Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Dutchie, I already read it! And I made you a review :p But I can say it here again: I love it! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ^_^

(I don't like Natalia, even if I don't know her really...I want her to leave-.- )
Hello My Loves! :p I've missed you all! *hugs*

CDC *hands you a box of cookies* You deserved it! <3

I say we lock them in the room together, and let them sort it out :devil:
The board is on again - thank god! CDC: great chapter, great story :) *handles her out a new huge amount of brownies as brain-nutriment*
Oh, and your thoughts about Calleigh and Ryan are so as mine! Alone in the lab - so many possibilities :eek: - so wake up you two!! (*speaks to Cal/Ryan*) And welcome back, iheartnickcath - we all need this board... ;)
Ryan and Calleigh alone?? :devil: :devil: :devil: Fine by me. Natalie or whatever that *beeps* name is, she needs to go. Should we kidnap her?? Also that other girl(Eric's sister) as sad as it is to see eric lose his sister, her and horatio had zip chemistry and just made me cringe everytime i saw it. So its kind of good she was shot. Im such a horrible person for saying that, I know. Now if that natalie goes away then Ryan and Calleigh can truly be alone.
Happy birthday cinegirl -- Luvs! <3 And thanks for the warm welcome back :p .. Yup, that we do!

Natalia? .. Lets hook her up with Eric again.. lol.. What are we going to do with Valeria?
lol so everyone's all paired up now....except me that is.
*starts singing in off-key obnoxious tone* Alllllll by myself...dont wanna be, all by myseeeeeeelf! *bows*
Thank-you, thank-you. I'll be here all week.
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