Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Wow, okay I'm lost...exactly how many fics are happening right now????? I love the ff but dude i cant read too many at a time I end up jumbling them together and nothing makes sense any more...LOL. But I do it anyways. LOL.
Maze said:

Dingbat: wOOt we're the same age! 19 is the legal age in Canada? Dang I still have two more years!

Really? Where are you?

In case I didn't say it before, CSIWATCHER I love your banner.
Cool wallpaper, dingbat!

Can I play the favorite moment game again?

In "Nailed," when Ryan went, "You can take the girl out of firearms... but you can't. Because it's you." So much love for that moment. He just knows her. He was the one who asked her, "Did you quit firearms because Hagen died?"

I LOVE how Ryan is just not afraid to ask people directly.

And I just watched "Payback," I really liked the small moment when Calleigh asked him, "You're OCD. Do you throw anything out?" :) (which is true, btw, we DON'T throw anything out). And that whole scene, Calleigh was just standing so close to him.

Ahhh, SQUEE. Love this pair. Damn, so long until the new season starts :(.
Caderyn said:
Calleigh asked him, "You're OCD. Do you throw anything out?" :) (which is true, btw, we DON'T throw anything out).

:lol: That's so true! :lol: *casts a look around the room* Yes, definitely true.

I'd love to hear his thoughts before a date with Cal, knowing what I think before a date :lol:
Hi guys! O.k., the blond factor returns: can s.o. please explain "OCD" for me?? :rolleyes:

Edit: oh, nearly forget to say: Dingbat, I LOVE your wallpaper! It's awesome! I guess I'll use it as my background, too :D
OCD (aka Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psycological disorder related to extreme anxiety and/or obsessive thoughts and behaviour (in my case, both. Duh).

Edit: Ryan's the cutest OCD I've ever seen! :D
cinegirl, OCD is usually most noticeable in their excessive neatness/cleanliness or in their fear of germs. It's called Obsessive Compulsive because you feel the compulsion (the need) to obsess over certain things (cleanliness, germs) or doing certain things (cleaning, arranging things in specific logical order).

Remember when Ryan first appeared and H wanted to see his gun and it was extremely clean? Probably cause he cleaned it all the time. And the way he's dressed is very neat as well (though that might just be the Miami stylist, ha ha).

Huh. I'd really like to see a fic where Calleigh reacts to this. How'd she handle it, I wonder?
I've been refered to as being OCD, but I don't know. I mean, I clean my room twice a week and I organize everything on a need-use basis etc. but I wouldn't necesarily call myself OCD...just a neatfreak!

I think Calleigh is a perfect match. I mean, she's always neat and tidy. Her appearance is imaculate and all.

I'd like to see an episode based on his OCD. Like he gets really dirty and he feels like he can't clean himself. It'd be interesting to see...

BTW I'm glad everyone likes the wallpaper :D
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