think Calleigh gets caught in the middle between Eric and Ryan -- creating good angst, I might add -- I think Eric believes she's trying to replace Speed in her life. Of course, Ryan /is/ Speed's replacement in a way. That's why Eric doesn't like Ryan at all -- or didn't -- now they're rather good friends.
wow, I wasn't here for one day and now I see: So much posts!! And more CaRWash-shippers? And updated fics?
( Dutchie, I'll read yours at once, and yours too, CDC ^_^ )

oh, I so wish, we'll see Calleigh and Ryan dancing together...oh my god, that would be sooooo...cute and awesome and awwwww... <333 I think I would die... :D
JEEZ GAWD! You people sure can post lol! It took me like 30 mins to read all these. I guess that's my fault though for not being on in a week. Anyways, I had a thought. I know! No laughs about that. Like they are going to be at the lab pretty much alone. I think anyways. Cause it said that Eric and Horatio are going to be in Brazil, it never said anything about Calleigh and Ryan in the News board when it said that Yelina would appear. So that means they going to be there together! HAHA

Anyways, what do you think is going to happen between them, I mean heck they are going to be around eachother more than they already were. Do you think they can go that long without flirting? Cause personally I dont think so. Dude and something else I thought about was Natalia...I hope he shuns her too cause I dont like her, nevermind better not go there. Anyways I dont know I think I'm just rambling...maybe my thoughts werent as good as I thought LOL!

But would ya'll rather them get together during the off season and then be like together when the season pops on or do you want them to take it slow. I personally want to see them take it slow but not TOO slow...I like the flirt scenes, but yea I have to go. PEACE! Maybe I'll stop in in a couple days or something can never tell.
Well, seriously, it's already bad that Eric and H are going to be sent away, if Cal and Ryan drop the flirting, when you less expect it you may see a little cute gothie (me) jumping on the scene, shaking her head in disappointment and yelling at Emily and Jon "Listen you two, forget about the script and give us some hot action. You *points at Jon* just jump her *points at Emily* and make out right here on Horatio's desk. C'mon, your characters have undeniable chemistry, just vent your sexual frustration in front of those millions of people out there! Make us happy!"

(In case you were wondering, this is my midnight delirium. I just need some sleep, which, obviously, I can't get.)
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