Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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They have boardwalks down in Miami, don't they, with arcades and stuff? Similar to a carnival. I could see that being a date for Calleigh and Ryan. Man, I think I have to write a C/R fic now.
props to cinegirl for the banner. Carnival, that's strangly enough, a great idea. . .oh great. . .that plot bunnies are lose again.
Plot bunnies are ruthless little creatures that invade my brain at the strangest of times and never let go.

Here's a picture of Calleigh and Ryan:
Uh, one of my favourite pictures! :) Thanks for posting it, screamingpoet!
@CDC: thank YOU for continuing your ff, it's getting thrilling, I like it very much!
CDC you get a box of cookies. *hands it to you*
screamingpoet I love that picture, look how close he is to her! :devil:
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i just wanna ask sumthin..did ryan and calleigh dance together in the show?im just curious cause most fic ive read got them my country havent air yet new season of csi miami which in US already finish
I don't remember Calleigh and Ryan ever dancing, babycharmed, but I didn't watch a lot of CSI:Miami this season, so I might be wrong. I watched the early part of the season but the middle part I missed because I got lazy and involved with CSI:NY.
I think we all wish they will dance :D but I don't remember that they have ever dance because then we would have some pics of them :D
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